
The year 3000, a complete war zone, humanity has evolved into a superhuman society due to a deal with a Shinigami. The deal read for humans to obtain this power they would need to pair up with a shinigami. Those with shinigami are known as villains and are cursed, but Quincys have also paired up with humans trying to get rid of the shinigami-human pairings. The pairings of Quincy-human are called heroes, Quincys allow humans to share their power, although it is unknown how the Quincys choose the people to pair with. Shinigami pair with the humans who have life spans shorter than 70 years.

The war had begun not long ago, my father started than an all-out assault on Nami City, Japan solely to eradicate the so-called heroes. My father made a deal with the Shinigami; if the shinigami-human pairing gets rid of the Quincy-human pairings, shinigami pairings lifespans will increase to 70. For example, I'm supposed to die by 35 but if Quincy pairings are "taken care of" I'll get to live till I'm 70. My name is Takeda Karma, one of the 3 kids of the villain leading this assault on the Quincy-pairings. My power is Spacetime void, it allows me to control portals leading to other worlds and even to space. I personally have no interest in the war or increasing my lifespan anymore.

My father can completely steal another person's power but he can't keep it, if he doesn't pass on the power he's stolen that power could end up destroying him. My older sister, Kami has healing and pairing powers which are the power to heal any wound and sickness. Pairing allows Kami to connect to people by a tattoo, by touching a person she can give them the tattoo and give someone else the same one. Once two people are paired together they can feel each other's emotions, pain, and memories. My eldest brother, Kaname has mind manipulation, just by touching a person he can control anyone's actions and even thoughts. I have half-sibling somewhere in the world I know nothing about them but during this war, I've been looking for them. I have one hint my father gave me and that's all I have to go on.

"They have no powers,"

"And might I ask how I'm supposed to find them within the battlefield you have created?"

"I told you not to look for them in the first place"

"Kaname and Kami both are on the battlefield, they've been there since our 10th birthday. Father, it's obvious they don't like me and you never around either, I have a half-sibling somewhere in this city and I will find them. I at least want to know what they look like, Father please I need more to go on." I plead with my father, hoping that this time he'll let me know something about my half-sibling.

"Don't tell the brat anything, she's already abandoned us on the battlefield wouldn't want her to abandon the family too now would we?" Kami says leaning on the doorframe, I turn around to face her only to see her smirking.

"Cut it out Kami, we're 16 now can't we just act like adults," Kaname says walking into Father's office.

"Can it Kaname, we all know you're only acting this way because Father is here" Kami says draping her arm on Kaname's shoulder.

"Enough you, two" Father gets up from his chair, "Shouldn't you both be on the battlefield now?"

"We were Father but he is there so we came to get you as soon as possible, numbers are dropping," Kaname says

Kami looked at me and said "We would have been here sooner but neither of us can teleport"

"Maybe numbers are dropping because your healing power is insufficient," I say smirking at Kami.

"ENOUGH, Karma open up a portal and send us to the battlefield and you will be fighting alongside us"

I do as Father says, open up a portal all we all step through it.