Episode 2: Escaping North (3)

I looked at the floor around me. There was opened bandages, cotton pads and antiseptic wipes lying everywhere. It seems like she panicked finding these to help clean and bandage up my wound.

I moved my arm a little. It was a slight pain and burning sensation but bearable. "Thanks."

She nodded and turned away while packing some of the medical stuff into her bag.

"Let's grab a few of those as well." I pointed to the bottles of painkillers and a small emergency first aid kit in the distance.

* * *

She suddenly spoke up, "I'm... Rose."

"Hm? Say again?"

"...we, I mean, I didn't properly introduce myself earlier... I'm Rose."

"Ah... hi Rose, I'm-"

My head started throbbing again. I guess I used too much strength to walk up and around. I leaned against the wall.

"You... alright? Maybe you should lie down a bit. I'll go pack the remaining stuff..."

"It's okay, I'm fine. We need to get going ASAP[1]."

I chucked a few bottles of water into my bag along with the 'instant dark coffee' beside it.

"Instant coffee? Whatever..." I said as I picked it up and shoved it in my bag.

* * *

A few moments later, a cold sense of aura poured into the surroundings. It was as if something or someone was watching us. I slowly walked backwards as I extend my arms back.

"Rose... walk back... slowly. I feel like someone is watching us."

"I... okay..." Rose said as she inspected the ceiling corners.

"Over there!" she pointed.

I looked and saw the CCTV staring straight at us.

It swayed a little to the left, then to the right as if hinting something. I climbed the fallen shelf towards my left. I poked my head out and saw a squad of soldiers patrolling the area.

The CCTV once again swayed and this time stopped at an angle facing beside me. Is it trying to tell me this is the best route of escape?

The area was unclear to me. Sevco was a place I used to come hanging out every week with my friends but after being trashed like this, it's unrecognisable, even for me.

Wait. Wait a moment.



I felt a throbbing pain as I tried to dig deeper into my memories. It was no use, I couldn't recall coming here with friends in the past.


This weird feeling...

"Erm... are you alright...? I think... we should get going or else..." Rose said with a concerned look on her face.

I looked up once again and said, "Seems like 'it' wants us to escape that way."

She looked back and nodded. We hurried our way out of the store towards the stairs.

It was hard to navigate through Sevco without meeting deadends formed by the scattered debris. Fortunately, we trusted the 'being' behind the CCTV as it guided us through the area one by one.

"Hey, Ray!"

I turned around and asked, "Sorry I didn't catch that! What did you say?"

"Nothing... erm... I mean, why are we heading to the security room?" she pointed.

I shrugged my shoulder and we busted into the room. There was a massive monitor display in front of us. It displayed the live stream of the CCTVs across the entirety of Sevco except for the lower middle section. A black chair was blocking the view as it slowly turned around.

"Welcome... to my playground."

* * *

"Welcome... to my playground."

That voice... that sounds like... a kid?

The chair was completely turned around. And I saw it. It was the kid.

The kid swung its legs freely as he played chess on his mobile phone.

Rose froze. She was devastated to see him again. The boy with short wavy ginger blond hair, sky blue eyes and pale white skin. His appearance was exactly like the same kid we saw earlier as the car exploded into smithereens.

"He... he... wasn't he..."

Rose recalled the massive explosion and her complexion turned pale while her legs trembled as she collapsed on to the ground.

"Rose... are you okay?" I asked as I patted her shoulder. "Hey, kid. Weren't you taken away with the guys back then?" I carefully questioned him.



"Yes, you're correct. But getting away from those idiots... easy as pie," he said proudly as he closed his eyes and nodded.

"...why are you here?"

"...that's none of your business."

"Then why did you help us?"

"Those pawns... they'd do anything for a promotion[2]."

"Pawns? You mean those soldiers back there?"


He twisted his chair around and said, "Well... let's make a deal shall we?"

"...a deal?"

"You two be my guardians and I'll help you get to your destination."


"I'm not repeating myself. Do you want to get out of this place or die with that lovebird of yours?"

He glared at me. The corner of his mouth slightly rose.

"What lovebird!?" Rose exclaimed.

"...do you know what happened outside earlier before you got here...?" I questioned ignoring the 'lovebird' bit.

"I do."

I was shocked. How can he be so calm at a situation like this? It wasn't even that long ago! His mother... this kid. What is he... what does he want?

He was like a predator waiting for his prey to be trapped.

"So? You're decision."


"What about my opinion???" Rose said angrily.

"You... you're too timid to make decisions."

Rose shivered, recalling what has happened so far this morning.

Is she angry?

No... she was shivering in fear.

"...you might be right," she quietly said. "I'm no good but... I value his-!"

She looked at me. "...accept it..."

"Okay..." I said as I turned around facing the kid. "Deal."

* * *

The soldiers patrolling the area halted.

"Shh, you hear that?"

"No sir."

They held their guns up and took a triangle formation.

"I see nothing, sir."

"Me neither."

"Same here."

They all agreed.

The person in command waved his hands and they lowered their guns. They were wearing black-styled combat uniform and surprisingly, no helmets.

I threw a heavy metal object over the shelf and it landed on the ground rolling towards the soldiers then I accelerated towards the next location.

"GRENADE!" one of the soldiers shouted.

All the soldiers immediately dived towards the ground regardless of all the debris and placed their arms on top of their head with their guns behind their backs.


A moment past and nothing happened.

I arrived at the location, undetected, and took out the gaslighter. The cooking oil has already been scattered everywhere leaking into the surroundings.

Pulling out a piece of cotton, I damped it into the oil, lit it and threw it.

Time to run.

I wore the breathing apparatus the kid gave me and dashed away towards the vents.

I hopped in like an imposter and followed the path leading to the security room where they were waiting for my return.


[1] ASAP means 'as soon as possible'.

[2] 'Pawns' are pieces played on a chessboard. They are lined up at the front line and they are basically 'soldiers' but once they reach the other side, they can be 'promoted' to a higher rank. This sentence means these soldiers are greedy for achievements to be promoted.