Tolerable Partners

Kamiya laid on the ground of her subconscious gasping for air.

"Give it up already, you know you can't win," Axel said standing above her.

"Yeah...but...I can't...lose," Kamiya said gasping in between every couple of words. "I...can only...surrender," she said trying to get back up. She took a deep breath and stood up. "You won't kill me and you know it, we've been fighting for hours," 

"Don't be stupid, we've been fighting for weeks if not months," 

"Don't play mind games with me in my mind Axel," 

"No, I'm serious," Axel said taking a seat. "You're currently dying of starvation," 

Kamiya didn't want to believe it, there was no way she could be dying of hunger. She barely lived her life most of it was Axel being an ass to her and her siblings. As she thought about everything she never got to experience, her consciousness began to crack. The space around her and Axel started forming large cracks as Kamiya's pupils started shaking.

"Hey, calm down if this space collapses we go with it," Axel tried to explain but Kamiya kept mumbling nonsense to herself. "Hey!" Axel hit Kamiya on her head snapping her out of trance.

"I don't want to die, Axel," Kamiay said as her eyes began to water.

"God, you're still the same sad brat you were when I met you," Axel sighed and then placed a hand on her head. "You won't die, you'll be totally fine and guess what you'll live a full lifetime," 

"You're just saying that," Kamiya said sniffling. "All I wanted was to live life and I couldn't because you locked me up in here. You made me mean to my mom, Karma, Kaname, and basically anyone I met," Kamiya said as tears streamed down her face.

"I did it for a reason," 

"What reason do you have for ruining my life?! You lived your own life so why bother stealing mine?!" Kamiaya screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You wouldn't understand Kamiya," Axel said hanging his head. "I didn't want to steal your life from you completely...but it needed to be done," 

"The only way I wouldn't understand is if you deliberately explain it in a way I wouldn't understand," 

"You're right, I have lived my life already in fact I lived two lives before this," 


"Back when I was alive, I used to be an undercover detective and Sinn, Gem and I used to work together to save our dying city from the sinners," Axel explained. "I had everything I could ever want a family, friends, a stable job and I was actually content with it all but everything changed the day the three of us were called by the Shinigami King," 

"What happened?" Kamiya asked. 

"How could I forget? Actually, how could they forget, Sinn can't even remember his own name and Gem doesn't even want to remember," 

"What are you talking about Axel?" 

"The reckoning, that day became my day alive and it was the worst day of my life," 


"My name is...was Alexander and standing before the Shinigami King I became Axel. On that day, the Shinigami King told us that we would be saved in the next life and the day of reckoning was approaching fast. Do you know the story of the Twins of Time?"

"Of course everyone does," Kamiya said folding her arms. "With the birth of Time, a boy and girl were born. They are always born separated but once they reunite, time resets causing the birth of a new world right?"

"Partly," Axel said sitting on the ground. "A boy and girl were born, yes but they both represent different parts of life. The boy represents the beginning of life and the girl represents the end. Once the beginning meets the end, everything and everyone will be destroyed,"

"If that's true how are you, Sinn, and Gem here?" 

"The Shinigami King placed us and a few others in a type of Limbo which saved us but we've just stayed there until we're chosen for a pairing. Stuck in a space with nothing to do and no idea of how much time passes," 

"Just like how I felt here," Kamiya cut Axel off. "By the time I got to see with my own eyes Karma and Kaname were all grown up. I didn't know how much I had missed until it was too late and that's time I won't ever get back," a tear fell from her eye. "Which is why I was so hung up on taking my life back and if I couldn't get it back then what would be the point? I'm not living MY life so why continue being your vessel," 

"I never thought about that," 

"Why would you? You're so hell-bent on causing my sister so much pain so why would you pay attention to me?" 

"I had a good reason," 

"Cause she's the one who killed your entire bloodline and that's something you'll never get back?" Kamiya asked. 


"I get it, I'd be upset too if some stranger had killed my entire family but I wouldn't use their family to do it," Kamiya said looking Axel in the eye. "I'll tell you what, why don't we start over?"

"Start over?" 

"We both lost things we'll never get back but there is a way for the two of us to both get what we want," 

"Explain yourself," Axel said standing up, towering over Kamiya.

"Let's not use our powers on each other. That way I live my life and you're free to do whatever you want," Kamiya proposed. "That way you won't get sent back to Limbo and possibly end up seeking your revenge,"

"How did you know I'd be sent back to Limbo?"

"It was a guess since you said you wait in Limbo till you have a pairing," 

"And you won't care that I kill your sister?"

"I doubt you could kill her, if she really is one of the twins then she should be fine," Kamiya said extending her hand. "Deal?" 

Axel grabbed Kamiya's hand and shook it, the space around them started to crumble. 

"What's going on?" Kamiya said.

"The space was created to hold you here but it's no longer needed causing it to be destroyed, see you on the outside," Axel said as she slowly disappeared. 

"Axel!?" Kamiya yelled as he disappeared. She looked down at her arms as she started to panic and disappear.