(AN: Sorry for not uploading guys. It's been busy and I just haven't had the time but I am back now so enjoy this chapter.)
Robin jumped down, landing on the frozen sea. "I'm not the weak girl I was before."
"I can see that, but are you strong enough to fight me?" Aokiji's body started cooling down to a low temperature as he prepared to fight.
"This isn't the best place for me to fight, but it will do." Robin's most optimal place to fight was in places surrounded by plants, and life, but she has fought in places less favorable to her and made techniques to help her.
"Let's see what your training with a dragon has done." Aokiji froze the air around Robin attempting to trap her in a giant sphere of ice. "Ice Ball."
"That won't work against me." Seeds appeared in Robin's hand and sprouted out into flowers.
The flowers had a green stem and were various colors, but they sprouted for one purpose, to protect their creator.
In a way, since Robin created these plants, she was their mother. They moved to attack the forming ice, extending their stems, so as to not let Robin be enclosed in ice.
Aokiji was confused about how Robin had done this. As far as he knew, Robin could only sprout her limbs not actual plants.
"These plants are my creation, made from the toughest of plants and creatures. Like Humans, they have a will of their own, but there is one thing in common with all of them. They will always protect me, not that you could hurt me anyway."
Robin had another surprise for Aokiji as she transformed into her giant dragon form, her skin turning into green scales and a moss like material appearing over them.
The plants grew a wooden exterior and resembled animals only much bigger than normal. They charged at Aokiji aiming to bite him.
"Unusual like all the members of the Dragon Pirates." Aokiji froze the plant creatures, but they broke out of the ice enclosures.
Aokiji even tried destroying them, but they simply regrew their missing parts, gaining sustenance from the sun and the frozen sea which they used to gain moisture.
"Keep dodging, but you won't be able to for long. In a battle of attrition, my creations will win," Robin said as she stood in her dragon form watching the whole situation.
"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, and Vice Admiral Garp, the Dragon Pirates have arrived and 1 of their members have started fighting Admiral Aokiji. It's also been reported that Admiral Kizaru has been defeated and fallen into the sea," a marine reported to the 2.
"This is a problem and this thing's scales are tougher than steel, no even tougher than steel I'd say," Garp said. "My haki can barely make a scratch."
Sengoku nodded. "And that black energy it uses is dangerous. Not only does it destroy everything in it's path, it also drains energy so we can't afford to be hit by that."
Hakai watched Sengoku and Garp talk to each other. "You think you can ignore me?"
He hadn't been taking this fight very seriously, but being ignored made him mad. Was it his pride as a dragon that won't accept being ignored? Or was that just his true nature and being a dragon just amplified it. Either way, he didn't enjoy being ignored.
Hakai charged up an attack but different from the last. Instead of gathering the energy into his mouth for a breath attack, he gathered it into his claws. With the property of the void on them, his claws were the perfect items for destruction.
He aimed the claws for the 2 marines, attacking them both and destroying the ground they were standing on.
"Annoying, before we do anything we need to deal with this criminal," Garp said, coating his fist in haki.
Sengoku nodded in response as he sent a shockwave to Hakai. "Garp, I have a plan..."
The battle at Marineford continued to rage on. pirates aiming to save Ace and Marines doing their jobs to stop said pirates.
Luffy jumped into Marineford aiming to save Ace. It went about the same as it did in the manga but since Hancock was a part of Hakai's crew now, it wasn't her that gave Luffy the key but someone else.
Other than that, it was the same. Mihawk fought Luffy. Luffy managed to not die and like in the anime, Whitebeard was stabbed by a member of his crew.
This obviously wasn't enough to kill Whitebeard and after talking with the person who stabbed him, jumped off the ship to join the fight as he used his devil fruit ability to shake Marineford.
"It seems the strongest man alive has come to join the fight," Hakai said.
The earthquake attacks that Whitebeard was doing were about to break the platform that Ace was on, but Akainu stopped the attack, leaving it unaffected by Whitebeard's attacks.
Once Akainu had stopped the attack from affecting the platform, Akainu responded by using one of his most devastating attacks. "Ryuusei Kaizen."
A devastating attack where Akainu fires off magma into the air in the shape of fists. The fist-shaped magma would then come down like a meteor, gravity making it stronger. The plan was that since the pirates were all surrounded by ice, if they melted their foothold, then it would be way easier to deal with them and this was the perfect attack to do that.