The Half of Story

DISCLAIMER: This short story is just a product of imagination and any same events, person and places are not any intention by the author. However, the name of place, school and also some Spanish lines are all real and rightful to the owner.

Thank you.

Ella's POV

I am in front of an old school building here in Manila inside the walled city, Intramuros. The school is known as the Colegio de San Juan de Letran. Many people heard this school because it is considered as one of the elite schools and no one can simply enter and start a life into it. I don't know any more details about it as I am from the province of Laguna. I walked towards it and stared at the antique style of interior having an armored statue that welcomed me at the entrance. I stride along the hallways looking side by side being awed by the unique style as this is m first time here.

Today is the orientation day for the freshmen which they called as "Binyag Arriba", this is one of the traditions of Letran calling it a Binyag as we are new in this institution. I am a little scared as I don't know anyone and I'm a little shy toward strangers whom I just met for the first time. Of course, I know that I need to socialized but habits cannot change that easily. I entered the gymnasium wherein flags that signifies Letran being the champion in basketball games. They are hanged around the place and carried a lot of dignity in it. A student approached me, I guessed she is a higher year student as she has a tagged saying that she is a student council member. She showed the way to the registration area, I signed and they gave me a bag that has a lot of Letran merchandises. I slowly turned around as I scan the room looking where could I sit on.

"Hello, can I ask if you are an accountancy student?" a pale girl approached me shyly.

"Uhh yes, and you?"

"Oh, thank God! I am also an accountancy student, can I come with you?"

"Of course, you can." I said then flashed a smile. I should be thankful also because someone voluntarily approached me

The program went on and it is time for a break, a lunch break. Me and Alex, well she introduced herself a while ago and I found that she lives in Cavite, a province also, goes out to grab our lunch. We straightly go to the canteen, taste their signature "Chicken by Mr. George" and have a blast. Time went by so fast and we did not notice the time.

Fast forward to the first day of school and here I am again finding my way to my room. I am so lost in the middle of nowhere, I am so bad at directions to the point that I forgot the way that a guard taught me earlier. I walked vigorously until I found a small room at the end of the hallway. I approached the room like something in my guts telling me that I should go for it. I touched the doorknob and a weird sensation lingers through my fingers as I slowly turned it.

I looked for the room label and it says that "research center", it is just 6 o'clock in the morning and students are nowhere to be seen except to the early birds which is just minimal. I entered the room; it seems like an old office having a lot of bookshelves where old books are stored in there. I roamed and a certain book catches my attention it says that "The Knight", I opened it and I realized that it is like an historical book having a lot of characters introduced at the beginning pages, story started at a girl who is new to the orphanage, being quiet at all and not sociable compared to the other kids. I turned the next page and I saw that both of her parents were dead and she was sheltered by an orphanage that is widely known by everyone for the children who lives in it were educated by priests and as good citizens of the country.

"What brings you here child?" I dropped the book due to the abruptness of voice behind me.

"A-Ah! I lost my way to my room and I cannot find it at all. I am sorry for touching things without permission" I said to him. I realized that he must be one of the professors who conducts researches and who uses the room.

"No worries, actually no one has read the books which were stored in here. You were the first."

"But you need books to have a research, right?" I answered in a puzzled look.

"Yes, we need books but we often go to the main library to search for it. Perhaps, we just thought that books here are just useless." Well, he has a point. What is the use of a story book in their research?

"Alright, I got your point. I need to go sir, I have classes to attend to, nice meeting you sir."

"Me too…" I did not get to finish it because I realized that I am so late and I still don't know where is my room."

Someone's POV

"Me too,, I waited for you" I whispered under my breathe.

I picked up the book that she dropped and look at it. Maybe destiny had found the way to let her remember everything. She just must have courage to accept it. I put it back where it should be and read the words being formed by the books stacked in the shelves.

"Como el sol es tu Gloria, sin fin."

You should also live bright like a sun as you deserved it, Ella.

I get my phone from my pocket and started to call someone.

"She is here, but she cannot remember anything." I reported over the phone

"She should remember everything; our clan is still trapped through the warp of time and we need her."

"I will try my best, but it looks like a long-term mission. She's just getting started and I don't want her to be shock at everything she needs to know."

"I got it, but please do it as soon as possible."

"I will, I should." I ended the call and walk out of the room. I gazes at every corner realizing that in 400 years I am here, nothing really had a big change in this building. I can still smell the room where we usually hide whenever we play hide and seek and can still see the dead bodies all throughout the place. It was horrible, frightening and traumatic. I don't want Ella to encounter all those troubles but I have no choice, she must accept it. She must bring change.

Ella's POV

One week had passed and I still can't forget the book I've read in that room. It seems like a real event that happened in the past. It looks like a history book but it looks so brand new that it looks just like a novel published and sold at the bookstores. I got up on my bed and started to fix myself. I decided to go to a bookstore and search for it.

Upon arriving at the bookstore, I walked directly to the shelves where novels were displayed. I scanned through all of it and at the end I cannot find any copy of it. I approached the customer service hoping for miracle in finding it but no luck at all. I decided to just read it again at school and went home.

Alex's POV

"How can you not do anything right! You useless one!" my mother shouted and throwing things at me. I kept on dodging those things as I study my lessons for my exams tomorrow.

"How can you be so slow and not having any progress until now? We need to get that from her!" and here we go again, my mother really wanted that girl have and as her daughter I need to get it from her.

I think I haven't introduced myself yet, I am Alexandra Briones and I am a descendant of Briones Clan. We are famous of being the family that opposites the family of light. Well we are not a villain but we often contradict what they've decided to do. My family lives happily and peacefully except the time of spring. I cannot say to you who she really is but I think you have now the idea. Our families had the only capabilities to reach each level since 1600s. And now, it is that time again when a fruit were fully ripened and the bees are all attracted into it.

"Alright mom, can you please tone down a little? Can't you see that I am studying?"

"Ahhh! So you have some time to study that damn books but you cannot study her moves? Are you an idiot?"

"Come on mom! I'm not an idiot, it's just that she cannot remember anything. She is a clueless lad."

"Oh? She cannot remember anything? As in anything?" I just nod every time she asks.

"Well that's good, I don't have anything to worry about." She continued and went out from my room while whistling.

I just really hope that she will not remember those days, days when everyone is in chaos.

Ella's POV

"Hey Ella!" Alex called me from a distance.

"Hi Alex!" I greeted her.

"You're early, where are you going?" she asks while keeping her pace with mine.

"Oh, it's just my regular time going to school. No reasons at all." I said to her while giving her hints to go on her way.

"Really? Well, okay see you around." I feel so relieved when she finally catches my hints. After giving her a wave, I straightly go to the research center hoping that the book is still there.

I arrived at the room and I noticed that the door is a little opened like it offers me to go inside. I got no time to waste so I entered the room immediately. I saw the guy whom I talked to last time and he is scanning the books thoroughly. Before I turn my back wanting to escape the room and go back when no one is there, he saw me that is why I don't have the choice but to talk to him.

"Uhh hi?" I awkwardly said.

"What brings you here again? Don't tell me you are still lost inside the campus?" he jokingly said.

"Of course not, I just can't forget the book I read last time so I return here hoping I can read the next pages of it." I saw a slight surprise in his face but recovered immediately.

"You are a very strange kid; how can you be attracted in some one old books and not on romantic novels like other teenagers do?" he said while chuckling.

"Well, I am not here to be laughed by you, so if you excuse me, I can go back here when NO ONE's around."

"Whoa! Calm your horns little devil, I can show you around if you want to." I gave her a weird look, like why would he show me around when I don't know him.

"I know that look, I know that I haven't introduce myself yet. So, hi? I am Ismael member of the research center as you know and don't worry, I am a student here."

"Okay, So I am Ella, new student here as you can see." I said to him sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you." He said then offered his hand for a shake hand. I gladly accept it as part of a formal manners.

"So, as I was saying, what kind of book you are looking for?" I came back to my senses after he asked me that question.

"I don't know its title but it is about a girl living in an orphanage. That what I remember the last time I read it." upon hearing this, his face changed and I saw the sadness and disappointments.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I-I'm okay." He brings back his composure and starts to find the book I am searching on.

After a few minutes, he found it and handed over to me. I sat on and open the pages where I stopped reading on. The next pages showed more characters and had a conversation with the girl.

Third Person's POV

Flashback 400 years ago…

"Hi, I am snow, how about you?" a young boy approached the girl sitting at the corner of the orphanage looking at those children who plays around the garden.

"What kind of name is that? You are snow? Well I am sun." the girl sarcastically answered.

"You're so mean. Sister told me that my name is snow because I came from the winter family." He said while pouting. What an annoying boy, the girl said in her thoughts.

"Okay sure Mr. Snow." The girl left the boy after saying it.

"Where are you going sun?" the boy shouted from behind.

"I am going to a place I cannot feel cold." I answered quietly, instead I waved my hands and go inside the orphanage.

Few years after, those young girl and boy grew up and became best of friends that can ever had. They always relied to one another and solve problems together. The sisters and priests during their days of staying always wanted them to be together but their fate opposed in that longing.

That "day" came, no one expected it and only one will be truly hurt by it. The boy was up for adoption, the couple who chose him have high status in the government as the man is a high authority member of the military and the woman is a noble lady. The two of them both heard the news, the girl walked out and the boy followed her immediately. They found themselves under the huge tree out in the garden, the girl sat on the green grass and look up the clear sky.

"It really came, isn't it?" the girl broke the silence between them.

"I can refuse the offer, sun." the boy answered in a low voice. The girl smiled, a sad smile.

"Idiot. That good life is just around you; you just have to grab it and leave this lonely place."

"But I am not lonely Sun! I have you and I need you." The boy said between his sobs.

"Come on, don't be a coward. You don't need me. You can have other people beside you when you live with them. It's okay Snow, I am okay. You can have your live there, but remember all those memories with me okay?" the girl patted the back of the boy and stared at nowhere.

I can be happy as long as you are, Snow.

That certain day came, Snow's things are all packed and the only one needs to be there is Snow itself.

"I will visit you always Sun. The huge tree at the garden is our meeting place. It is our connection, I love you Sun…" the boy said behind those closed doors where the girl confined herself, whispering the last words he said.

The girl did not move even an inch. She just listened to what the boy wanted to say and answered him under her breathe.

"I will wait for you Snow; I love you too."


Ismael's POV

"How can you cry in that trivial cringe things?" I said while giving her a confused look.

"You cannot understand a girl's heart, do you?" she said while sobbing.

"Okay fine. Stop reading and go to your class now, you're late!" I said then closed the book she strongly holds.

"You're such a cold-hearted man!" she shouted at me and leaves the room.

"I know, I am that cold one that abandoned you." I looked at the book and quietly laughed at it. I cannot believe that I still have this book. Well, I think it is a good choice though.

I get up and put the book where it should be. Maybe that book can help me in the things that I should've done and must've done in both time frames.

*sound of someone collapse*

I leave the room immediately upon hearing that sound, I saw Ella lying on the floor unconscious. I lift her up and bring her to the infirmary room.

"I hope you can remember me soon, Sun. I really missed you but I cannot tell who really am I. I feel so pathetic watching you from a distance, cannot approach you in the first place." I whispered to her while staring at her face. Deities really gave her a beautiful face every time she will be reincarnated.

I watch her over some time and after an hour she woke up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her

"What happened?" she asked while trying to get up.

"You collapsed earlier, don't push yourself too hard." I warned her then help her until she sat comfortably.

"You waited long enough, don't you?" she said in a soft voice. I looked at her with surprise and confuse on what is she saying about.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Don't pretend anymore, Snow…" no words can describe enough my feelings at this moment, I hugged her tight, a thing I'd kept for another hundred years.


"Shush, you don't have to say a word. I can now remember. I am Dawn Fuentes, your sun." she said then smiled sweetly.