Chapter Three - The Emplacement

He still had jackson, evans, and 8 others to make this push and kill the bastards who had murdered his men and so many others. He wouldn't fail, he refused to die until he killed every last jap. He had one of the other 8 marines, a man named braxt, poke his head up over the sea wall on the right side and count the men he could see and then drop down. On the left side adkins did the same but to calculate distance and how to take down the emplacement. He saw that it was about 10 yards uphill to the emplacement, a few grenades should silence it long enough to get his men up there. As he dropped back down after he yelled to braxt "what'ya got braxt?" Braxt replied "16 japs in the emplacement and 2 machine guns firing." The odds weren't in his favor but they weren't the worst he'd faced in this war. He quickly told everyone that during the next gap in firing when the guns are reloading he wanted everyone to heave a grenade over the sea wall into or as close to the emplacement as they could get them. And as soon as they heard the first explosion they were to run over the sea wall and take the emplacement. Shortly after he heard one gun stop firing and waited a few more seconds and the second one stopped as well. "What poor coordination" he thought as he screamed "NOW!" 11 grenades immediately went soaring towards the machine guns. 5 made it into the emplacements and 6 went slightly past or fell short. As soon as he saw his grenade fall into the nest he counted to three in his head and took off running up the hill. As soon as he crested the sea wall the grenades began exploding. Thump thump thump he heard 10 times "must have been a dud God damnit" he thought. He reached the emplacements left edge and jumped over the edge into it with his M1 raised. He saw 11 japs still alive, a few we're stunned but they immediately turned in his direction being just slow enough he was able to pop off 3 shots and take down a jap. As this happened the rest of the squad jumped in at either the left or right side pincering the japs between them. Thanks to the curvature of the emplacement they didn't worry about hitting friendlies and immediately went to work butchering the remaing japs. One jap closed with adkins and pulled a knife, adkins raised his gun to fire and heard the distinct noise of a jammed gun. Throwing it away in disgust he pulled his knife out and charged the jap. Just before he reached him to engage, the japs head spat blood out the side of it. Looking around frantically he saw evans, standing on the edge of the trench looking down, had put a round right through his ear. Evans had a grin on his face and said "you can pay me back with a beer someday if we live that long". As adkins was about to respond evans head snapped back and he collapsed into the trench