Day 9

November, 20, 2017

If I were to just disappear I bet no one would miss me. If I never existed no ones life would be different. I'm just a waste of space in this world. Why do we as a race keep wanting people like me to stay here we're irrelevant....I'm irrelevant. If we could solve all the mysteries in the world then we would be less considerate of who made this or who made that, or the people who hid the truth for so long. If everyone was an open book would you still trust them even if they're heavy with sin. In this whole world if no one died would we know tragedy and loss...or even how to feel sadness at all. If suicide didn't exist would we be faced with a more miserable world of people who just want to stop it all...I guess we'll never know because just like everything else it has to happen before we can know the answer. -Just let me die