Over the next few days, Hakai would wake up, do his daily mission which was usually training and working out and once he was done, get to work on creating weapons for Makino and Kaya.
Hakai decided that since Makino came before Kaya, he would make her weapon first which would be a metal gauntlet.
Like his new sword, it took most of the day to make the gauntlets. Makino had been watching Hakai the whole time, excited on getting a weapon personally made by Hakai.
The gauntlet was mostly white, but there was a green orb at the middle of the gauntlets.
"Is it done?" Makino asked, eager to try out the gauntlets.
"It's done, but not really. I need to put on an enchantment or two and then it'll be done."
Hakai grabbed the gauntlets, focusing his energy on the green orbs in the middle of the gauntlets.
"Control the air and become the king of the skies!"
The green orb glowed as he successfully enchanted it. He changed his focus on the whole gauntlet as he enchanted the gauntlets one more time.
"Gain power from your enemies' attacks and use it against them!"
The enchantments were simple. Hakai made it so that whoever wielded these gauntlets would have the power to control the air, and it would also absorb the power of attacks, making the gauntlet stronger. There is a limit to how much it can absorb though, and it'll also go away after a while returning to its normal power.
Hakai added a few more supplementary enchantments like the ones on his sword to make the gauntlet more durable and stronger. There was also the enchantments to keep the gauntlet clean all the time.
Done with enchanting the gauntlet, Hakai gave them to Makino. "Done. It'll get stronger the more you fight and it'll let you control the air although you might need some practice with that one."
Makino gladly took the gauntlet and put them on. They were a perfect fit for Makino's hands. Not too tight and not too loose allowing her to use 100% of her strength.
The green orb on the gauntlets glowed as Makino levitated into the air. "Whoah! Cool!"
Throwing a punch out at sea, a wave of compressed air appeared.
"Look at that. You got used to it faster than I thought," Hakai said.
If someone were watching this, they would think that Makino had a devil fruit to control the air, but no, it was all because of the gauntlets that she was wearing.
Makino flew around the ship, enjoying the feeling of flying.
Kaya clapped smiling as she watched her fly like a bird. "Wow, you're like the Queen of the Skies."
Makino landed beside Kaya, giggling. "Queen of the Skies... I like that."
"It's great that you got used to it so fast, but don't overuse it. Right now, you should be able to control the air for 12 hours, but after that 12 hours, you'll have to wait for the gauntlet to recharge," Hakai said to Makino.
"Is there a way I can make the time longer?"
"Yeah, just get stronger," Hakai laughed. "It's that simple. The gauntlets use the energy of the user so if a kid were to use it, they'd most likely only be able to control the air for an hour or 2 at most."
Wanting to test out the other ability of the gauntlets, a pirate ship being chased by a marine ship appeared.
Makino smiled. "I can go on ahead right? I want to test this out more."
Hakai sighed. "Sure, but be careful."
"Be careful! If you get hurt I'll patch you up," Kaya said.
Makino flew through the air and landed on the decks of the pirate ship, gathering the attention of the pirates.
"What the hell?! Where did she come from? Get her!" the captain said.
One of the pirates approached her. "I don't know how you got here, but if you're a marine then you are dying."
Makino didn't bother talking as she punched the pirate, sending him off the ship and hitting the marine ship that was chasing them.
A very light aura appeared on the gauntlet as it absorbed the impact of Makino's punches becoming stronger and making her punches hit even harder.
With each punch, the aura of the gauntlet became darker and darker as more and more pirates were sent overboard the ship.
Makino brought her fists together and grinned. "Wooh! This is fun!"
On the marine ship, the captain of the ship looked at the new pirate ship in the distance. He saw the jolly roger of the ship and asked one of his subordinates to identify who they were.
"Sir! That's the Dragon Pirates! If I remember correctly, their captain has a bounty of 60 million, the highest in the East Blue."
"Catch these pirates first and then we'll deal with the Dragon Pirates."
The marine nodded as they fired their cannons at the pirate ship they were chasing.
Makino dodged the cannonballs that the marine fired as she fought the captain of the ship. The captain wasn't that bad at fighting, but he was unlucky to fight against Makino. With one punch to the head, Makino sent the man flying.
"My arms are tired now," she said nonchalantly. Her arms weren't actually tired, but she just wanted an excuse to deal with the rest of the pirate ship by using air.
Using air, Makino swept up all the remaining pirates on the ship and threw them into the sky. From the height that she threw them at, they would definitely die once they hit the water.
Makino was about to move onto the marine ship when it was suddenly cut in half.