chapter 2

Natsuki pov

I woke up on Yuri's bed...



Why was I here? Then I saw my stuff in the bag and I remembered. "Well I guess I should make breakfast for Yuri's to say thanks" I thought as I walked down stairs to the kitchen. Then I saw Yuri in there cooking bacon and two bento boxes.

"Well so much for making breakfast for you" I said annoyed but appreciative to yuri.

"Wait... you tried to make me breakfast?" Yuri sweet but timid voice spoke.

"Yeah... well it was my way to say thanks" I stumbled over my words as my cheeks felt hot.

"I couldn't find the bathroom anyways and I came down to look for it"

Yuri looked confused but nodded

Yuri's pov

Was natsuki grateful for a simple meal and a room to sleep in?

I don't think this is normal... I started to text my farther and I heard a knock

"Who's that?" Nasuki squeaked, a petrified look in her face

"I don't know... quick in the closet!" I whispered to her. I could see her shaking

I opened the door...

Thank god it was only my parents

"Natsuki you can come out" I called so she could hear me

My parents took one look at her and my mother said

"Honey can you take some pictures of any bruises please"

Both me and natsuki went an odd shade of crimson

"S..sure mom" I called as my mom left the room

I gently lifted natsuki's t-shirt up to reveal the bruises and scars on natsuki's body

I started to take the pictures trying not to blush too much.

"Have you finished y..yet" natsuki trembled and was an shade of red.

Once we had the photos I give them to my parents and we both went upstairs to get dressed...

She chose the bedroom so I had the bathroom

All I could think about was her skinny batted body

I vowed to myself that I would keep her safe since the day I saved her from Chloe chang beating her up

Yet some how I had failed to do that

I couldn't take the pain

I could of lost her

I don't know what I would of done if I had lost her...

Should i be blaming myself?

If only I had checked on her more

If only I had asked her if she was ok and needed any change

"If only" isn't going to help anything is it?...