
"Is everything ok in here? Why are you guys on the floor? Get up it's dirty"

"Everything's fine Mom, but where did that blonde girl go?"

"Blonde girl?" Mom tilts her head in confusion.

"The girl that was supposed to help me file earlier"

"Kaname, I never sent a girl with you"

"Maybe I just imagined it" I help Kaname up and support him with walking.

"Kaname what happened in here?"

"Oh nothing, I was just resting" Kaname closes his eyes, "K, do you think you could help me walk for a bit I'm not up yet."

"Oh, of course," I bet Kaname is going to try to remember what happened to him.

"Kaname, you've been sleeping a lot today, would you like to go home?"

"No, I'm just fine, Karma and I will be in the conference room"

"Oh but-"

"We'll grab lunch later, bye Mom" I help Kaname into the conference room, and help him into a chair. "Do you remember anything yet?"

"No, but something doesn't make sense. Mom said she didn't send anyone with me but I know for a fact that she did."

"You said she was blonde but did anything else stick out?"

"Not really, I remember confronting her about something but I can't remember what it was."

"You should stay here and help me with clients instead of looking for the file, you'll be safer here." Kaname puts his fingertips together, "Kaname what are you doing?"

"Left leg break," Kaname says as he opens his eyes, I hear a scream outside the door "Go get here before someone else does" I rush to the door and open it, I see a blonde girl holding a file waiting at the elevator on her knee. I grab her, cover her mouth, and bring her into the conference room. Kaname smiles and laughs, "I'd have to admit, you almost had me but just like you, my power is contact-based which means whether I touch you or you touch me, I'd have control over your body."

"Kaname do you know her?"

"You know her too" Kaname pulls off the girl's wig and it's Kami.

"First of all you just snatched her wig" I laugh for a minute "Kami what are you even doing?"

"She was stealing your file Karma"

"Why mine?"

"Tell her Kamiya," Kaname pulls Kami up into a chair.

"Tell her what? I've got nothing to say to her," Kami starts healing her leg.

Kaname sighs "Karma, this specific file has all the strengths and weakness of your power, if anyone wanted to know how to take you down this file would help them without a doubt"

"Kami, why would you want to take me down?"

"You were always the family idiot, anyone could see why I would want to take you down," Kami looks up at me with hate in her eyes, "forget the file, I'll kill you with my bare hands, that's all I ever need"

"Kamiya, do me a favor and tell Father I'll be taking on the war" Kami and Kaname's mouth drop open before Kami can say anything I open a portal that takes her outside the city.

"Karma do you realize what you just told her, that's like declaring another war"

"I'm kinda hungry, can we go get lunch now?"

Kaname sighs "Yea let's go" Kaname and I go to the breakroom and meet up with one of Mom's coworkers who told us that Mom was waiting for us downstairs. When we got downstairs there was a car outside for us, Mom was feeling sick so we had to go home with her.

When we got home, Kaname followed me to my room and sat on my bed.

"What is it, brother?"

"Brother, huh you must be upset." He was right my own sister had just said that she'd kill me with her own hands, "Karma you and I both know that this is something Kami would do"

"That doesn't make it hurt any less, why would she want to kill me when I've shown little to no interest in this war?"

"There is a possibility of you inheriting the war regardless, but now you've decided to take the war so Kami will definitely show you no mercy"

"I'm aware of that but how did you catch Kami?"

"Remember when we were kids and I'd pick on you but I'd never remember it?" I nod my head "turns out it was Kami who did that she used her power to make me pick on you and the manipulate my memory so I didn't remember. I'm sorry I did all that stuff though."

"Don't worry about it, you didn't do it intentionally and I still don't get how exactly you caught her"

"Oh I just thought I must have touched her so I used my power on the last person I touched before you and I skimmed through the file and put all the pieces together"

"I wish I was as smart as you"

"And I wish I had your metabolism, you could eat a whole buffet and gain nothing"

We both laugh and Asagi walks into the room with a sad look on his face.