Prisoner in her Own Head

"Just wake up already, you're fully healed," Axel said to Kami. Axel rarely leaves the shinigami realm so when he wants to communicate with Kami he meets up with her in her head.

"I've had enough Axel, let me go I won't be your puppet any longer," Kami said folding her arms. "You almost got Kaname and Karma killed, not to mention you almost killed my mother. I told you that you could use my body to achieve the war but don't hurt my family," 

"They were just collateral damage besides even if I did get them killed what would you do? It's not like you could stop me, face it if it weren't for that commander we wouldn't be in here right now," Axel said smirking. 

"Whatever, all that matters now is that we're here now and we're on equal terms now," Kami said with a smirk.

"What the hell are you talking about kid?" Axel said getting annoyed. 

"Thanks to that beating the commander gave me, your mark is halfway gone," Kami said pushing her hair to the side showing the remaining half of the mark. "So I am no longer a prisoner in my own head, I'm taking back my body now Axel. I'll take it by force if I have to," Kami said tying a strand of hair to make a ponytail. 

"Oh please, you don't actually intend to fight me, do you?" Axel said smirking, "You'll be lucky if I don't kill you but I will be repairing that mark Kami," 

"If you can that is, remember you've been using my body and don't call me that. My name is Kamiya, address me as such," Kamiya said stretching her legs. 

Meanwhile, Sinn and Gem were making their way to Axel in the shinigami realm. 

"Gem slow down what's the rush?" Sinn said trying to keep up with Gem, who was flying fast.

"We don't know what Axel could be doing with Kami,"

"I doubt he'd kill her though, she might get hurt but he wouldn't kill her right?" Sinn said as he caught up with Gem.

"I don't know," Gem said flying faster.

"Hey Gem, why do you care so much about her? She's not even you pairing?" Sinn asked trying to catch up. Gem just stayed quiet, "What do you pity her?"

"Sinn there's something you should know but you should tell anyone this," 

"No promises, I might tell Kaname,"

"I have a feeling he already knows," 

"Alright then tell me," 

"Ugh," Kami winced in pain holding her side.

"Did you really think you were any match for me? I have centuries of battle experience," Axel said laughing. "I may have been using your body but you're still as weak as you were when you were a child. The only difference now is how persistent you are, I miss the days when you would just roll over and do as I say like a dog," 

"Sometimes you need to stand up for what's wrong despite the odds stacked against you, I refuse to let you go on hurting my family. You'll either let me have control over my own body back or I'll keep us in this coma for as long as it takes," Kamiya said struggling to stand up.

"Oh and what if that takes decades?" Axel asked with a smirk.

"Well, thanks to you I've got no one waiting for me out there," Kamiya said as a tear ran down her cheek. She laid on the floor and stayed there.

"You're not dying already are you?" Axel asked approaching her, " It has been a while since I killed a worthy human, won't you amuse me a bit?"

"Every human you killed was worthy the only unworthy being was you," Kamiya said struggling to get up.

"Don't be stupid did you really think that those humans were worthy compared to me? I have the worth of a god,"

"Oh please the only thing you have in common with a god is the lifespan so just roll over and die you bastard," Kamiya said standing up. "if I were to inherit the war like you wanted, I wouldn't do as you say and make people live in tyranny. Instead, I'd make this nation a divine valley just as my name means, I'd ensure that Karma would be able to take the action to find her brother despite what that means for me and Kaname, and finally my dear brother Kaname would be able to have a vital turning point from where he is now." Kamiya yelled at Axel, who looked angry and disgusted at what Kamiya just said. 

"Foolish child, have you learned nothing? This divine valley you speak of will never exist because I will ensure that you never regain control of my vessel, and this pipe dream of that girl finding her brother?" Axel laughs, "Utterly ridiculous, you know exactly what happens if she was to find that boy," 

"I do, but she deserves to be happy and I think her brother will do that for her," Kamiya said with a smile. "Maybe if she does find him we can all be at peace," 

"Idiot," Axel yells and Kamiya holds her head, screaming. "since you don't seem to understand what would happen if that were to happen, I'll show you," Axel says as he plays a simulation of what would happen if the two ever reunited in her head. Kamiya falls back down flat on her stomach. "Are you alright with that outcome?"

"Haaa, I-" Kamiya said. 

"Exactly, now get back in line or this could spell the worst for both of us," Axel said turning his back to Kamiya.

"I-I saw...her smile," Kamiya said lying on the ground, "you've won now but, this isn't over. I'll make sure...she sees...happier days," Kamiya said losing consciousness.

"I'm doing this for the greater good of this society stupid, after all, she is the reason why Gem, Sinn, and I are this way," Axel said leaving Kamiya.