No one saw it coming.

Waking up at ten in the morning, Aimi found that Ringo was reheating a bit from the previous day's dinner. She was unaware that they slept holding each other for the middle of the night.

At the end of breakfast, they began to play a quick game of cards so that the boy could go home… which, surely, would make him a martyr when he set foot inside his own house.

-If you are sad I want you to remember me, no matter how little it is, I will be there for you. –Ringo affirmed giving Aimi a small kiss on the hand, and then smile and leave the way he had arrived the night before.

-Ringo… thank you.

-Of what? You have nothing to thank me for ... I only did what came from my heart, nothing more.

Before entering the garden of his house, his mother waited for him with all the anger in the world, she did not even allow him to explain for a moment, she ordered him to enter the house and once the door was closed, she gave him a yelling that almost provoked him that his ears would burst.

Risa, in the same way, reprimanded her brother, it was enough that "that person" did not spend Christmas with them, and how could he also leave, leaving them alone? That didn't seem fair at all.

-Can you let me talk?

-Yes! –Mother and daughter exclaimed.

-A friend was alone ... when I got home I was crying because I didn't have someone to celebrate Christmas with, I couldn't leave it like that, what did you want me to do?

-Invite him to dinner, genius. –Risa replied.

-Ah… I must have thought about it. –A donkey brayed in the background for that obvious answer ... that the boy could not think of. -In the same way, who knows if he had wanted to come to dinner with us! So I think I did the right thing.

-Sigh, when you left you said it was something "that I can't let go of." –His mother answered.

-Exactly, how could I leave one of my friends alone as a dog with no one at Christmas? The truth is that I did not want to stay to sleep with him, but he insisted.

-Are you sure you like women, Onii -chan?- Risa scoffed.

-Ah, but what kind of silly questions you ask, of course I like women, I love them, they turn me on!

-Well well. You already made it clear ... in the end what you did was not so bad, just try to tell me clearly what you are going to do next time.

With the scolding and the apology received and accepted, Ringo went to lie down on his bed, which did not have the characteristic smell of Aimi's bed, which was already so dear to the boy.

Precisely, Aimi made her bed, noticing that one of the sheets fell to the floor, for which she lifted it without giving it the importance it had the night before.

That barrier that divided them both was broken, allowing them to be embraced sharing the same heat in the same place.

Finally, and when she was almost finished making the bed, Aimi remembered the kiss he gave her on the hand, blushing slightly, but she did not change in the least.

In some way or another, she had already gotten used to blushing because of Ringo, which was something almost every day. Then came the memories of the play, of the romantic scenes between Jacques and Silvia; the times the boy overreacted to make himself understood as to where he wanted to take things with her.

But not being sure what she was feeling, Aimi couldn't accept if the boy was flirting with her, which was very evident to her from the last six months.

Even the most inexperienced person in love would notice that Ringo was flirting with his teacher, Aimi herself knew it ... but she preferred not to accept it.

If their relationship had a slight change as soon as she confessed to Yumei and Yurisa that Ringo was attractive to her, how radical would the change that their relationship would have if she accepted that the boy was courting her?

No man flirts for nothing, if he did it is because he wanted to capture Aimi's attention and surely, with it her love, but it is what she did not want to allow ... or not yet.

Inventing something, and so that Aimi would not be alone in the new year, Ringo asked her mother that she will spend the new year with the family. He swore by God, by the risen Christ, by the Virgin Mary and by the Holy Spirit that he was not doing it for extra points or for convenience.

Her mother never believed her until she saw Aimi standing on the threshold of her door: so young, beautiful, with a face that showed that she was already very tired of life despite her age ... and even so with those she managed to enchant his mother and Risa.

-Madam, the truth is that I always wanted to meet you to tell you in person that you have raised the best of children. In truth, this boy has helped me so much without asking for anything in return.

-It has always been like that with the two of us, except a few days ago when he escaped to a friend's house so that the poor thing would not spend Christmas without company, would you believe it?

Ringo quickly made the sign with his hand that if he said otherwise, his mother was going to guillotine him.

-Yes, I do, that's why I wanted to tell you that you have a very good son. –Aimi answered with some uncertainty, but managed to convince her, anyway.

-It makes me very happy. Risa, can you take the teacher to the living room? Me while I will serve the tea with the help of your brother.

-But wouldn't I be the one? ...

-Come here! –Ringo's mother pulled him violently, leading him to the kitchen and after a few seconds, hugged him tightly.

-Ah … weren't we going to serve tea?

-My boy is in love, now I do believe what you told me that you did not do any of this for extra points.

-Mom, I-I don't know what you're talking about!

-I gave birth to you, son-of-your-fucking-father, so you can't hide anything from me! And it may be your teacher and it may even be immorally correct for you to be together, but that will not matter when you leave the academy, remember that there are only six months left.

-Ok… I think I got the message.

-I know you anyway, when we were together with her I could see that your eyes were shining, I dare say that I had never seen you like this before, that is the magic of being in love. Ringo's mother gave a huge sigh of love. - What a magical thing is love.

-Mom, you're embarrassing me!

It was the last day of winter break. As usual, Ringo was shedding laziness, just like six months ago, before meeting Aimi.

Now that excited him slightly more than last time. It was incredible for him to think that in a matter of another six months he would leave the academy, enter the university, and who knows ... even being Aimi's boyfriend, although that was saying a lot.

It was already the final stage, now he would leave a little later for the extra classes he would have in his preparation for university.

Tadashi came to the academy early to prepare for his Sociology II class, he hadn't done anything during the holidays, which was very bad: he had no subject for the first class. He could no longer start saying "Define me sociology" or "What do you think sociology studies?" That was something that his students already knew perfectly by heart.

Aimi, before leaving home, smoked several cigars to skip breakfast, she didn't have time to do it, as usual.

Coming downstairs to eat breakfast, she had to lean lightly against the wall: a dizziness hit her out of nowhere, making her eyes roll everywhere.

When the dizziness passed, she continued like nothing. She must have taken the last hit on her cigar badly while changing her clothes and combing her hair.

Eiji and Yumei's couple were holding hands even with their winter clothes, the snowfalls were getting worse as God intended, mainly because it was January.

Although it did not take long for these to go down the drain, spring would soon arrive. Yumei was extremely excited since she was starting the first day of her last semester, in the same way that broke her heart into many pieces since she would not see Eiji, Yurisa so often and perhaps she would hardly see her again in her life. Teacher Aimi and Professor Tadashi.

The little tears that came out of her eyes froze the moment they came out, so Eiji took them off from time to time.

Yurisa forgot to set her alarm, falling peacefully asleep in her warm bed until her mother came slamming the door to wake her instantly.

She changed and bathed as fast as she could, although the water was slightly cold, she had to endure it if she didn't want to be late for her first day of senior semester.

Everyone of his generation cared about that, and with good reason, since they could not have low grades under any cause, reason, reason or circumstance, since doing so would be equitable to having to repeat the year, which was a joke in every aspect of the word.

Of course, when Yurisa tried to comb her hair, she realized that the cold water had hardened her hair, so she had to go through the impossible task of detangling it and trying to comb it as best as possible ... her day was starting in a bad way way.

The same was for the young Juro, who had not gotten up late or anything like that, in fact, he was in good weather ... but the problem is that this was the last semester that he could try something with Kazumi, something more than a simple friendship.

So many years of always being in the same academy and only he would think of talking to her when there would no longer be another opportunity to conquer her in his life! That tortured him too much.

Speaking of Kazumi, she had gotten up like she always did, hugging the bear that Juro gave her for Christmas, she even called him the same way as him.

She was also in love with Juro since shortly after they began to speak ... but the young man was very shy in his first steps, and then he did not advance too much or retreat when he had already taken a step forward.

Those details sometimes made her despair since it was synonymous with having to wait, and wait, and wait; the truth is that she did not like that idea very much, she even found it slightly unpleasant.

Kazumi didn't want to take the first step as she was "proud" in that sense. Women do not ask for anything from anyone, much less the love of a man, that's why I would wait for Juro. Even if they weren't dating, the times they went out together were incredible to him and he always wanted to repeat the occasion even if it were for another five minutes.

What she liked most about him were his lips, for her they were perfect as far as a boy's was concerned. Of course the boy was handsome, even more than one of his friends was interested in him ... but Juro's heart already had the name of a person, and that was Kazumi and nothing more than Kazumi.

It was something like the phrase "In Caesar only Caesar rules", but in this it would almost be "In Juro only Kazumi rules". Funny? Quite a bit, to tell the truth, but it was what was actually happening.

Again, the two friends met at the train station to go to the academy, which would already be a nice memory in a matter of a few months or less.

-What's new, buddy? -Juro asked as he shook Ringo's hand.

-Nothing new, except that I already want to go to the damn academy. –He answered.

-Nothing else to see Teacher Aimi, right, dog?

-Clearly, doggy.

-Hey that sounds bad, don't be an animal.

-¡ Hahaha ! My God, I have realized that when we argue like this we say pure bullshit.

-Especially you. –Juro mentioned while pointing at Ringo.

During the journey to the academy, Ringo and Juro talked to each other about the things that happened in the two and a half years that they had already been in that academy, many of them were anecdotes only of the two of them and nothing else. What they remembered most fondly was the occasion when they both met "The two Y's", which undoubtedly made their stay at the academy quite happy… although Ringo a little less.

It still hurt the blow that Yumei had in the eye when she swore that he had married Aimi. The desire to marry her was not lacking, but he did have plenty of someone to beat him for it.

And, by Juro's side, his friendship with Yurisa was simply incredible, they got along very well, they understood each other perfectly. Even he came to think that if they were a couple they would be one for which, although that was very fanciful. Who knows what would pass through Yuuki's heart when it came to the feelings of love that someone had for him.

When they got off the train, they saw teacher Aimi's car, who couldn't see them.

Ringo smiled happily, he fell in love with Aimi again, just like he did every day, every time he saw her again during the morning.

When he realized that, Juro hit him on the shoulder and then pushed him and they continued on their way to the academy. I didn't want them to be late.

-Damn it, why did I have to leave everything until the end? -Tadashi asked to himself as he made the slides on his laptop.

Yumei and Eiji were arriving at the academy to see what was new in the room, or if they had been changed. Nothing out of the ordinary, everything was perfectly as always.

Seeing that Tadashi looked extremely stressed in his office, the boys decided to ask. Seeing the professor in that state could only mean pandemonium and disaster.

Seeing that he had on his desk several sociology books and some notes from his notebook, the couple knew instantly that he was preparing for class with fifteen minutes to go before kick-off.

-Do you want us to help you? -Eiji asked.

-Ah, thank you very much, the truth is that a hand would not be bad for me, I have many to do; start by dictating this to me! –Tadashi exclaimed, who was giving a book to Eiji.

-It's okay…

-You, help me transcribe this from here to the computer. If you do not mind.

-Of course, Professor Tadashi! -Yumei announced cheerfully.

Tadashi went to the teachers' lounge to prepare a very strong coffee, he would have to be active like never before to be able to give his all and not fall asleep… as he did two years ago in one of the classes.

Aimi got out of her car feeling pain in her chest, her hands were cold, she suffered from a slight difficulty in breathing other than her face paled.

He had to hold onto the hood of his car to keep from falling, suddenly he felt infinitely weak for some reason, which he did not like since that was not normal.

The friends were already arriving at the academy meeting Yurisa, the three of them ignorant of what was happening in the parking lot.

Passing by, they saw teacher Aimi, who was still leaning on her car. Yurisa waved to her, to which she simply raised her hand up to shoulder level. Suddenly, it was also difficult to raise his limbs.

Without giving importance to that detail, the three boys entered fully, Yurisa greeted her friends in the room, while Juro looked for Kazumi to be able to hug her "as friends."

It was funny since you could tell from leagues that he was looking for someone, and those who knew him best already knew who it was.

Not seeing her in the corridors, he decided to wait for her at her locker. After all, both are inches apart, only.

Go that his locker was empty, it was strange to see it so orderly, since usually the "sacred temple" that represented the resting place of his books and notebooks was a real disaster.

Walking towards them came Kazumi with his deer walk, precisely. When he saw her, Juro's eyes lit up with life and love, as it also happened to Ringo when he saw the girl of his life.

Noticing, Ringo decided to take revenge for what happened in the subway station, hitting Juro and pushing him against Kazumi, with whom he collided head-on.


-Ringo, you're a! ... oh God.

The two stuck together, Kazumi had his hands resting on Juro's chest, and he had his hands on her shoulders.

- Pour them water! –Dai shouted , who happened by pure chance. Ringo was also going to take advantage of the situation and whistled romantically.

Kazumi's and Juro's faces flushed from bottom to top the instant that happened, separating immediately to start fuming from their heads.

-You're a real heartthrob, friend. -Ringo scoffed.

-You're a…! –Juro hit Ringo in the stomach that knocked him out of the air, kneeling him on the ground. -Dumbass!

Kazumi blew out her hands quite nervously. -T-this, see you later, Juro, take care of yourself, God bless you! -Immediately, she started to retreat to her room as fast as she could.

Ringo tried to breathe, Juro looked at him extremely angry and with his hands in a position that he was going to choke him to death… but a very eloquent comment saved his day.

-I think if Ringo had constipation ... you definitely took it off. -Yurisa said, with an air of sadness to time in taking hand to Juro and do a few steps back.

-I hope it rots ...

The exhibition had already been completed in full, so Tadashi packed his things quickly. He had promised his two students a point for helping him and preventing him from being scolded by the headmaster for his infinite irresponsibility and laziness.

-I owe you my life boys, the truth is that I am very irresponsible ... maybe that's why they fired me from ten jobs in two months ... my girlfriend cut me off ... my dog ​​ran away from home ... and that's why they assaulted me in Spain now that i went. God, why am I still alive? –Tadashi fell to the ground while a spotlight illuminated him.

-Don't be exaggerated, Professor Tadashi. You still has us and with that must have plenty. Yumei smiled, putting her hand on the teacher's shoulder.

-Yes, I think this is enough ... No, not even enough!

-What shall we do with you, professor? -Eiji asked.

-Hold it for the six months left, I guess. –Yumei answered even though the question was not for her.

Aimi walked with some difficulty through the corridors, her paleness had done nothing but give away her dark circles.

She had not slept well despite being on vacation, her mental health was slightly out of balance due to the matter of how she felt about Ringo, because of the depression she felt when she could not contact her family; the hatred of her father for separating him from the love of his life and exiling her in France.

Her house was always empty, no noise other than her heels when she went downstairs to go to the academy to teach.

Her breathing was raging, to the point where she felt he was going to go into cardiac arrest because of how difficult it was for her to breathe in the air, which out of nowhere became very heavy.

The pain in her chest was increasing, the ground was shaking and her vision blurred.

Ringo was walking happily when he found Aimi resting her hand on a wall, she was sweating despite the cold, and her pallor seemed that of a dead man.

-Aimi, are you okay? –Asked the boy.

-Yes, I'm OK. -She smiled without opening her mouth to fall slamming onto the ground, closing her eyes, landing on his right shoulder.

The blow was sharp, it sounded like a sack had been thrown into a dump warehouse. But it was not a sack nor was it in a warehouse, it was a fainted teacher at the academy.

When he saw her fall, Ringo opened his eyes like never before, his heart stopped for a second, so that when he recovered, he ran to help his teacher.

-Aimi!!! -Ringo sputtered.

The yelled that the boy had hit echoed throughout the academy, deafing more than one, although that was not good. The truth is that nobody saw it coming.

Tadashi, Yumei and Eiji came out to see what was happening, Juro and Yurisa ran to help, since they had seen the incident.

-A-Aimi, Aimi, answer! -Ringo tried to revive Aimi as soon as possible, who was holding his hand tightly even though she was not conscious at the time.

-Call the doctor, we need help immediately! –Tadashi shouted, who had to control the situation being a teacher. -Quick, hurry!

-Please, please, please wake up. - No longer being able to with his despair, Ringo shed some tears as he yelled.- Aimi !!!