
As the [Entity] that we'll be focusing on fades into the universe. In a place unknown and unfamiliar. The [Entity] meets another, and asks "Are you God?". The pulsing energy that is coming from it seems to be vibrating and sends out signals in response. The signals turn into words saying "It depends on what you would consider as a God". The [Entity] then responds to the other saying "Then what are you? And are you able to send me to the void?". The [Other Entity] then says "What i am doesn't really matter, since i am a being that goes beyond your understanding. But i am able to send you to such an empty place".

The [Other Entity] pauses for a moment before continuing to speak. It seems to have something else in mind. The [Other Entity] says "Instead of going into 'The Void', i have a suggestion. But you might not like it since you don't seem willing to go back to such a dimension". The [Entity] then replies with "Well it depends on the suggestion. If i like it then I might be willing to agree to it". The [Other Entity] pauses again. As if it's deciding on what to say.

The [Other Entity]: "I want to send you back to that dimension but in an unfamiliar place. One which you haven't seen or been to yet."

The [Entity]: "Sounds interesting enough. But why should i return back to such a dimension?"

The [Other Entity]: "Well i have something that you could do that no one else would dare do in that dimension."

The [Entity]: "What could i do that no one else has done in that dimension?"

The [Other Entity]: "I want you to make a place not bound by morals. A place not bound by unwanted emotions. A place not plagued by people who try to be higher than others. A place that people fear."

The [Entity]: "You want me to make a place like that? A place that is full of hardships? A place that might lead to isolation?"

The [Other Entity]: "Well it depends on what you make and how you make it."

The [Entity]: "Well it's a compromise but I'll do it."

The [Other Entity]: "Yeah but first, I'll send you to do something you don't like"

The [Entity]: "Wait!! Wha- !?"

The [Entity] then gets sent to somewhere he doesn't enjoy. But this story is about the objective that he agreed to and not about where he was sent to beforehand. The [Entity] that has lived three times in the same dimension, who has gained knowledge about multiple things, who has lived a life of passion.

Welcome [Readers], to the story of 'The Graveyard'.