The door.

Las clases habían terminado, Ringo y Juro estaban tomando el tren de regreso a casa, cada uno hablando de sus pensamientos sobre el día escolar.

Estuvieron de acuerdo en que podría haber sido mucho mejor. Juro no habló con Kazumi ese día, ya que lo hizo con sus amigos.

A Ringo, Yumei le hizo una broma escondiéndole la mochila en el casillero. No fue hasta que el chico tuvo que sacar un cuaderno de allí que se dio cuenta de dónde estaba escondida la maldita mochila.

De todos modos, las cosas podrían mejorar.

-Nos vemos mañana, amigo. –Juro se despidió golpeando los puños con Ringo.

-Nos vemos mañana. -Todo el que se fue por su camino.

Ringo tuvo que pasar por Risa a sus clases para poder comer juntos. Además, siempre fue un placer verla reír con las anécdotas escolares de su hermano.

Cuando el día no era precisamente hermoso, ella lo hacía feliz con sus ocurrencias, como tirar agua del fregadero al recoger la mesa después del almuerzo.

Ringo estaba bastante hambriento y mucho más ansioso por la comida que preparaba Aimi. No había podido quedarse a almorzar desde el desayuno del sábado pasado, ambos estaban demasiado ocupados para sentarse y hablar y jugar a las cartas o practicar ajedrez.

El auto de Aimi estaba estacionado afuera de una academia de baile que tenía el mismo logo que su chaqueta de esa época, así que Ringo entró a buscar un poco.

La música era lo suficientemente alta, penetrando cada célula de su cuerpo, pero no tan fuerte como lo harían sus ojos. Fue como si Hernán Cortés encontrara el oro de la Noche Triste antes de perderlo.

Aimi tenía el cabello recogido, tenía pantalones cortos deportivos y un ombligo. Ver el cuerpo descubierto del profesor no fue lo que cautivó al niño ... si no su forma de bailar.

Cada movimiento de sus caderas, brazos, hombros e incluso su rostro mientras bailaba era como recibir un empujón en el corazón. Un empujón que le hizo sangrar de amor por ella, fue sentirse débil en el mundo al verla mover su cuerpo al ritmo de la música.

La miró sin decir nada y sin hacer ningún gesto. Solo, se podía ver el amor en sus ojos negros que reflejaban a Aimi.

Cuando terminó de bailar, Ringo la aplaudió, no pudo evitarlo y no quiso. Sin embargo, las otras chicas lo miraron.

-¿Ringo? .... ¿qué estás haciendo aquí? -Ella preguntó.

-Vi el auto aquí y decidí pasar, espero que no te moleste.

-No, pero… fue toda una sorpresa.

Los compañeros de Aimi secretaban varias cosas, todas tenían que ver con el joven cuyos ojos brillaban por lo enamorado que estaba.

-Me gustaría quedarme y verte bailar otra pieza ... pero tengo que ir a buscar a mi hermana antes de que me regañe por llegar tarde. -Ringo se acercó a ella y, a pesar de un leve sudor en su rostro, la besó en la mejilla. -Nos vemos luego, Aimi.

Cuando se fue, todos los compañeros de clase de Aimi lanzaron un "Uhhh"

-Cállate, es mi alumno en la secundaria. –Dijo ella.

-Él está súper enamorado de ti, ¿no viste su cara?

-Los ojos le brillaban cuando te vio bailar, lo juro.

-Entró como si nada pero se quedó paralizado al verte. Lo tienes loco, Aimi.

-No digas tonterías. Es seis años menor que yo, el nuestro sería prácticamente un crimen.

-No, porque ambos tienen su consentimiento para la relación, nadie los está obligando.

-Puede que sea muy niño ... aunque la verdad es que es guapo.

-¡Ya lo sé! -Balbuceó Aimi, cerrando los ojos y cruzando los brazos. –Ya se lo había dicho a algunos alumnos cuando me preguntaron. -Se sonrojó, a lo que sus compañeros le lanzaron otro "uhh".

Ya en la academia de Risa, abrazó a su hermano, quien desde la distancia se veía extraño. Ella se quedó mirándolo sin decir nada.

En el camino de regreso a casa, Risa no pudo evitar ver a Ringo sonreír de una manera tonta y extremadamente alegre.

-¿Por qué estás tan feliz hoy? -Ella preguntó.

-No me creerías si te lo dijera.

-Dime… Onii-chan.

-Vi a la chica que me gusta bailar. Fue lo más hermoso de toda mi vida, cada paso que di fue precioso, lo fue, lo fue, y su sonrisa mientras lo hacía… Creo que voy a entrar en coma diabético por tanto amor.

Risa se rió de las ocurrencias de su hermano y le dio una palmada en el hombro.

-No te obsesiones tanto, ¿de acuerdo?

-Me gustaría decir que sí ... pero no puedo.

-Supongo que es lindo, ¿va en tu clase?

-Algo así ... nuestra relación es bastante formal.

Muchos estudiantes (si no casi todos), estaban deseando que llegara el viernes para poder dar un paseo por el centro de Tokio o cualquier lugar para divertirse.

Para Ringo, el viernes fue el peor castigo que Dios pudo darle. Por suerte para él, eran los sábados, que era su día favorito ya que pasaba toda la mañana con Aimi.

Fue prácticamente como viajar por un desierto para finalmente encontrar el agua tan esperada que se desea después de atravesar ese infierno en la tierra.

Las veces que Juro iba con Kazumi saliendo de la academia también eran días de urgencia, como solía llamarlos, ya que de esa manera tenía la oportunidad segura de comer en la casa de Aimi, que era una de sus cosas favoritas.

En clase, Ringo leyó un manual de ajedrez. Había estado jugando con Aimi pero no sabía casi nada sobre el juego, así que quería aprender para no perder un tiempo valioso que ayudaría.

Lo mejor del ajedrez es que, siendo un juego de puro silencio y sentado un rato, Ringo pudo ver su rostro, suspirando profundamente por ella, esperando su próximo movimiento.

Aterrizando en la realidad, llegó el profesor Tadashi con lo que iba a ser un juego bastante maquiavélico, con el que pensaba dar una buena lección de vida.

-Muy buenos estudiantes, básicamente hoy tenemos un examen sorpresa, así que quiero que guarden todo y se concentren en la pregunta de la pizarra. -El ordenó.

The question was clear and concise: How do we apply sociology in our daily lives, normal people?

The students were extremely confused, nobody knew how to answer for sure. It was already well known by all that sociology works to know how society works, how it advances, etc.

But that was a question that surely no one had asked before being put on the table that day.

The first to answer was Ringo, who left a notebook sheet on Professor Tadashi's desk, who read with rather surprise.

-It is right. –He sentenced. -Now I give you three more minutes so that you can answer, I want to know who has the extra point.

-Extra point?!

-Didn't I mention it? ... um, how awkward of me.

No one answered the question satisfactorily ... except for one person, who had been the first to finish.

When the bell rang, Professor Tadashi took his things to leave, when he was one step away from leaving, he raised his arm, along with his index finger.

-Hey Ringo, I forgot to give you the extra point, so meet me at the door of the academy. I'll be waiting for you if it came before you. But if I'm not here, wait for me.

The whole room was looking ugly at Ringo, who could only make a gesture of dismissal of all responsibility.

-It's not my fault that you are fucking donkeys. –The students threw paper balls at him.

Aimi was rushing out of the parking lot. She had smoked in her car, leaving the window slightly open so that the smoke did not stay inside, trying to be less impregnated with the aroma of it.

Something that she also used to cover up her guilty act was putting on a little of her French perfume that she liked so much because of the aroma it had.

Aimi stumbled several times on her way to the classroom due to the rush she was in, she had forgotten her contact lenses.

With such good luck that she had her glasses in her bag, by pure chance that it really was a stroke of luck.

She had not been able to see the letters of the room she had to enter, so she entered Kazumi's, where Tadashi was already writing down the exam topics on the blackboard.

-Are you offered anything, teacher? -Tadashi asked, sitting down at the desk.

-Nothing, I think I was in the wrong class. -The murmurs did not wait.

-Let's see, you guys, look ahead!

Finally, and stumbling, she entered the room where she was received with considerable curiosity by the students.

Wherever her perfume passed, it was imprinted in the environment, being as captivating for Ringo as the first time he saw her.

-Your perfume smells good, teacher Aimi. –He praised.

-Oh thanks. -She laughed nervously, trying not to blush.

Yumei threw a piece of paper at Ringo's head, and when he opened it, it said: "You are a dead man." Turning around to see her, Yumei had a baton in her hands, tapping it gently against her hand.

-What brand is your perfume? –Yurisa asked anxiously.

-It is a French brand not very well known, but it is my favorite.

-Hum… Can you lend it to me one day to try it out? –Yumei proposed.


The exams were getting closer and closer to happening, it was a week before they started. Almost everyone was given up on sociology and history even though they were fairly dynamic and easy to learn subjects.

Aimi ya había amenazado con que los exámenes no serían fáciles. Las pruebas que Tadashi tomó para sociología fueron obsequios, bastante fáciles para quienes las entendían… y casi nadie había entendido al menos tres clases de la materia.

Cuando la clase estaba a punto de terminar, Aimi tomó a Ringo por el hombro. - Ven conmigo para algunos trabajos, por favor. -Ella preguntó.

-Por supuesto. –El joven se levantó y le guiñó un ojo a Yumei, poniéndola en un estado de enojo.

Al salir, simplemente se dirigieron a la sala de profesores para unos trabajos que eran los ensayos del último grupo que el profesor no pudo repasar antes del fin de semana.

Emitían un olor poco agradable.

-Creí haberte dicho que no fumes más. -Le regañó Ringo.

-Ya bajé la cantidad de cigarrillos que fumo, no te preocupes. -Corrigió Aimi.

-¿Cuántos ahora?

-Sólo un paquete, nada más.

-Nothing else?! And is that from the newspaper?!

-Yes. Although it is also usually per day and a half.

-Damn, are you sure you lowered the amount?

-Completely safe.

-I'd rather not ask how much you smoked before ... but you really should stop, that hurts you a lot.

-Don't believe it, I have a lot of physical activity during the week, what if we go running a little on Sunday?

-If you don't die of lung failure before the first round.

-All right. She smiled. –Yesterday I felt quite bored because I had nothing to do, can you eat at my house today?

-Any day that you ask, I will be more than delighted. Ringo came out of the teachers' lounge. –Now I'll let you smoke "at ease."

That last comment made Aimi feel guilty for what she was doing. She knew that smoking brought many problems. However, as much as she tried not to ignore it, she ignored it.

It was a point where her guilt reached a degree that generated anxiety, so she lit a cigarette to try to calm himself from the guilt… that caused him to smoke.

-No, what am I doing? –Aimi quickly extinguished the cigar in the classroom sink, leaving there quickly, to bump into Tadashi.

-Well, don't be distracted teacher. –Tadashi adjusted the shirt he was wearing. -it's okay? I see you a little pale

-I'm fine, it's not bad ... -Aimi ran to Ringo's classroom for her things.

The paleness of her face revealed that she had more pronounced dark circles than when they began to come out that night of not sleeping due to the stress caused by grading essays, homework, preparing exam topics, etc.

She was sinking into a well which already covered half of her legs without her knowing it or without her being far from realizing it.

-Has something? -Yumei asked seeing that Aimi looked quite upset.

-I'm fine, don't worry, Yumei. -She caressed her face.

Walking through the corridors, Aimi stumbled reaching for a chair, otherwise she would have fallen squarely.

Quickly, Yumei, Ringo and Juro helped the teacher to rejoin, who was puzzled by what was happening so out of nowhere.

The same boys stared at her, as if asking her what was wrong without telling her directly with words.

-It's because I don't bring my contact lenses. Don't worry, guys.

During recess, the class quartet wondered what was wrong with the teacher: she was disoriented, reeking of cigarettes, with dark circles, pale and with memory problems.

Yumei was the one who looked the most concerned, being that she was the one who was most in love with the teacher (yes, even more than Ringo), besides that she was very empathetic with the people she knew.

Eiji also joined the quartet for that one time as Yumei preferred to be in as much company as possible.

-Ok ... we have problems, and very serious. –Yurisa said.

-And you say it. –Eiji sighed, taking Yumei's hand, to reassure her.

-I don't know ... but the teacher has been behaving a bit strange in recent days, I think they are only the sleepless nights that she has had to go through to qualify the works. -Guess Juro.

-It must be that, because you don't see yourself with depression or any other more serious problem. –Added Yurisa.

-God forbid. If she's sad, so am I. Yumei leaned on Eiji's shoulder.

Ringo was staring at his half-eaten plate… trying to think of how to help Aimi with whatever problem she was having. He, likewise, cared for the one who was his curious high school sweetheart.

-I'm going to get something to drink, will you come with me? -He ask.

-You are not contributing much to the team so ... better go alone. Yumei smiled.

-Hum that's convenient.

Ringo walked out of the cafeteria to the vending machines for some fresh water to quench his thirst.

Although all human sensation was immediately gone when he heard Aimi's unmistakable cry, even though he never heard her cry.

With his heart leaking from his chest from the fear he felt at that moment, Ringo went to the living room where that cry was heard, opening the door quickly, observing Aimi sitting on the floor, with crystalline and red eyes, in addition to some tears that ran down his cheeks.


-Do not ask. Let me cry at ease, if you don't mind. -She interrupted. -Go away.

-They say that it is better to suffer in company than to suffer alone, what do you say?

-Leave me alone, nothing more.

Ringo entered the Classroom, closing the door while Aimi hugged her legs, hiding her head in them, crying with some convulsions in her body.

Ringo squatted in front of her, putting his hand on her head and lightly stroking her hair.

-Cry with me… it's never good to cry alone. -Looking up, he breathed raggedly. Tears fell from her eyes to her chin.

-Boys don't cry, why do you do it?

-Because today, eight years ago, my father took his suitcase, went out the door of the house telling me and my sister "I'll be back before they know it" so I won't come back again.

Aimi began to cry slightly louder, hugging Ringo, who returned a strong hug so compassionate ... that all concern was rendered invalid at that moment.

Now I would say the typical "and their hearts beat to the beat", but no. Their hearts beat in time to the ticking of the clocks, which were all perfectly in sync.

As the seconds passed, that rhythm was lost, Ringo had not missed the rhythm of the moment of surprise. Aimi was already feeling calmer.

Cuando los dos se separaron, se encontraron cara a cara, quedando diez centímetros uno de otro.

Ringo cerró los ojos, Aimi siguió su ejemplo. Ambos acercaban sus labios el uno al otro, relajando sus corazones por lo que iba a suceder.

Hasta…! -Yumei corrió por la puerta al escuchar a Aimi llorar afuera del pasillo.

Yumei se sonrojó como nadie la había visto antes: estaba enojada como nunca antes y tan arrepentida como nunca antes en su vida.

De nuevo ... Ringo tendría que amar en tiempos de cólera.


-Seguramente moriré aquí. Solo quiero decirte Aimi, que lo haré ...

-¡No te atrevas a decirlo! –Yumei arrojó una goma de borrar que descansaba en la pizarra junto a él, la cual golpeó las cejas de Ringo dejándolo un poco aturdido. -¡Ven aca!

-Yu-Yumei, ¡déjalo en paz!

Yumei began to choke Ringo, slamming his head against the ground to finish killing him if the suffocation did not succeed.

On the way out, his neck was marked with Yumei's hand marks. He had asked Aimi to meet in one of the corners of the academy, as long as she did not see them again. She was left with the feint that Ringo died in that room.

He was waiting for Professor Tadashi, who was already late for the extra point. When he finally arrived, he greeted Ringo quite cheerfully.

-I hope you haven't bothered too much with the wait. –Tadashi took out his list. –And now I will ask you something… but I want you to answer me with the truth.

-What is it, professor?

-If I had told you, "I'll wait for you at the door of the academy to lower you a point because your answer is wrong, and if you don't see me, wait for me." Would you really have waited?

-Hum ... and you want me to tell you the truth?

-If it's not too much to ask.

-No ... if I hadn't seen it, I'd be leaving as fast as possible.

Tadashi grinned broadly, showing his teeth to pat Ringo on the shoulder.

–That's just what I want to hear, so I'll give you an extra point and a half: for your honesty. Honesty these days is seen as something for stupid ... although the truth is that it can bring you a small reward.

- Nice moral, professor.

-It's not a moral. It is a life advice. –Tadashi put his things in his backpack and left laughing.


Aimi was smoking in the car waiting for Ringo to arrive. When he saw the cigar in the woman's hand, he took his hand off the doorknob, to which she stared a bit confused.

-Are you not going up? -She asked.

-I'd rather cut our meetings until you quit smoking. -Finishing listening, Aimi got out of the car, watching Ringo carefully.

-You are the only person who understands me, I have a good time with you. Please don't take them from me.

-Blackmailer. -Ringo opened the car door. -I'll do it on the condition that you put that thing down.

-Promised. -Maybe not quite.

What he didn't know is that, naturally, lies exist, that was one of those situations. In truth Aimi wasn't planning on doing it, just trying to prevent her from noticing.

The silence was absolute in the car more than engine vibrations and external noises, whether it was people talking, other cars passing, the same noise from the advertisements. Anyway, a lot of other things.

-I know you didn't want me to ask you but I prefer to. Why were you crying? ��The car stopped at a red light.

-I felt like in my high school days… doing everything wrong at all times. I could not with the bitter melancholy of those days.

-You are a woman, Aimi. You shouldn't let something from the past haunt you for so long. Ringo put his hand on her shoulder, giving her a light massage.

-It's not the only thing that haunts me from my high school days… -Aimi took her bag and pulled out her glasses to put them on. -I'd rather avoid an accident.

Ya era de noche, Yumei estaba viendo su serie favorita mientras bebía un vaso de leche caliente para el frío otoñal, que empeoraba con cada día que pasaba.

Terminando, Yumei apagó la televisión y se fue a su habitación. Se puso el pijama y, estirándose, dio un fuerte bostezo que no parecía el de una niña sino el de un león cuando se despertó.

Cuando cerró la puerta de su habitación, vio a Ringo con un cuchillo en la mano y con un rostro que mostraba todo su enfado.

-P-pero ¿cómo? ¡No es posible, si te mato!

-La mala hierba nunca muere.

Ringo tiró el cuchillo al suelo para intentar colgar a Yumei, quien se defendió tomando también el cuello de su adversario. En la lucha, Ringo tropezó, cayendo al suelo donde Yumei lo estranguló de nuevo hasta que quedó inconsciente.