Chapter 26- Final Battle - 1

Rohan's eyes fluttered open, the echoes of his connection with Tina fading like whispers in the wind. 

Rohan's body trembled with exertion as he expelled a spray of blood, the crimson droplets staining the ground beneath him. The effort of channeling his powers to forge a connection with Tina in the Celestial realm had exacted a heavy toll on his fragile form.

Gasping for breath, he fought to steady himself, his muscles quivering with fatigue. Every fiber of his being screamed in protest. Avyaan's gentle touch offered solace amid the chaos that engulfed them, as he carefully cradled Rohan's weakened form in his arms. With tender care, he lowered Rohan onto his lap, his touch a comforting anchor in the midst of turmoil. With a weary sigh, Rohan leaned into Avyaan's embrace, his body sagging with the weight of his exhaustion. The rhythmic rise and fall of Avyaan's chest provided a soothing rhythm. 

With Rohan's unconscious form draped across his shoulders, Avyaan embarked on their journey southward, his steps measured and purposeful despite the weight of his burden. The weight of Rohan's body pressed heavily against him, a constant reminder of the perilous journey that lay ahead.

"We can't stay here," Avyaan whispered, his voice tinged with determination. "It's too dangerous. We need to keep moving."

Amidst the suffocating shroud of darkness that enveloped the world, Avyaan pressed forward, his burden weighing heavily upon him both physically and emotionally. The absence of sunlight cast the land into an eternal twilight, where shadows danced and whispered in the gloom.

With a wary eye on the shadowy landscape, Avyaan pressed on, his determination unyielding despite the ominous presence of lurking demon minions. Every step forward was a battle against the encroaching darkness, his senses alert for any sign of danger.

The weight of exhaustion bore down upon Avyaan's shoulders like a leaden burden, his strength waning with each passing moment. Despite his best efforts to press on, the relentless strain of traveling and carrying Rohan had taken its toll, sapping his energy and leaving him teetering on the brink of collapse. With a weary sigh, Avyaan's trembling legs gave way beneath him, and he stumbled to the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The earth felt hard and unforgiving beneath his weary form, the weight of his exhaustion pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket.

Avyaan lay sprawled on the ground, exhaustion threatening to consume him, his senses heightened with a sense of impending danger. Through the haze of weariness, he glimpsed the unmistakable silhouette of demons looming on the horizon, their dark forms cutting through the oppressive gloom like shadows given life.

As Avyaan lay exhausted, surrounded by the encroaching darkness of the demon minions, he saw high above, three swords materialized from the vast expanse of the sky. With swift and graceful arcs, the swords descended upon the malevolent beings, cleaving through their forms with a righteous fury.

Each demon that dared to draw near found itself met with the unyielding force of these celestial weapons, their dark essence scattering into the ether upon contact. Avyaan, wide-eyed and awestruck. Through the veil of exhaustion, Avyaan perceived the approach of three shadowy figures, their forms shrouded in darkness yet unmistakably wielding the glinting swords of celestial might.

Avyaan teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, his senses fading into a hazy blur, the words of the approaching shadows spoken with a mixture of disbelief and apprehension, echoed in his mind like a haunting refrain.

"It can't be, will we be facing another catastrophe?".

Avyaan succumbed to the embrace of unconsciousness.

Avyaan stirred from his restless slumber, the distant murmur of voices pulling him back from the depths of unconsciousness. His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light, he found themselves greeted by the sight of Rohan engaged in conversation with three unfamiliar People.

Avyaan, drawn by both curiosity and a desire for clarity, approached Rohan with cautious steps. As they neared him, Avyaan could see the intensity in Rohan's gaze, a reflection of the gravity of the conversation he was engaged in with the three Unknown Personalities.

"Rohan," Avyaan began, his voice tinged with curiosity, "do you know them?"

Rohan rose from his seat with a welcoming smile, gesturing towards Avyaan as he introduced them to the three figures who had come to their aid.

"Avyaan," Rohan began, his voice warm with gratitude, "allow me to introduce you to our saviors. This is Nitesh, Monica, and Harry."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," he said, "I'm Avyaan, and I'm truly grateful, we wouldn't be here without your help.."

Avyaan's eyes widened in surprise as Nitesh, Monica, and Harry swiftly rose from their seats and knelt before him. The unexpected gesture of reverence left him momentarily speechless, his heart touched by the profound display of respect.

"Please, there's no need for that," Avyaan said softly, his voice laced with humility. "We are all equals here, bound by the same trials and tribulations." Trio gets up 

Avyaan's eyes widened in astonishment as Rohan revealed the disconcerting truth. Three days unconscious—time that had slipped away unnoticed, leaving him adrift in a world of uncertainty.

"Three days?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. "It feels like only moments ago that I closed my eyes."

Avyaan turned to Rohan, their gaze reflecting a growing concern. With minions lurking everywhere, the safety of their current location was of paramount importance.

"Rohan," Avyaan began, their voice low with urgency, "how safe is this place? With minions roaming so freely, I fear for our security."

"It's not as safe as we'd like," Rohan admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "But we've managed to fortify our defenses as best we can. With Nitesh, Monica, and Harry by our side, we stand a fighting chance."

" And have you heard anything about Tina and celestial troops coming to our aid?" questioned Avyaan.

"Nitesh spoke to Tina day before yesterday , and she assured him that she'll be leading the celestial troops to our aid. They'll be arriving in the mortal realm within a week." claimed Rohan. 

Nitesh asks Avyaan to take rest as his body was still weak and needs time heal.

Turning to Rohan, Monica, and Harry, Nitesh continued, his tone firm with resolve. "The rest of you, prepare yourselves for any potential attacks by the demons. We must remain vigilant and be ready to defend our sanctuary at a moment's notice."

They nodded in understanding. 

Avyaan made his way outside, He found Rohan sitting alone, his silhouette outlined against the backdrop of the evening sky. The soft glow of twilight cast a serene aura over the scene, punctuated by the gentle rustle of leaves in the evening breeze.

Approaching Rohan with quiet footsteps, Avyaan settled beside him, their presence a silent comfort in the gathering darkness.

"Babe," Avyaan began softly, "are you alright?" Rohan glanced at Avyaan, and leaned on his shoulder with a faint smile touching his lips as he nodded.

"I'm fine, Babe," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of introspection. "Just taking a moment to collect my thoughts."

Avyaan ask Rohan if they could tell about their relationship to the other three.

Rohan asks Avyaan to keep it down as it was not the best time to delve into personal matters. They exchanged a quick glance, their senses tingling with the awareness of being overheard. As they turned to investigate, they found Nitesh standing nearby, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Nitesh," Rohan greeted, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

Nitesh chuckled softly, his demeanor relaxed and unapologetic.

"Perhaps," he admitted with a playful twinkle in his eye. "But only because I couldn't resist the opportunity to tease you both. So now tell me how did you guys meet and became soulmates."

Avyaan and Rohan exchanged a surprised glance at Nitesh's unexpected question. It was a topic they hadn't discussed openly before, but they understood Nitesh's curiosity and the importance of sharing their story. Rohan took a deep breath, his gaze shifting between Avyaan and Nitesh before he began to speak. 

"It all started during my first year at college," he began, his eyes glinting with nostalgia. "I was struggling to find my way around campus, feeling a bit lost in the sea of new faces. That's when I stumbled upon Avyaan."

"Nitesh, you know how I'm not the most outgoing person," Rohan chuckled, "but Avyaan was different. He had this magnetic energy that drew people to him.

When I first saw him, he seemed like this formidable figure, all serious and unapproachable. Being a senior, he had that aura of authority around him that made me a bit nervous. There was a time during college when I had a bit of a crush on him." He chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. "But I never had the courage to tell him. I mean, Avyaan had this reputation of being quite selective when it came to relationships, I'd seen him turn down quite a few people who had confessed their feelings for him. So, I kept my feelings to myself, content with just seeing him from far."

 "I don't remember you from my college days," Avyaan said, his tone matter-of-fact.

Rohan felt a pang of disappointment, but he managed a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I guess I wasn't exactly on your radar back then," he replied,

"It's all right, though," Rohan continued. "We probably moved in different circles, and I was pretty much just another face in the crowd."

"Yeah, after college, things changed. Avyaan graduated first and went on to join his father's company. Meanwhile, I was still figuring things out, trying to find my place in the world. It was a bittersweet moment when Avyaan left," Rohan continued.

Rohan leaned forward, his voice picking up pace as he recounted the unexpected twist in their story to Nitesh. "And then, out of nowhere, the company I was working for got acquired.

It was like a blast from the past," Rohan continued, his eyes widening with the realization. Avyaan had become the CEO of the company, and one of his first decisions was to order the removal of the entire design team as company was moving towards implementing AI for design tasks, which meant that human designers were no longer needed."

"I accepted the role as Avyaan's PA, but soon I realized he was careless and rude," Rohan explained, frustration evident in his voice. "He'd dismiss my suggestions without consideration and often overlooked my efforts. It felt like my contributions didn't matter to him."

"One day, I reached my breaking point," Rohan recounted, his voice tinged with resolve. "I couldn't bear another moment of Avyaan's disrespect and disregard."

"Initially, I held onto hope," Rohan admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Despite Avyaan's behavior, I still clung to the possibility of gaining his attention, of somehow making things work between us. But as time went on, and Avyaan's demeanor remained unchanged, that hope began to fade, I realized that I couldn't change who Avyaan was or how he treated me. With a heavy heart, I made the difficult decision to let go of that hope and move on."

"After leaving the company, I didn't head straight home, instead I met Tina who was worried about the diminishing power of the magical spell which held demons in the underworld.

Later when I was captured by the demon king and throwned in the dungeon Avyaan was already there. I got to know that he had come in search of me and got caught by demons.

I ignored him first, but later fell for his determination and dedication towards me . He was beside me when demon king Asura had sucked my energies and also he was the one who carried me all the way here and that's how we became soulmates

As Rohan finished his story, a sense of tranquility settled over the conversation, only to be interrupted by the sudden arrival of Monica and Harry, their expressions etched with shock and terror.."

"Guys! You need to come quick! It's urgent!" Monica exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear as she grasped Harry's arm tightly.

Nitesh inquired about the situation, Monica and Harry exchanged hesitant glances, their fear palpable in the air. They struggled to find the words to articulate the horrors they had witnessed, their throats constricting with anxiety.

Nitesh, Rohan, and Avyaan exchanged determined glances, they knew they had to act swiftly to understand the source of Monica and Harry's terror. With cautious steps, they stealthily made their way towards the door, their hearts pounding with apprehension.

As they peered through the crack in the door, their eyes widened in shock at the scene before them.

Nitesh, Rohan, and Avyaan beheld the shocking sight before them, their hearts sank with dread. Five ominous figures, each embodying a deadly sin—lust, anger, ego, greed, and jealousy—stalked through the village, casting a shadow of fear and despair over the once peaceful community.

 Lust's seductive whispers sent shivers down their spines, while anger's fiery gaze filled them with unease. Ego stood tall and imposing, greed's insatiable hunger gnawed at their souls, and jealousy's envious glare pierced through their defenses.

"We have to stop them," Rohan whispered, his voice trembling with determination as he gripped his friends' arms tightly.

Rohan prepared to rush out to confront the five sins, Nitesh's hand shot out, stopping him in his tracks. With a grave expression, Nitesh gestured towards the shadowy figure lurking behind the sins—a figure that struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest souls.

Rohan's eyes widened in horror as he beheld the imposing figure of Mahish, the fearsome general in charge of the demons. His presence alone sent chills down their spines, his malevolent aura overshadowing even the sins themselves.

"Listen, everyone," Nitesh began, his tone commanding attention. "Mahish, the demon general we just witnessed, is no ordinary foe. He is the second most powerful demon in existence, surpassed only by the demon king himself. Only the heavenly king possesses the power to challenge Mahish. 

"Nitesh is right. We're facing a threat beyond anything we've ever encountered before. Our only chance of survival is to leave this place, now." Rohan stepped forward, his voice filled with urgency.

 The group swiftly mobilized for their journey to the north, Nitesh focused his concentration, channeling his innate abilities to open a portal to his own village. With a surge of energy, the portal shimmered into existence before them.

Nitesh cautiously peered through the doors of his house, his heart sank at the sight before him. The once familiar streets of his village were now overrun with chaos and despair, the eerie glow of demonic energy casting dark shadows across the landscape. "We're too late," Nitesh whispered, his voice heavy with sorrow and regret. "They've already taken over." 

Rohan, Monica, and Harry crowded around Nitesh, their expressions grim as they took in the scene unfolding before them.

Nitesh directed his gaze towards the looming shadow in the distance, a sense of unease settled over the group. "That's Bhauma," Nitesh explained, his voice hushed with trepidation. "He is the one that even the heavenly king fears to cross paths with." It was said that his power surpassed even that of Mahish and the five sins combined, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Nitesh addressed everyone his voice tinged with concern. "It's too dangerous to stay here in the north with such powerful demons like Bhauma lurking nearby," he warned. "We must leave immediately."

Everyone nodded in agreement, understanding the urgency of the situation. They knew that their chances of survival would be slim if they remained in the vicinity of Bhauma and the other formidable demons.

"We'll head west," Nitesh declared, his tone resolute.

Monica stepped forward, her expression determined. Channeling her inner strength, she focused her energy and began to weave intricate patterns in the air with her hands.

With a surge of power, a portal shimmered into existence before them, its swirling vortex a gateway to the west—a path to safety and sanctuary away from the dangers of the north.

"We don't have much time," Monica urged, her voice steady despite the intensity of her concentration. "The portal won't stay open for long."

They stepped towards the portal and passed through the portal, leaving behind the darkness of the north.

As the group emerged from the portal into the lands of the west, their relief was short-lived as they found themselves surrounded by a horde of demons' minions, their sinister forms closing in on them from all sides.

Rohan's heart sank as he realized the gravity of their situation. "We've walked right into a trap," he muttered, his voice heavy with dismay. Nitesh's voice rose above the din, commanding attention. "We cannot afford to falter now," he declared, his tone firm and resolute. "We must slaughter these minions, Rohan and Avyaan you two stand still here we will be here to protect you."

Nitesh, Monica, and Harry drew their swords in unison, their blades gleaming in the dim light as they prepared to engage the demons. Taking their positions, they advanced from three different directions, their movements calculated and precise.

The trio of warriors closed in on the demons, their swords flashed through the air with deadly accuracy, striking swift and decisive blows against their foes. Nitesh's movements were fluid and controlled, his strikes finding their mark with precision. Monica's agility allowed her to evade incoming attacks while delivering powerful counterblows, while Harry's strength and determination drove his attacks forward with unstoppable force.

Nitesh, Monica, and Harry pressed forward, their blades slicing through the ranks of demons with precision, they were suddenly halted by the arrival of a figure more powerful than any they had faced before.

A hush fell over the battlefield as the ground trembled beneath their feet, heralding the arrival of their new adversary. With a menacing presence that seemed to suffuse the very air around them, the figure stepped forward, radiating an aura of overwhelming power and malevolence.

Nitesh, Monica, and Harry exchanged wary glances, their swords poised and ready for battle, but even they could sense the futility of their efforts against such a formidable foe.

Nitesh's heart sank as he beheld the towering form of Sursa, her eyes gleaming with malevolence as she surveyed the battlefield. Monica and Harry tightened their grips on their swords, their determination unwavering in the face of such a formidable foe.

"Sursa," Nitesh murmured. "Listen, everyone," he began, his tone urgent yet resolute. "Sursa possesses great powers, far beyond anything we've encountered before. She can engulf everything in her path by opening her mouth wide."

With a firm grip on his sword, Nitesh channeled his inner strength, his powers surging through the blade as he prepared to confront Sursa head-on. With a determined resolve, he surged forward, his movements swift and decisive as he closed the distance between himself and the formidable demoness. As he neared Sursa, he felt the weight of her malevolent presence bearing down upon him, but he refused to falter. With every step, he focused his energy, his determination unwavering as he prepared to unleash his attack. 

Harry and Monica joined him, their swords infused with their own formidable powers.

With each stride, their combined energy crackled in the air, a potent force of determination and strength. Harry's sword glowed with fierce intensity, his resolve matching the blazing fire within him. Monica's blade shimmered with an ethereal light, her focus unwavering as she channeled her powers into the weapon.

Together, the trio advanced towards Sursa, their synchronized movements a testament to their unity and determination. As they closed in on the demoness, their swords flashed through the air in a coordinated assault, each strike aimed with precision and purpose. With every swing, they fought with unwavering resolve, their combined powers adding to the ferocity of their attack. The air crackled with energy as they clashed with Sursa, their determination unyielding in the face of her overwhelming power.

The demoness unleashed a torrent of her formidable powers against them, a relentless barrage aimed at halting their advance.

With each step forward, the trio felt the weight of Sursa's assault bearing down upon them. Waves of dark energy rippled through the air, threatening to overwhelm them with their sheer force.

Nitesh gritted his teeth against the onslaught, his grip on his sword tightening as he struggled to maintain his momentum. Harry and Monica fought valiantly beside him, their determination unwavering despite the overwhelming odds.

But Sursa's powers were formidable, and with each passing moment, the trio found themselves pushed to their limits. Shadows danced around them, threatening to ensnare them in their grasp, while tendrils of dark energy lashed out with deadly precision.

Gasping for breath, Nitesh's arms grew heavy as he struggled to lift his sword, the weight of exhaustion settling upon him like a suffocating blanket. Harry and Monica fared no better, their movements sluggish as they fought to keep pace with the relentless onslaught.

Realizing that they were nearing their limits, Nitesh called out to his companions, his voice strained with fatigue. "We can't keep this up," he managed, his words punctuated by labored breaths. "We need to retreat."

Sursa unleashed her ultimate attack, a sense of dread washed over Nitesh, Harry, Monica, Rohan, and Avyaan as they beheld the demoness opening her mouth wide, ready to swallow them whole.

"Monica, Harry," Nitesh called out, his voice infused with urgency and resolve. "We need to combine our remaining powers to open a portal and escape."

Pooling their waning energy, they formed a circle, their hands clasped tightly together as they focused their combined strength towards a single purpose. With every ounce of their being, they channeled their remaining powers, drawing upon the depths of their resolve to defy the darkness that threatened to consume them.

 Their energies intertwined, a shimmering portal began to materialize before them, its swirling vortex a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. With a collective effort, they poured their remaining strength into the portal, willing it to open wider and transport them to safety.