The elections, part 1.

As it was a new school year, the student committees were unified again after their dissolution, one month before the academy had ceased operations.

Many were eager to participate again, others were nervous because it would be the first time they would participate in a school committee.

The organization was really lousy and chaotic. For some strange reason, several students were running to try to put out a fire in the principal's office, since the flyers inviting to participate had been burned.

But in that Aimi came to impose order, not only putting out the fire that existed, but also organizing the two contenders of all the years.

The first committee was that of the Conservatives, famous for being those who followed the tradition and did not allow any radical change in the academy. One example was that the Conservatives always voted in favor of not changing the color of the soccer uniform for the school team.

And now on the other hand there were precisely the Reds, those who wanted to change many things that the Conservatives did not allow.

Part of it was the color of the soccer uniform, using some areas of the academy as recreational areas, etc.

However, one would think that the Reds were the ones who would always win the races since that would please most of the student body ... but no. The Conservatives had ruled their student power for more than eight generations, so a the Reds victory would be historic for the academy.

-You know, everyone will put their budget. I want you to have your candidates ready, your written speeches and the other things you have to do. -Aimi ordered as she settled all the chaos in the director's office.

-We teachers can also participate, teacher Aimi. Indirectly but we can help our students. –Said Tadashi, who entered the management to help his colleague.

-That's excellent, I wouldn't mind helping these guys. They really are a mess.

-But you must choose a side: conservative or red, which one do you choose?

-That reminds me of a scene from the Matrix. -She laughed. - The truth is that I come from a very traditional family, so I will go with The Conservatives.

-For real? -Tadashi's eyes caught fire.

He was known for always being the Reds tutor. Although he always lost, he never gave up. On one occasion, he had argued fervently, accusing The Conservatives of manipulating the elections in his favor, since the victory of the Reds was on the horizon.

It's not like the academy elections were taken seriously by all the students… but Tadashi took it as if it were all-out war, almost almost as if he was a candidate for the position of prime minister of the country.

-It's okay? -Aimi asked.

-Consider that this is total war. It is not to show off, but my studies in sociology make me a great political rival, so was preparing yourself to lose. –Tadashi said, in a mocking tone.

-I've always liked challenges… I'll bet a month's salary that The Conservatives will kick your butt on you and your committee!

-Make it two months! With weekends included.

-Done. -The two parties shook hands, heading to their rooms, respectively.

Already in the lockers you could see perfectly all the propaganda of turquoise blue and red, alluding to each committee.

You could see the invitations for people who wanted to be part of the pre-candidacies. The most skilled to speak would be chosen, those who had the most lip ... in short, Ringo was not even close as a candidate.

-I continue and will continue to think that this is shit. -He sighed, as he was sprawled in his seat.

-Hey, why don't you get excited? The truth is that I don't know which committee to join, it would be the first time I've participated.

Yumei and Eiji argued in the hallways, heading for the classrooms. She was red and he was conservative, something that Yurisa liked a lot, because she, in the same way, was from the Reds.

-How well the first boyfriend fight tastes. –Yurisa said, watching how the two lovebirds fought in defense of their ideals.

-It's that no, things must be like that, everything follows its natural course, we must not alter it! -Eiji sputtered.

-Yes, but you should be more open to the opinions of others! I don't understand why you bother about something as silly as this, reactionary! –Yumei defended herself.

Yumei hanged Eiji while he pulled her by the cheeks. They looked pretty cute fought in that childish way.

-Yeah… this is bullshit. -Ringo affirmed.

When Professor Tadashi arrived, he put his trunk on the desk, taking out a red marker, on purpose, writing on the board: "The elections."

Everyone knew how Tadashi got when it came to elections. Practically, they were sessions of radicalism throughout history starting in the late 1700s, beginning with the French Revolution.

-Very good ... Who wants to be a candidate for the Reds? -He asked, seriously and with murderous eyes ... no one raised their hand. -Okay, hen group, I'll pick three people at random and no whining.

Professor Tadashi closed his eyes and started moving his finger up and down the list. The three names that had come up were Eiji, Juro and Yumei.

-Very good, do you have something to say? –He questioned.

-I'm conservative. –Said Eiji.

-I'm sorry to meet new people… -answered Yumei.

Juro was lost in thought, so he didn't hear anything, he just gave a huge yawn, raising a hand.

-Bingo, it seems we have our candidate! -Tadashi sputtered.

-Oh great, who is it? –Asked Juro.

-Your! -Tadashi pointed out.

-Me?! But at what time?!

-A clap for our candidate! –All applauded a confused Juro, as they carried him and threw him into the air, taking him before he fell.

-This is a mistake, I was just yawning! Ringo help me, please! -He begged.

-I'm sorry, but I'm not good with the masses.

-Oh, my first decree as chairman of the committee will be to tie you to a bare pole for the whole day! -Juro's screams were stifled, as the crowd led him in the direction to sign up.

Several students and teachers came out to see what was the scan caused in the corridors. Boy they were surprised to see Juro being carried like a Roman emperor, while waving and smiling.

When the crowd passed by Kazumi's class, she was leaning out, so Juro, taking advantage of her position, blew her a kiss as if directed at the crowd.

- Go preparing the money for the two months, I am one step ahead. -Tadashi boasted, to which Aimi puffed out her cheeks in anger.

-I'm going to charge dearly for this.

When the crowd reached the address, Juro dropped from the shoulders of his teammates, taking a pencil, turning to his followers, who were waiting for him to sign as a candidate.

-Comrades, today I will take over as a proud candidate for the Reds. You trust, I wouldn't, in me. Therefore, I will not be a failure or mistake for you. You must lead me to victory!

Everyone applauded Juro's eloquent speech. When he uncapped the pencil, the crowd fired with excitement. When he wrote the first letter, the uproar was mounting.

You could tell that Juro enjoyed that moment, having his companions as if they were puppies and he was throwing small chicken bones.

-They love me. –He thought, while writing the second letter of his name.

When he finished, he showed the role that made him a candidate for the Reds, causing everyone to applaud him. It was not long before we brought the school marching band to offer a concert to the candidate of the committee of "hope for change."

Although all that was overshadowed when Kazumi reached the same direction, he went to the list of candidates of The Conservatives, which only had an empty space.

-Damn, I forgot my pencil on the bench, can I borrow yours, Juro?" –Kazumi asked, smiling.

-Su-sure, Kazumi. –Juro offered the pencil to Kazumi, who took it with pleasure to write down her name and sign as the last conservative candidate.

-Thank you. See you later, Juro. -She said goodbye, returning the pencil.

-Se-see y-you later, why am-f-f-f-f-fuck am I St-St-stuttering ?!

The entire the Reds party was instantly turned off ... they had chosen a stutterer as their candidate.

-Go prepare the money for the two months, Professor Tadashi. –Aimi winked at him as she received Kazumi in her arms.

-Of course, you may have already realized that this means war! –Tadashi took Juro's shoulder. -Let's go boy ... they will have won this battle, but things haven't even started yet.