Green Marines Failure

As the grenades began exploding the marines opened fire, putting bullet holes in all of the japenese troops facing them. One of the newer marines, Aikman, took a round in the chest from the Jap that had turned around first. After killing the first few who had turned around all the marines dove for cover, some diving into random bushes, behind rocks or even trying to hide behind the skinny tropical trees that grow near the beach. as the marines dove for cover the remaining 9 japs had made the turn around and were busy returning fire shredding the bushes behind the Emplacement attempting to smother the marines in bullets. The marines waited for Adkins to tell them what to do. Adkins, realizing his people were taking hits and waiting to return fire, cursed under his breath and wished he could trade all the remaining green Marines with him for 2 experienced veterans. He waited another 2 seconds, forever in a battle, and grabbed his last grenade. telling his men to do the same he pulled the pin and threw It to the bunker. Everyone followed suit and threw theirs as well. Only three made the bunker however Sgt Adkins only wanted a distraction anyway so it was enough. as soon as the grenades began erupting he jumped up from his cover and began returning fire yelling for the squad to do the same. Realizing they were pinned down the gunners on the machine guns that were strafing the beach jumped off and helped fire back at the marines behind them. The marines on the beach immediately felt the fire lessen and began a rush towards the Emplacement from that side. The japs ran out of ammo after two more rounds of trading fire and as adkins and his marines were reloading they heard "BANZAI!" all the remaining japs jumped up on the ledge to rush them with sabers and bayonets. They didn't make it 3 steps before the marines on the beach crested the hill and started shooting them I'm the back. As the last suicidal Jap fell Sgt Adkins sent two of his men to grab the rear guards on the pathway and bring them back.