
"Uh oh"

As I stepped through the portal, I can see Kami standing in my room with her arms crossed across her chest. It's obvious she saw me but there are many reasons as to why she's here right now.

"What did I do now?" I say as I roll my eyes and sit on my bed.

"You know Father hates it when we spare heroes right?"

"Yeah so?"

"So, why did you do it"

"You know I've never actually killed anyone throughout this entire war right?"

"Well, I do now but why"

"Because I have no intention of lengthening my lifespan"

"Don't you want to live longer?"

"If I have to cut another person's life short to make mine longer, I prefer to die when I turn 30," I say as I lie down on my bed.

"That would cut 5 years off"

"I know, now get out I'm tired"

"Fine, but I'll be telling Father about this and he's going to-"

"Get out Kami" Kami huffed as she left my room.

"She's right you know, you should have killed him," Gem says plopping herself down on my bed. Gem is my shinigami, she's been with me since I was 6.

"Maybe I would have if I knew what exactly was going to kill me," I say looking at Gem. Gem knows when and how I die but unfortunately she'll only tell me when. Gem stays silent and just looks out my window.

"How long did he have to live?"

"85 years"

"Gem do you think my half-sibling is a Quincy-pairing?"

"I don't know, why ask for my opinion"

"You're the only person I can talk to about this. Kami would just get upset, Kaname dodges the subject and Father won't tell me anything other than they're powerless"

"If they're powerless, wouldn't that mean they're not in the war" I quickly sat up on my bed and looked at Gem.

"Gem, you're right in order to be able to fight in the war you need to demonstrate your power. I need to go see Father, thanks for everything Gem." I run out of my room and I stop out Father's office door. I was about to open it when I heard yelling.

"HOW COULD YOU HAVE FOUND A SUCCESSOR ALREADY" I press my ear against the door, it sounds like Kami.

"Kami, calm down if you're too loud Karma will get up" Kaname is in there too, but what are they talking about.

"How could you find a successor now, are you going to die soon, Father? Is the successor Karma? Did you know Karma has never killed a hero since the war has started? She can't be your successor because she will die before both me and Kaname not mention both Kaname and I are older than her"

"Kami, I'm older than you by 10 seconds, and 20 seconds for Karma," Kaname interjects.

"I DON'T CARE" Kami sounds so hurt, I remove my ear from the door, twist the handle, and walk-in.

"Father, I would like to know where the non-pairings are," Father sighs and shakes his head, Kami gives me a death glare and Kaname looks as though he's silently praising me.

"Why Karma, to look for your sibling?"

"Actually, I'm going to visit Mother"