The Hooded Boy

"It's always Karma do this, or Karma you have to do that. Why doesn't he ever give me a choice?" Karma asked as she sat on top of a tree stump. 

"He probably has your best interests in mind," Gem said, standing beside her with her arms folded.

"What father wants to let his child fight in a war? My best interests aren't in mind and neither was Kami's, she's laying flat in a hospital bed and the first thing Father chooses to do is to put me front and center on the battlefield," Karma said. "I just wish someone was looking out for me you know," she sighed.

"Lucky for you someone is looking out for you," a voice said behind her.

Karma quickly stood up and turned around. A hooded figure dressed in all white stood there with their hands on their hips. The hood completely covered the person's face, Gem stood in front of Karma trying to shield her.

"Relax, I'm not out to get you," the hooded boy said. "remember who saved both your lives when that guy attacked you and almost killed your sister," 

"Wait I remember that, who are you?" Karma asked trying to get past Gem.

"That's irrelevant, but we have a common interest so I'll look out for you as long as we work together," the boy said plainly and bluntly.

"What common interest?"

"You're the girl looking for her brother right?" the boy asked.

"How did you know that?"

"Your family isn't quiet about it, all the troops know you aren't willing to fight them on your own accord. Plus I saw how you helped that ginger kid, you're not like your siblings," 

"You mean Natsu, that was weeks ago. How long have you been watching me?" she asked in disgust.

"Don't look at me as if I'm a creep, our interests are just similar besides when you conduct an experiment you usually have to watch and see what happens,"

"I don't understand, what's similar about our interests? Do you want to find my brother too?"

"Not exactly, I couldn't care less if you found him or not," 

"So what's similar about our interests?" 

"Let's just say I'm looking for someone too and in order to find them I should probably be tailing you," the hooded boy said with a smirk. "You can pull out of our little deal at any time, just update whenever you find anything new about your brother alright?"

"And if I choose not to make this deal with you?" Karma asked cautiously.

"Doesn't matter if you do or don't," the hooded boy said shrugging. "I'll know regardless, don't forget who helped you and your siblings in that little fight you guys had earlier," 

"Karma don't do it," Gem interjected.

"Ah, it speaks," the hooded boy said after Gem spoke up. "listen whenever you actually make a decision call me alright," he said throwing a small black box at Karma. She frantically tried to catch the box and looked at it when she did, trying to figure out how to use it. 

"How do I-" Karma stopped herself as she looked up, the hooded boy was no longer there. It was almost as if he disappeared into thin air. "Where did he go?"

"Forget about him and give me that?" Gem said trying to take the box.

"What? No way," Karma said creating distance between her and Gem. 

"You have no idea what you're messing with Karma, give me that black box,"

"Do you know what it is?" Karma asked, Gem remained silent. "You do, don't you? What is this thing and why do you want it?" Gems still remained silent. "Say something already! If you know what this is just tell me, it's not like I'm actually going to use it," 

"Just give the box, it's extremely dangerous not just for you but for this entire world," 

"Gem don't be ridiculous, how could this little box be a danger to the world?" Karma scoffed as he held the box with her thumb and index finger. 

"Karma please," Gem pleaded, "just listen to me and give me that black box," she said holding out her hand.

Karma sighed and was about to turn over the box when she heard a voice. 

"Wow if all I had to do was beg I would've done it," the voice said. "Nah I'm lying I still wouldn't beg," the voice was the hooded boy. Karma looked down at the box. "If you give up the box I'll take your answer as a no, so if you have any hope of wanting to work together you better talk your way out of this one or you might find yourself betrayed sooner or later," the voice said, Karma couldn't see him but he knew he was smirking while saying the last line.

"I want to keep it, I won't use it but I do want to keep it," Karma said holding the black box in her fist. 

"Karma I can't let you do that," Gem said.

"Why not? If you know this thing is dangerous and I shouldn't have it then wouldn't the best thing to do is tell me why it is dangerous so that I give it to you?" Karma said Gem stayed silent. "I knew it wasn't dangerous, just tell me what it is Gem," 

"It's...nothing," Gem said and quickly teleported away.

"Gem?!" Karma creamed as he left.

"And there it goes, what a sight. It sure looks scary but is easy to get rid of," the hooded boy said.

"Don't talk like that to Gem,"

"To her? It's not even here, hell, I'm not even here. Anyway, try not to speak out loud, it makes you look crazy plus you're the only one that can hear me," 

"Wait what? Really?" 

"What did I literally just say?" 

"Sorry sorry, but how is this possible?" Karma thought.

"I'm capable of a lot, which is why you should take my deal," 

"I'm not sure about that, Gem seemed kinda freaked out about it," 

"Oh please, as if it knows what is going on right now," 

"I'll tell you what, I'll at least think about it alright?" 

"Ugh fine,"