Chapter 7- The secret of Secret Chamber

As Rohan and Avyaan stood together in the clearing, a sense of camaraderie and affection passing between them, Rohan felt a strange stirring in his heart—a feeling unlike any he had ever experienced before. As he hugged Avyaan once more, he couldn't help but sense a warmth and tenderness that went beyond mere friendship. It was a feeling of love, deep and profound, that blossomed within him, filling him with a sense of joy and contentment.

But as quickly as the feeling came, he pushed it aside, his mind clouded with doubts and uncertainties. He couldn't risk revealing his true feelings to the senior, not when their bond was already so precious and fragile. And so, he buried his emotions deep within his heart, vowing to keep them hidden from prying eyes.

Instead, he turned to Avyaan with a question on his lips, his voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within him. "Senior," he began, "what do you know about Markati? And about the secret chamber hidden within our midst?"

Avyaan regarded Rohan with a knowing look, sensing the turmoil that lay beneath his calm exterior. "Markati is a creature of darkness, born of ancient legends and whispered tales," he replied, his voice tinged with solemnity. "She is a formidable foe, with powers beyond comprehension and a thirst for chaos and destruction."

"As for the secret chamber," Avyaan continued, his expression thoughtful, "it holds many mysteries and secrets, some of which may hold the key to defeating Markati once and for all. But it is a place of great danger, and we must tread carefully if we are to unlock its secrets without unleashing untold horrors upon the world."

As Avyaan revealed the origins of the secret chamber, Rohan listened with rapt attention, his curiosity piqued by the secrets that lay hidden within its walls. He learned that the chamber had been created by the senior's father, a powerful and wise guardian of ancient knowledge, who had dedicated his life to preserving the wisdom of the ages for future generations.

"It was my father who discovered the chamber," Avyaan explained, his voice tinged with pride and reverence. "He devoted years of his life to unlocking its secrets and unraveling the mysteries contained within its depths. And when he passed away, he entrusted its guardianship to me, his only son."

As Rohan absorbed this revelation, his gaze shifted to the mystical door that had led them to the chamber in the first place. He remembered the sense of awe and wonder he had felt when he first laid eyes upon it, the realization dawning upon him that it was no ordinary doorway, but a portal to another realm altogether.

"The door was created by the Goddess of Creation herself," Avyaan continued, his voice filled with awe and reverence. "It is said to contain many holy scriptures and powerful weapons, artifacts of untold power that have the potential to shape the course of history itself."

As Rohan's curiosity about the Avyaan's true identity grew, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the back of his mind. With each passing moment, his questions grew more insistent, until he could no longer contain his curiosity.

"Senior," he began tentatively, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "there's something I've been meaning to ask you. Who are you, really? What is your true identity?"

Avyaan regarded Rohan with a knowing look, his expression unreadable as he weighed his response. After a moment of silence, he spoke, his voice steady and calm.

"I am not just a mere mortal, as you may have suspected," he admitted, his words carrying a weight of truth that resonated deep within the boy's soul. "I am a demigod."

Rohan's eyes widened in astonishment at the revelation, his mind reeling with the implications of what he had just learned. "A demigod?" he repeated incredulously. "But why have you chosen to walk among us as one of us? And why now, in our time of need?"

Avyaan sighed, his gaze turning inward as he grappled with the weight of his words. "My presence on Earth is not a mere coincidence," he explained. "I have been sent here on a mission, a mission of utmost importance that will shape the fate of both gods and mortals alike."

He went on to reveal that the other members of their team were not just his companions, but his subordinates, fellow demigods who had been tasked with aiding him in his mission to protect the world from the threat of darkness and chaos.

"As demigods, it is our duty to safeguard the balance of the universe and protect the realms from those who seek to disrupt it," Avyaan continued, his voice filled with a sense of purpose and resolve. "And now, with the emergence of Markati and the looming threat of her power, our mission has never been more critical."

As Rohan processed the astonishing revelation of the senior's true identity as a demigod, a flurry of questions and emotions swirled within him. Among them was a lingering sense of uncertainty about his own role in the grand plan unfolding before them.

"Senior," he began tentatively, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "what about me? Am I a part of this plan as well?"

Avyaan regarded the boy with a mixture of sadness and resolve, knowing that his next words would weigh heavily upon them both. "No, my dear boy," he replied gently, his voice filled with regret. "You are not meant to be a part of this."

"Then how did the door which was created by goddess of creation was opened by me without any extra efforts? why?" he asked, his voice tinged .

Avyaan found him to be caught in the question of Rohan and later sighed, his expression pained as he sought to explain the reasoning behind his decision. "You are special, my dear boy," he explained softly. "And I cannot risk exposing you to the dangers that lie ahead. Your safety is paramount, and I must do everything in my power to protect you from harm."

As the morning sun began to paint the sky with hues of orange and gold, the senior gently advised Rohan to have a nap, knowing that they both needed rest after the events of the night. With a nod of understanding, Rohan settled down to sleep, his mind still buzzing with the revelations of the past few hours.

When he awoke, the sun was high in the sky, and a sense of renewed energy coursed through his veins. With a smile on his face, he made his way to college, eager to reunite with his friends and resume the normalcy of everyday life.

He entered the college grounds, he was greeted by the sight of his friends, all healthy and in good spirits. It was as if the events of the previous night had never happened, and a sense of relief washed over him at the sight of their smiling faces.

As a part of his affection Rohan packs a box of food which he had made for Avyaan as he thought that he must be hungry after their long night. Rohan finds senior standing near the sports room with his fellow mates. Rohan rushes towards the senior with box of food which he had made and gives him and runs back. Avyaan's fellow mates started to make fun about him. Avyaan ignored them, held the box and found a silent place and ate the food made by Rohan. Rohan as was walked across the campus, his mind raced with a mix of emotions. He hadn't seen Sunny in what felt like an eternity, not since the incident that tore their family apart. He spotted Sunny sitting on a bench, his once vibrant energy now subdued by the weight of his injuries. 

The memory flooded back with startling clarity as Rohan saw Sunny, the echoes of that painful day reverberating through his mind like a haunting melody. He remembered the sharp sting of his aunt's words, the icy glares that pierced straight through him. He remembered the feeling of being unwanted, unloved, discarded like yesterday's news.

 The weight of Sunny's injuries serving as a grim reminder of the consequences of their family's strife, he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Avyaan who had taken him in. It was a small act of kindness amidst a sea of hostility, but it had changed the trajectory of his life in ways he could never have imagined.

In the evening Avyaan and Rohan decides to enter the secret chamber to find out artifacts or scriptures that could help to subdue and contain Markati one for all . Avyaan opens the door of the secret chamber and warns Rohan to avoid going to restricted door which was previously opened by Rohan and Markati escaped from the prison. Avyaan searches for scriptures that could help him to know more about weakness of Markati so to use it against her. Rohan also helps him to search for things that could help them. 

In the dimly lit corner of the room amidst towering shelves of ancient tomes and whispered secrets, Rohan hesitantly approached Avyaan, his eyes gleaming with fascination. "Senior," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "you've to see this what I've found in the weaponry". Avyaan turns to have a look of the thing Rohan had brought. 

Avyaan, looked the thing with a faint smile playing on his lips. "Ah, the Sword of Light," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of reverence. "A relic of olden times, steeped in myth and legend. It is said that only the purest of hearts can wield its power. But be warned, young one, for such artifacts often come with a price." With a thoughtful nod, the boy absorbed every word, his imagination ignited with tales of valor and destiny.

As Rohan listened intently, Avyaan reached for a weathered tome resting on a shelfs ancient oak desk. With a careful hand, he gently unfurled its pages, revealing a world of arcane symbols and forgotten wisdom. "Behold," he whispered, his voice trembling with reverence, "the Codex of Armaments, a repository of knowledge spanning the cosmos." Each page seemed to pulse with an otherworldly glow as he traced his fingers over the ancient text, revealing secrets long lost to time. "Here," he murmured, pointing to a passage illuminated by a soft, ethereal light, "lies the tale of the Sword of Light, forged in the fires of creation itself."

Emerging from the secret room, both carried the Codex of Armaments and the hilt of the Sword of Light, their minds ablaze with the prospect of unlocking its mysteries. They laid out their treasures upon a weathered blanket, their eager fingers tracing the intricate glyphs adorning the sword's hilt. With the Codex spread open before them, they delved deep into its pages, immersing themselves in the lore and legend of the fabled weapon. Each word seemed to resonate with power as they pieced together the sword's history, its origins shrouded in myth and magic.

The codex mentioned about the creation and about it powers as "In the annals of time, amidst the celestial tapestry woven by the hands of gods, there exists the legend of the "Sword of Light". Crafted by the divine hands of the Goddess of Creation herself, it is whispered that she imbued the blade with the radiant essence of her very being, forged from the jewels that adorned her leg. With a single stroke, it was said to cleave through the darkness that threatened to engulf the cosmos, its brilliance illuminating even the deepest shadows. Yet, such power came with a profound caveat, for the sword could only be wielded by those whose hearts burned with the purest of energies. To touch it with the stain of malice was to invite the wrath of heavens upon the unworthy. Throughout the ages, tales were told of valiant heroes who took up the Sword of Light in the face of insurmountable odds, their souls aflame with righteousness as they vanquished the darkest of demons with but a single, resplendent slash. And so, the legend endured, a beacon of hope amidst the eternal struggle between light and shadow, a testament to the enduring power of purity in a world besieged by darkness."

As Avyaan and Rohan gazed upon the Sword of Light, its hilt aglow with ancient power, they noticed a faint, pulsating aura emanating from the blade, just as the Codex had foretold. With a shared sense of awe, they turned their attention back to the sacred text, their fingers tracing the words that held the key to unlocking the sword's true potential. Delving deeper into the tome's illuminated pages, they discovered the ancient rituals and incantations necessary to awaken the dormant energies within the blade.

As they delved deeper into the ancient text, Avyaan and Rohan uncovered the final piece of the puzzle: the conditions required to revive the dormant powers of the Sword of Light. According to the Codex, the sword's true potential could only be unlocked on the day of a solar eclipse, when the sun stood directly overhead, its brilliance momentarily obscured by the shadow of the moon. It was during this celestial alignment that the wielder must forge a profound connection with the sword, exchanging their own energies for the dormant power within the blade. Through this sacred bond, they would not only awaken the sword's radiant might but also establish a profound link between themselves and the ancient weapon.