Chapter 165 Changes (1)

"Company meeting," Carina sent the announcement through the company chat room as each department head walked out of their offices and into the boardroom. 

For some, this was not a big deal since most of the time the CEO would ask for a meeting now and then days before a big event. Most of them were so used to these abrupt meetings knowing how their CEO works. As perfectionist as he is, he always made sure that everything was perfect right before the event. 

The air inside the board room was cheerful although some had anxiety because of the upcoming event. Jessy, the CEO's secretary, brought in some donuts and other sweet treats and of course, a large container of coffee which was placed in one corner of the boardroom. Just like everyone, she had already prepared herself for impromptu meetings and made sure there was always snacks. Sometimes, if the meeting was longer than it should have, the CEO himself would order a meal for everyone.