Double Agent?

"You're trying to kill her, aren't you?" Kamiya asked Kaname point blank. 

"Why would I ever want to kill our little sister?" Kaname dodged the question staring at Kamiya.

"I have no clue on the why but I can see it on your face," Kamiya said. "The look of hatred in your eyes when you look at her," 

"I have no hatred for her," Kaname quickly denied.

"No, you do," Kamiya told him.

"I don't!" Kaname yelled. "And even if I did, how would you know how I feel?"

"I know because Axel would look at her the same way," Kamiya explained. "I don't know what's happened in the time I've been gone but it has to be something that is fixable right? Maybe I can help you guys," 

"For someone who has been in a coma for the last couple of months, you seem to have a lot of energy," Kaname said. "You should be resting," 

"Yeah it was all that sleep I had so it's safe to say that I'm more than well-rested, I don't need any more rest," Kamiya said. 

"Maybe you should go back to sleep," Kaname replied. 

"Why do you hate her?" Kamiya asked. "What could she have done to have you hate her?" Kamiya pressed Kaname.

"I don't hate her but I hate what she is," Kaname confessed. "Think about it Kami she-"

"Kamiya," Kamiya corrected him with a stern look on her face.

"Kamiya, think about it. Look at the state Sinn, Axel and even Gem are in because of her," 

"That's just folklore," Kamiya said turning to look out the window. 

"Oh, please, I know you don't believe that," Kaname said. "We heard it from them ourselves. Think about it one day she's going to find her "brother" and then we'll be turned to dust or worse we might get turned into decaying agents of death for the rest of our existence. Is that what you want?" Kaname asked.

"I just want to live," Kamiya said. "I had to fight for my existence you know? I had to fight spiritually each and every day just to get a glimpse of what the outside world was like, what this world was like, what my brother and sister looked like, how old they got and what they were doing and sometimes I wouldn't even have the strength to see you guys. You know why? Because every time I happen to see you or Karma, it makes me realize just how many years have gone by. I barely recognize you guys anymore." Kamiya said as tears began to form in her eyes. "I just want to live what little time I do have, we managed to escape death the first time with these angels of death as you used to say but guess what? Angel of death or Human, I'm going to live my life as I see fit,"

"You're spouting nonsense," Kaname said turning to leave the room. 

"You'll never manage to do it," Kamiya said as Kaname tried to leave. 

"What?" Kaname said as he turned back to look at her.

"To kill her," Kamiya said looking over at Kaname. "You'll never be able to do it," 

"And what makes you so sure?" 

"Think about it, you grew up with her and I'm sure you've built a bond with her. If you really wanted to kill her you would've done it already but here you are," Kamiya explained. "If push came to shove, she'd probably kill you first, by accident of course," 

"Whatever," Kaname said as he left the room. 

"Quite a speech you gave there," Axel said. "Almost brought a tear to my eye," 

"Can you even cry?" Kamiya said. "I just spoke to my experience and spoke from the heart, after everything we've been through it only makes sense that in the end, we'd get along," 

"Uh-huh," Axel said uninterested. "That or we'd die," 

"Think he'll do it?" Kamiya asked. 

"Maybe, he probably just needs a push," Axel said. "Doubt he could do it on his own and Sinn wouldn't take part in it," 

"What makes you say that?"

"Sinn has always been the kindest out of us all," Axel explained. "He's pretty laid back and doesn't really interact with us much," 

"That doesn't sound like Sinn," 

"It doesn't sound like the Sinn now but in the past, that's who Sinn was," Axel explained. 

"What about Gem?" Kamiya asked. 

"Gem is..." Axel paused for a bit. "Tricky,"

"What do you mean tricky?" 

"Gem is like a layered, she only lets you see what she needs you to see," 


"Living a double life will do that to you," Axel said plainly. 


"I refuse," a loud deep booming voice said. 

"Please your Excellency, I have reason to believe that your vessel is in danger," Gem said to the tall figure. 

"Proceed," the figure said in an uninterested voice. 

"Thank you, your Excellency," Gem said raising her head. "There is a masked individual out there watching and following the vessel. I have done all that I can to protect the vessel but I can no longer protect her in the way you have instructed," 

"And why is that?" 

"This individual has broken free from the curse and has physically made contact with the vessel," Gem explained. 

"Can't you kill this being?" 

"Unfortunately, your Excellency killing the individual will severely impact the vessel in a mental capacity thus creating a divide between them and us," 

"Fair enough, take care of it as you see fit, Gem," the figure said. 

"As you wish, my King," Gem said as she left.