Day 10

November 22, 2017

In this world there are 7 Sins known as the 'Seven deadly Sins' There's Lust, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, and Pride.

1.Lust, A strong sexual desire as defined....I don't think I'm guilty of this one but I could highly be....

2.Greed, intense or selfish desire for power, and/or wealth...I am guilty of this one. I want money, but who doesn't.

3.Wrath, An extreme anger....I am guilty of this one....many times actually....I'm a burning ball of hate thanks to some people.

4.Sloth, reluctance to work, or make an effort (Basically lazy). Hell yes I'm guilty of comes with depression....never wanting to get out of bed and constantly tired.

5.Gluttony, excess in eating. I'm not guilty of this fact I'm anorexic.

6.Envy, basically jealous. I am guilty of this.....wishing I had what the popular kids I wouldn't be this, but again. Who doesn't?

7.Pride, pleasure from your achievements. I'm not guilty of this one at all....I lack all self confidence, and pride....but less reason to die, Right?