Chapter 2: The Interrogation

(Viktor POV)

I slowly woke up being cuffed down by my wrists and ankles to a steel chair in a large room, hearing female chattering from around the room. As I woke, I first saw Alexsandr in the corner of the room and the female chatter stops, now everyone looking at me. I start to panic a bit, but calms down a tiny bit, realizing that everything I had on the previous night is still on, including my combat boots, pretty much the only thing I wear besides the occasional winter boots for my trips to Russia. "W..where am I? Why am I here?" I try to break free, but to no use. I would use my ma- brute strength, but then I would give away my power. "You're in the female dorms, first of all. And second, we want to know everything about you, that's including what you hide behind that mask of yours," a female that, what I assumed, was Brazilian due to the words on her back that clearly spelt 'B.O.P.E.', said. I hoped back a bit as she got closer to me, slowly pulling a knife out. "I'm not saying shit about me, nor are any of you seeing my face. Not even Alexsandr saw my face," I said in a slight response. The Brazilian slowly crept up to me, "Come on, we just want to know what you are like. How is it that hard to say?" I hesitate, not knowing what to do, nor what to say. I wish I could explain, but then I would probably be put up as a target to everyone on the team and to everyone. Thankfully Alexsandr tried to step in and defend me, "Hey gals, I don't think he should be saying anything. I mean, we haven't seen him in action, and interrogating him won't make him do any better, Tiana. Just leave him be for now, then maybe we can ask," he turns towards me, "when the time comes, that is." I just stay how I was, drawing a complete blank on what to do. "Viktor? Viktor are you there?" was all I heard, the voice sounded so familiar, yet I couldn't tell who or where it came from. The room spun and twisted into a dark and frozen woods. I could do nothing but walk aimlessly towards the words. The words just kept repeating as I got closer, going from a brisk yet cautious walk to a full on run, I ran as fast as I could to a small clearing, where I saw five gravestones, the first one had its first name scratched out, the second one had Dimitri Petrinko, the third had Symphony Petrinko, the fourth one had Flora Petrinko, and the fifth one had my Paz's name on it. I didn't know who the other four were, but I knew what it all meant. It meant no matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, I will outlive everyone and everything else, even if I die. A yell into my ear snapped me out of my trance by no other than Alexsandr, "VIKTOR, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG!?" was all I could hear from him. I shook my head to get out of it, and saw the concern on everyone's face, besides a lady with green hair, she seemed more disgusted in me. I sigh and decided I should tell at least a bit of me, "I'll tell you all a bit about me. But understand that this will never, and I repeat never leave this room, got it?" They all nodded in response. "Good, that's what I want to hear."