Work Day

The next morning, I wake up and get ready to help mom at Father's business. Father owns one of the biggest shopping malls in the world and also owns the only shinigami company in the world. Father is paired with the God of death so he can freely communicate with other shinigami easily. Mom is a spiritualist but can't really communicate with shinigami well which is why she wants us to help. Kaname and I can freely see and speak with shinigami, making the job easy for us. Sometimes people can't see their own shinigami so they would come to the shop and see if they have one.

"Karma are you ready?" Kaname says knocking on my door.

"Yea come in"

"Karma what are you wearing?"

"What''s wrong with it?"

"You can't wear an oversized hoodie, wait is that mine?"


"I've been looking for that hoodie for 6 months" Kaname attempts to pull the hoodie off of me.

"Stop it, Kaname"

"No that's my hoodie"

"Ahem" Kaname and I freeze in place, Kaname lets me go and I see Asagi at the door.

"Your mother is waiting for you two downstairs, Kaname I will ensure Lady Karma is changed into something more appropriate."

"Thank you, Asagi" Kaname leaves the room and then pokes his head through the doorway. "Also if you can make sure you return my hoodie to my room Asagi"

"Of course sir"Kaname leaves the room again and Asagi looks through my closet.

"Why can't I go in a hoodie Asagi?"

"Think of it this way, if you got into legal troubles and you went to seek a lawyer and they were dressed in a hoodie would you hire them?"

"Most likely not"

"Exactly, you need to look presentable. Lady Karma have you ever been to your Father's workplace?"

"Just the malls but never the pairing place"

"I see, think of it as a law office almost, you'll meet with a couple of people, talk to them one on one and if they have a shinigami you'll speak with them too."

"Have you ever been there Asagi?"

"Once to hep your Mother" Asagi picks out a black shirt, a white tee-shirt, and a black blazer. "Here put these on and meet everyone downstairs"

"Thank you, Asagi" Asagi nods and closes the door behind him. I put on the clothes Asagi picked out for me and black flats to go with it. I make my way downstairs to see Mom and Kaname waiting for me.

"That's much better, Karma," Kaname says smiling at me.

"Karma you look so nice, hold on I have something for you" Mom walks to a glass vase and takes out a necklace.

"Here, wear this and don't take it off okay, it's a family necklace passed down to generations"

"Thanks, Mom," I take the necklace and put it around my neck. The necklace was yin and symbol on a place string. "Is from your side?"

"Yes, it a spiritual necklace"

"Does it have powers?"

"No sweetie, anyway let's go were going to be late" Mom walked out of the house, Kaname looked at the pendant and sighed.

"Come on Karma let's go" Kaname walked out of the house and I followed him. When we got outside we got into the car. Mom sat in the front, Asagi in the driver's seat and Kaname and I in the back. Kaname leaned his head towards the window and closed his eyes.

Mom looked back and said "Oh Kaname must be really tired, do you guys wake up this early at your Father's?

I thought to myself but he's just thinking and said "Sometimes he wake up earlier than 7 am."

"Hmm I see" Mom faces forward and Kaname opens one eye to look at me.

"I knew it"

After 30 mins, we arrived at the building, I had never been before but it looks more like a corporate company to me. When we got inside a lady with red hair greeted us, she said she was Mom's assistant and her name was Haru. Mom introduced us and told us where we would be meeting people. Haru brought us to a room and told us to wait for the next client.

"Karma will be fine by herself, I'll help you Mom"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Mom I'll be fine"

"Okay if you're sure" Kaname left with Mom and I took a seat at the table and awaited the next client. After about 5 mins, someone I had recognized before had walked into the room.