The elections, part 3

As the news of the "attack" against the campaign commissioner of The Reds candidate had spread, Juro declared a press conference that same afternoon, which would go to the school newspaper.

Yes ... that is how personal the choices were made in the academy, as exaggerated as it seemed.

-Comrade Juro, answer a question please!

-Answer, Mr. Comrade, it's just a question!

Juro stood on the dais, raising his arms in silence.

-Today is a funeral day ... our comrade Ringo, who is our campaign commissioner, has suffered an attack, being so injured that he ended up in the infirmary.

-What happened to Comrade Commissioner Ringo!

- We do not know exactly, but it is presumed that he was beaten so that they could extract information that he courageously did not disclose.

-What do you think to do about it?!



-The Conservatives want dirty war, we will not give it to them. I, I swear, candidate for president of the committee for the Reds wing, I swear with God as my witness that we will not fall into provocations or the dirty games of the Conservatives, Slava our wounded comrade!


Yumei took care of Ringo, who listened to all of Juro's speech. He was mildly annoyed with him because he had used it as a pretext to increase his popularity, besides of course taking it away from the Conservatives.

He was still angry at Aimi for that "excess" force. He knew she was a slightly tough-minded woman, but it wasn't like exaggerating either.

Could see the annoyance in his eyes and in the faces he made. It gave her little consolation that Tadashi had reprimanded Aimi for her improper behavior as a teacher by having a student be beaten up by the students themselves. If she was going to do that she should wash her hands and not show herself on the scene, like he used to do… ironic, right?

Putting that aside, Yumei took Ringo's hand upon seeing him annoyed, caressing it gently.

-Don't misunderstand my intentions, remember that I'm Eiji's girlfriend. -She said.

-I did not do it.

-I know you're upset with the teacher, but while you were unconscious she went and reprimanded the apes that beat you very hard, her screams were really heard throughout the academy.

-Why? She was the one who sent them to give me soap.

-It's because I was very angry, if you ask me if you can touch my breasts, you would clearly get a slap as an answer!

-A slap is not the same as seventy strokes of bars of soap, is it?

-Sigh, I see that it is difficult to deal with you now that you are upset. Just think that she regrets it and wants to apologize to you. If he comes and asks for your forgiveness ... at least accept it.

-I will, don't worry about it.

-Well, see you Ringo. I have to go to class, I'll pass the notes to you tonight! -Yumei exclaimed as she ran out of the infirmary.

-What do you want to apologize for? -He thought, smiling.

Aimi helped to paste the propaganda that proposed Kazumi as a candidate, being his "protected girl" she had to give her all her support.

Tadashi's piece was Juro and Aimi's was Kazumi. If teachers could fall lower is that they put them to fight to blows to bet the two months of salary.

Tadashi, precisely, observed all the propaganda among the lockers of the conservative militants that were placed next to that of Kazumi, who was now the most famous candidate.

-Moving your pieces? -He questioned.

-That's right, professor. I only ask you to be better than me and not send my daughter to be beaten, if it is not too much to ask.

-Of course not. Besides that would not be convenient for me in the least.

Aimi smiled. -Yes you know about this.

-Of course. The pre-candidate elections are on Monday, so make that girl the best politics possible.

In itself, Kazumi's candidacy was already a historical fact. It was the law of the Conservatives not to include women for the candidacy, a law that was fully obeyed by them. Although yes, they could play other roles that would lead to the conservative victory, not being recognized at the end of it.

The funny thing is that Kazumi did not have the slightest idea of ​​that prohibition, so the women of the conservative wing, and even the Reds, began to strongly support her, which translated as the second favorite only behind Eiji.

But he no longer fought in the ring. In fact, he had moved to The Reds to take revenge on his former allies, being an assistant to Juro and also in charge of propaganda along with Yumei.

The lawsuits of those two were now a thing of the past.

Kazumi sat reading some books on dialectics and oratory, also one or another on politics.

Among the Conservative spies in the ranks of The Reds, information had leaked that books Tadashi was giving Juro to learn about politics.

Among them stood out The Prince, My Struggle, Aristotle's Politics, The Communist Manifesto, and many others from Marxism. Each of them was vitally important to the Red Campaign.

The only one they had managed to leak was The Prince, who was not Tadashi's primary weapon, but was useful in Kazumi's hands.

What his campaign commissioners highlighted the most was the phrase: "cunning as a fox but strong as a lion"… something that did not go with Kazumi.

She could be cunning as the fox… but strong maybe not so strong. At best, it would have the strength of another not very abominable feline to say ... perhaps the same strength as a chubby kitten and in his nap time.

Aimi taught him what to do with his hands to show strength, how to point to reflect what he lacked, that aggressiveness.

-Teacher Aimi, I can't do that… it's very inappropriate for me. –Kazumi said sadly.

-If it's not your thing ... then we'll buy votes by selling your body.

-Tea-teacher! How can you say that?!

-I'm kidding! I could never do that to you. -Although you should learn to be rude, strong, as if instead of speaking words you were spitting bullets, do you understand?

-I'm not good with metaphors.

-Sigh. So we have a long way to go. Politics for women is not just a pretty face, no! You must be overwhelming, more convincing than a man, you must have lip, charisma and strength at the same time!

-I hope I understand your point.

It was time for Kazumi's last speech on that day. She had been unlucky enough to be the last of the Conservatives to give the speech, so many would not stay to listen to her if she did not think of something good.

He went over and over the books on politics and public speaking he had in his hands. There was such a time when she and Juro were so distracted with their readings that they collided head-on.

-Forgive me, it was my fault! –Kazumi asked.

-No no no! How do you think?! It was my fault, let me help you with this! –Juro got up immediately, helping Kazumi to stand up, gathering her books to give them to her. -I heard you have a speech at the last minute, is that true?

-Yes, I'm just preparing for it.

-I see ... I wish you luck.

-Thank you. –Kazumi gave Juro a kiss on the cheek. -See you tomorrow! –Kazumi went quietly with her deer walk.

Juro stayed nailed to the ground, first he turned completely white, then his face was painted red and he felt so hot that smoke was coming out of his ears like a locomotive.

-Hey where were you, I've been looking for you like five minutes. –Ringo saw his friend's face. -God! You're good?!

-She gave me a kiss on the cheek.


-Kazumi kissed my cheek, you don't know how happy I am!

A scratched acetate record played throughout the academy. Was the The Reds candidate happy that the strongest conservative candidate had given him a kiss on the cheek?

Ringo took Juro and took him to the bathroom, where he covered the sink, turning the faucet on until it was completely filled. Then, he dipped Juro's face into the water, making all the toilets smoke, almost like red-hot metal would.

-Hell friend, I would dare to say that I can fry an egg on your forehead, you should be sneakier!"

-It's just ... it's as if he had taken me to the moon. -Juro was smiling like an idiot, throwing hearts everywhere. -I need you to get me a costume!

-For what?

-I have to listen to Kazumi's speech. Of course, it's not because I want to listen to her and admire her while she makes beautiful gestures standing on the stage, I do it because I have to study my biggest potential rival!


And there was Juro, next to teacher Aimi in a black wig, non-magnifying glasses and a false nose that changed her shape. He made his way through all of Kazumi's militants. Hhe did not have faith that there were many since she was the last to give the speech, but she was the one that gathered the most people all day.

The morning makeup had been touched up a bit, the peach lipstick was perfect for her because of her fair skin.

Kazumi's lashes were long, and her eyelids had a natural color that made Juro's heart melt.

Everyone chanted the name of Kazumi, who shyly blushed at the compliments of his militants, to which Juro could not contain his jealousy.

He clenched his fists, trying to suppress his anger. Kazumi's speech was not as Aimi planned, it was not overwhelming, cruel, or merciless. On the contrary: she did not throw flowers at The Reds but said they were worthy rivals because of the ability of her candidate, who she accused of acting clumsily to win the hearts of the girls.

Although he did not do it with any bad words. The strongest thing he could mention would be the word: "vile conquest technique", being nothing more.

During the whole time, Juro did not stop seeing Kazumi's hands, which moved carefully, with much care and attraction.

When it was over, everyone left, as a light rain was coming. But I don't swear. He would stand in his place, looking at Kazumi, very in love, until teacher Aimi pulled him out of his thoughts, taking him by the shoulder.

-Boy, the speech is over. –The raindrops began to fall. -We better leave.

- You must a second, teacher. –Juro, disguised as the mysterious boy, he ran to Kazumi's platform, who in his haste accidentally threw everything on the stairs of it.

-Holy God. –She exclaimed.

-I can help?

-Oh, sure… I haven't seen you before, what's your name?

-Ju… Jurou. My name is Jurou.

-Good Jurou, we have to hurry or we will all get wet.

Between "Jurou" and Kazumi they quickly gathered the sheets and books, and then took refuge inside the academy.

-Thanks for your help, Jurou ... I hope it's not too daring of me but ... your nose is very nice.

-M-my nose!

-Heh, heh. Yes, it is cute and funny. I hope you don't mind, so see you later. –Kazumi said goodbye to the fake Juro with a kiss on the cheek to go to his locker for an umbrella.

-Two kisses from her on the cheek on the same day, thank God! ... but, is my nose really not as cute as this one? ... I hope the school insurance covers a rhinoplasty. –Juro went to the train station without stopping touching his nose.

Aimi was in the academy parking lot. She had been slightly annoyed with herself, since she forgot the umbrella in her car.

-Merde… -She sighed, but out of nowhere she felt a blow to her head. –Ouch.

-I also speak French ... rude. –Ringo mentioned.

-Hey, that's my line.

-Now it belongs to me, let's go to car. –He said, in a cutting tone, without looking at her for a second.

-Sorry about today, it was not my intention ... I felt very angry with you.

-Yes, well it's not like I can spank you and then excuse myself by claiming that I got mad at you. -Ringo said.

-Hum, what an example you put. It was also because you were going to take advantage by touching my body!

-But I did it?

-No but…

-But nothing. One thing is the sin of action and another very different that of thought, penance is not the same.

-Touché… listen, Ringo. The truth is, I made a lot of food last night and I don't want it to spoil, so… How about you have dinner at my place today as an apology?

-Hum… what's the dessert?

-Vanilla ice cream.

-Done. I'm just warning you that if you have a gallon bucket of ice cream I'll be done with it. I am quite a glutton.

-Fu fu. Thank goodness the bucket is almost new, I have only served two servings. Aimi laughed, kindly.

The two got into the white car, first she got on being covered by the umbrella that "her gentleman" had prepared for her. When Ringo headed for the opposite door, she unlatched and climbed in, just as well.

It was raining with some force, the glass fogged from time to time, having to turn on the heating so that it could be seen. The windshields did not turn off at any time, their little grinding sounded from the academy, passing through the busy avenues of Tokyo, to later have more volume in the more relaxed streets of the city.

When they parked in front of Aimi's house, she just looked at Ringo, waiting for him.

-Do you want an invitation to open the door for me? -She asked, laughing.

-I wait for you to lock the door, teacher. -He defended himself.

Ringo saw the umbrella in the back of the car perfectly but preferred to turn a blind eye. Aimi was aware that he was there, helping her not to get wet, as well as turning a blind eye.

When the boy opened the door for her, he held out his hand for her to take with confidence. Aimi's heels sounded a little louder than raindrops falling with slight anger.

She latched onto Ringo, putting her cheek on his shoulder under the pretext of not getting wet, hugging each other so neither of them would be affected by the water, according to.

At the house, Aimi kicked off her heels, carefully setting them to the side of the door.

-Wait a second, let me get you some slippers. -She ran barefoot to her room where Ringo took off her shoes, looking at her teacher's house.

You could see the salary earned, the lobby was made of dark wood, very nice to be that way. The spotlights hung from a large gleaming copper chandelier, with some crystals dangling from it.

The staircase looked, just as gleaming and beautiful, the same color as the floor.

Hearing Aimi coming down the stairs, Ringo calmed down, taking his cell phone, calling his mother to tell her that a friend had invited him to lunch that afternoon.

Aimi could be many things to the students, but for Ringo she was two things: her teacher and friend.

Taking a little look around Aimi's house, her living room was amazing, having three bookcases full of novels and manga, plus some porcelain figurines and some ornaments.

Some pictures of paintings from Italy and France hung on the walls, being beautifully decorative, brightening up the place a bit, which was very cold.

At the bottom of one corner, you could see that a painting had been removed since the outline was marked in a lighter paint tone.

A delicious aroma of food filled the entire first floor, that cold that was being replaced by the heat of the steam that emanated from the kitchen.

-Well, dinner is already hot, just need to plate. –Informed Aimi, who was wearing her glasses.

-That explains the good smell. What will we eat then?

-French rabbit stew.

-Je parie que je vais en profiter. -The boy was betting he would enjoy it.

-Of course you're going to enjoy it. She laughed. –It is not to brag but the personal chef of the president of La grande France congratulated me on my cooking skills.

-Although I think the best critic would be me. -Ringo smiled, heading for the dining room.

The dining room was large, for about eight people, easily. Above the table were chandeliers in the same style as the one in the lobby, only they were smaller.

Aimi sat at one end of the dining room, and Ringo was on her left side, watching her warily.

-Bon Appetit. -She announced, taking the wooden spoon to start eating the stew.

-Can I ask about your glasses?

-I know I should have them on at all times since, according to you, they make me look better ... but I don't know. I only used them when my eyes were tired.

The rabbit stew looked delicious, yet Ringo kept stirring it with his spoon, as if he knew it had poison in it.

Aimi noticed this, telling him, precisely, that he did not have poison or any paralysis. He only had black pepper, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon, so if any of those spices he considered poison.

When Ringo took a bite of the rabbit and the sauce, he was so shocked that he choked, beginning to choke.

It was curious to think how a few hours ago the one who was in that situation was Aimi, who had not wasted time in regretting whom to call, helping Ringo, taking him hard by the ribs, until he stopped coughing.

-I-it's exquisite, did you really prepare it? –He asked skeptically.

-What a scare you gave me, I thought it had stuck in your throat! ... but yes, for something I told you my anecdote about the chef.

-Ah… that explains it.

She had on a white skirt and long brown stockings, had changed her blouse for a pastel blue one, in addition to wearing a small white jacket with several logos sewn on it.

One that caught Ringo's attention was the logo of a dance academy that was a block away from his house, one that Risa had gone to before deciding on the drawing.

-Can I ask you about the logo of the dance academy?

-Things of France. There I learned how you have no idea. I learned what the normal academy is, dance academy, cooking academy, a bit of martial arts.

-You didn't waste your time like me ... Why did they send you to France?

Aimi froze for a second, her spoon halfway from her plate to her mouth. She easily ate some of the sauce, wiped himself with the cloth napkin, and smiled bitterly.

-In high school I had a boyfriend ... we were crazy in love. But he was a "nobody", someone without vision ... a child who lived on his dreams.

It turned out that Aimi's parents did not accept their relationship, and in a fear that their daughter would escape in a fit of madness, they sent her to study in France, where it was assumed that for years she would forget that naive dream.

-I always remember him, he was the love of my life, if I could give something in exchange to find him, I would die for it.

Ringo took Aimi's hand. -Do not do it. -Told him.

-Ringo, what are you? ... -He squeezed her hand harder, but without hurting her.

-"I would rather live for you. Dying is easy, instant. Living, that is more complicated".

Aimi blushed. Ringo was staring into her eyes, breaking the tension with two slaps on the back of her hand.

-Can I have ice cream? -He asked, in the tone of a five-year-old boy's voice. Aimi gave a good laugh, now she was red with laughter.

Ringo already knew that he had a competitor to occupy his teacher's heart. What gave her relief is that she would surely never see him in her life. Only now he had to try harder to win her heart, maybe he had a little advantage since she had lied at the restaurant, preferring to keep that boyfriend a secret.

Although it was getting a bit chilly from the rains, the two diners had eaten two cups of vanilla ice cream. A small detail was still missing.

Having lived in France, Aimi had a habit of drinking a little vermouth after every meal. It was crazy since his companion was a minor and was his student, but he did not want to reserve the luxury of sharing a little.

-No thanks, I don't drink. –He refused. -Maybe one more cup of ice cream is better.

-Can you really still eat? -She asked, curiosity and annoyance in her voice.

-I was kidding, I've never eaten so much before in my life. The truth, Aimi ... you cook very delicious.

She was slightly surprised, the conversation was not conducted in a "formal" way which was understandable. They were at his house, not at the academy.

-You know, Ringo. The truth is that I prefer to cook myself but I love lazy Saturdays, so I better bought something.

-Every Saturday?

-The majority of them.

-All right! -Ringo slapped the table. -That being the case, why don't we have breakfast next Saturday at the same restaurant as last time? I only ask you not to try to hang me.

-Hey, you bugged me!

-And? Nothing forbids me to spend time with you outside of the academy. Or tell me, does my presence bother you?

-Well no ... you make my days a little less boring and tedious. I know that it will sound strange coming from me, since I am your teacher but, since I have known you, Yumei, Eiji, Yurisa and Juro, my days are a real surprise, an adventure. Almost as if I regained the high school life that was taken from me in France.

Ringo stayed cool, staring at Aimi in the eye, processing the answer she had to say, something that didn't give away his feelings and that, just as well, had weight in their conversation. There was no room for a joke.

-There is always a second chance even if many say otherwise. You can relive the life your family took from you by sending you to France. I'm not asking you to act like a teenager ... enjoy your life with the heart of a teenager: one full of concerns, with a desire for adventure and wanting to devour the world in one bite.

Aimi smiled with a sigh, took Ringo's hand and patted her, thanking her without words, but with actions.

The life Aimi had had in France was very difficult for her with an old-fashioned upbringing. She had to be the "perfect" girl, hence her extremely conservative affiliation.

Her education was divided into three parts: the first was normal education and it was given to all the students, since yes, they had enrolled her in an exclusive academy for women. The second was the education of "the woman" had to know how to cook, dance, be charismatic, submissive, tender, etc. The third was her education in finance and economics, so that she could manage her family's capital as God intended.

Everything was perfectly fine in her upbringing, except for one thing: being submissive. Aimi had a rebellious and disobedient spirit. They always scolded her for breaking the rules of her academy, for doing forbidden things, (like sneaking vermouth) and never wanting to comb her hair properly, she much preferred having her hair down, because she liked it that way.

Something very similar happened with her books and manga, which were difficult for her to get, but not impossible. They had been confiscated more than once, but she always stole them from where they were kept, something that brought her many problems, but she knew that no matter how much she committed, she would never be expelled for the million that her parents paid a month.

Returning to the present, the rain did not give in the slightest, even the situation worsened, increasing the airs and the lightning.

Aimi and Ringo were looking out the dining room window at the street outside, a small river of water ran between the sidewalks, which carried leaves, papers and some small roots.

-I may live a few meters away but I think it would be crazy for me to leave with this rain. -He said.

-Wait until at least it stops raining.

-And what can we do in the meantime? You already told me about your life in France and how unhappy you were there.

-I was not entirely unhappy, but I felt limited, what do today's teenagers do that we can do too? -Ringo smirked and Aimi hit him on the shoulder. -What are you thinking?!

-Nothing of what you do. We could play something, what board games do you have?

-A collection deck ... and we must consider ourselves lucky.

Ringo didn't know how to play cards very well, so he made a lot of mistakes, missing plays and missing a few. Aimi regretted not proposing to gamble earlier as she would have undoubtedly gotten some money, she was beating up her inexperienced adversary.

Although he was losing, Ringo did not give up the game, in addition to Aimi teaching him how to play, what common mistakes not to make, etc. For a newbie, he had a laugh and a few cute moments.

The meal had finished around three in the afternoon, it was already five by the time they stopped playing, without realizing that it hadn't rained for a while before.

-Well… I think it's time to go. –He mentioned, getting up from the table.

-Naturally. –She answered, also getting up from the table.

-It was a fun time, without a doubt we should play cards on Saturday at the restaurant, what do you say?

-Can you order take away food? I prefer to play here at home.

-Yes you can. Thinking well, teacher ... then I think we'll see you tomorrow. –He answered, while putting on his shoes.

-See you tomorrow, Ringo. -He approached Aimi, giving her a kiss on the cheek that she didn't respond to, more out of surprise than anything else.

As she left, she watched as Ringo was walking down the street, with his hands in his pockets and his back slightly hunched over.

Turning around, she realized that he had forgotten his umbrella. She could take him to the academy tomorrow ... but she preferred to have an excuse to invite him to her house again, only now in the company of Yumei and Yurisa to make the atmosphere more friendly.

In fact, Ringo wished that Aimi would not return the umbrella to him the next day at the academy, he left it on purpose so evidently to have some reason to visit his favorite teacher again.

That's when the boy realized ... that he had never loved another woman so much before.