
"K, get up" Something crashes into my face, I immediately get up to kill whoever woke me up but I see Kaname in a suit with his arms folded. "I hoped I didn't have to wake you up but here I am." He sighs and shakes his head.

I yawn, "It's only 8 am, let me sleep" I turn over and get comfy, Kaname yanks the covers off of me. "If I freeze to death I leave everything to Gem"

"Wow I'm not even in your fake will, I'm hurt"

"You don't even care,"

"You're right but get up" I close my eyes, "Sinn"

Sinn appears out from behind Kaname and grabs my leg yanking me out of bed and throws me. Gem opens up a portal and I teleport into her arms, Gem death glares Sinn, who shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

"Okay, I'm up now. Thanks, Gem" Gem puts me down and I look to Kaname, "You leaving now?"

"Yeah, keep your phone on I'll be checking on you and letting you know if I find anything"


Kaname leaves my room and I get ready for training, I put on my black tights and a white tee shirt and put my hair in a high ponytail. I go downstairs and grab an apple but Asagi takes it out of my hand.

"Let me guess, Kaname"

"Yes, Lady Karma, and I'll be overseeing your training"

"Would you like to help me? It'll be a lot easier fighting a moral even if it's you"

"If that's what you'd like my lady"

"You know you don't need to be so formal with me, you can just call me Karma, you're like family to me."

"That would be disrespectful, the Chef has made you something to drink to keep your energy up"

"No food?"

"Your brother says Sinn loves to go for the stomach so he recommended that you didn't eat" Sine gives a devilish smile.

"I'll drink it later, let's go guys" Asagi, Sine, Gem, and I all go outside to start my training, "Hey Asagi, don't you wanna change into something more comfortable?"

"I'll be fine my lady," Asagi says "Let's start"

"Remember don't go easy on me okay?" Asagi nods at me and I nod at Gem.

I charge at Asagi and Gem opens up a portal as I'm about to make contact and redirects the hit behind Asagi but he dodges it. Asagi then attempts to punch me but Gem opens up another portal causing Asagi to almost hit himself. I jump back and a portal opens and I collide with Asagi. He then grabs my arm and slams me on the ground causing me to hit my back, a portal opens up and I'm behind Asagi and kick him in the back. Before he can grab me a portal opens up and I'm about 10 feet from Asagi. Asagi smiles at me and then charges at me, when he gets close I attempt to sweep him off his feet with a kick but he grabs my leg and dropkicks me across the yard. I get up and look at Gem, she nods and teleports me beneath Asagi. I grab him by the leg and spin him around and throw him. Gem opens up a portal in the direction I threw Asagi and I kick him down to the ground.

"Okay okay I'm tired"

"You've gotten better My lady but your moves are still very predictable."

"Thanks, how'd you know they were coming through?"

"You always try to hit from behind but your brother and sister hit from the front"

"Okay, so I need to try hitting from the front some more huh"

"Don't make it predictable, it seems you and Gem have perfected your non-verbal communication, I'm proud"

"Last time we sparred I was 10, with the years I've spent on the battlefield I had no choice but to take all of your feedback into consideration."

"I'm glad that something got through to you"

"School was never my thing,"

"Music and physical education were though"

"Yeah, hey I wanna try something do you think w could leave the city for a bit?"

"You may go and take both Gem and Sine with you but be back in 2 hours or less"


Gem opens a portal and we teleport outside of the city, nearing the battlefield. Gem and Sinn both look at me.

"Okay so what I wanted to try was mixing music and fighting, Gem you heard Asagi say that our non-verbal communication was perfect but I think it could be better. In a normal fight, if I end up not being able to use our power and need to rely on you nods might not be enough."

"So what are you gonna do sing a song?" Sine laughs at me and I stare at him.

"Well of course not, Gem once told me that before me there was a dancer and a musician who used this power to their advantage."

"Yes, that's correct. Nancy was a ballet dancer, who used her power to keep the audience surprised she used every art of her body to open and close portals."

"Do you think you could teach me to do that?" I say excitedly to Gem.

"Yes but Nancy lived inside the city"

"Oh alright, I can do that, and what about the musician?"

"Hitoshi was a great musician, he probably one of my favorite humans. He would use his power to open different time-spaces when he played different instruments to play a one ma symphony."

"Wait, Dragone Hitoshi the one-man symphony? I love his music, you actually got to pair with him? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked"