
In the beginning, the main character without a name, would meet a being that would be considered God. For the first time in their encounter, there would be an indescribable sensation felt across his soul. Bringing on the thought "Is this God or the absolute evil?". It would have a formless body with one big eye. The body would be pulsing energy as if alive like a storm. The energy signals that come from it seem to vibrate and send out signals in response. Those signals can be felt shaking the body and soul in its presence. The eye is bigger than the size of his soul appearing enormous in comparison. He would appear to be only a speck in the cosmos just by comparing the size of its eye. As he gazes at it, this entity is looking back at him in silence.

As eye contact was made it would speak through the mindscape to the main character it would say "Thou can perceive however it seems. Thy am one of many. To thou, it depends on what thou would consider a 'God' to be. While to other's thine don't exist in their mind." The main character responds in telepathy saying "Then what are you? And are you able to send me to the void?". The nameless main character seems to be filled with regrets about his past. Leaving him to feel lonely envisioning his end as if he didn't matter. Then as if in response to how the main character's emotions the 'God' would say "Thou makes its presence as important as thine perceives. For every sensation comes with a reaction, but that doesn't make thou less important as any other."

The 'God' then says "What thy am doesn't matter since thine is a being that goes beyond your understanding. Thy can send you to such an empty place". The 'main character' pauses for a moment before continuing to speak. He seems to have something else in mind. Then 'God' says through their mindscape "Instead of going into 'The Void', thine have a suggestion. However thou might not like it since thee don't seem willing to go back to such a dimension". The 'main character' then replies "Well it depends on the suggestion. If i like it then I might be willing to agree to it". The 'God' pauses again as if deciding on what to say. During this time the 'nameless main character' then says to 'God' "If i don't will this be the end of my existence? Will i be brought to hell for rejecting your proposal?" Silence overpasses before the energy of 'God' vibrates again. The 'God' then says "Thy want to send you back to that dimension but in an unfamiliar place. One which thou haven't seen or been to yet." The main character pauses for a moment and looks at himself. He sees only energy and the energy him is blue. While the colors he sees of 'God' are colors of many. He then says "Sounds interesting enough. But why should i return to such a dimension?"

The waves of colors move around and as they slow down and pulsate outward the 'God' then says "Well thy have something that you could do that no one else would dare do in that dimension." The main character is shocked by what he heard and responds in a baffled manner "What could i do that no one else hasn't already done?" The colors move again but they pulsate even more bringing on deeper vibrations all around. Then 'God' says "Thy want thou to make a place not bound by morals. A place not bound by unwanted emotions. A place not plagued by people who try to be higher than others. A place that people fear." The main character pauses for a moment. The energy waves towards him get more intense. He starts to feel heavy as the energy waves get more intense. They slowly move but the pace in which they pulsate gets more intense.

He imagines how it would look or appear in his mind about what 'God' said. All he can see is a city crumbling down in a meteor shower, and how the faces of those people would look like. Only after does the main character respond saying "You want me to make a place like that? A place that is full of hardships? A place that might lead to isolation?" The pulsating slows down to and the colors of energy shift. The big eye almost starts to shrink as if pitying him. Then 'God' responds by saying "Well it depends on what thou make and how you make it." The main character freezes in silence after hearing what was said. Shocked and amazed by that sentence. He begins to imagine what type of world he would love to be in. He slowly realizes that maybe what was said was meant in the way i had imagined it. He begins to understand that his worldview is lacking in understanding due to what fear means. It could be a place that terrible and corrupt people fear. He then says "Well it's a compromise, but I'll do it."

The main character starts to feel a sense of determination as he begins to shine. The blue light starts to slowly change in color in a brighter tone. He gradually turns into a bright pink regaining his sense of life, passion, and maybe even love in a sense. A combination of emotions vibrate through his soul. The energy gradually moves at a fast pace changing colors rapidly. Then God's eye widens a bit shining a bright blue. God then says "First, thy send you to do something thou don't like" The main character then pauses again realizes that he didn't think about whether there would be a catch or not. The bright pink turns back into a blue and he starts to feel stupid. Only in his naivety and ignorance could he feel so unintelligent.

God then says "This is a separate thing thine want thou to do. Which is separate from the current proposal that was made." The main character just shakes his head in his guilt knowing he's gonna be on one short journey. Just to live one very complicated life. God then responds "You'll be sent to a new solar system far from where thou knows. Thine will see how thou do with no knowledge of the world." The main character starts to feel nervous along with other complex emotions. The energy and vibrations begin to move rapidly before him. The main character starts to move further up as God's eye opens wide and shines bright looking at him. His vision while looking at the eye starts to fade. He then responds to this by saying "Aye what do you-" Just to be cut off mid-sentence and his vision turns black as he fades and gets transported to his destination. Going on a mission for this God. He'll encounter and go through who knows what. However, that's a story for another time. Meanwhile, this story that starts will begin in a world new to him and alien to anyone reading.

So the main character fades back into the universe of wince he came from, only in a world unfamiliar, unknown, but similar to the last. The main character is being sent to a world called Genesis. He may not enjoy being brought back to life. However, his mind may change afterward and he may change as well. The only thing that's true in this new journey of his. Is that this story about the proposal that he agreed to and not about where he was sent beforehand? The main character has lived three times in the same dimension. He has gained knowledge about multiple things. Those who have lived a life of passion and depression may end up living a life of regression. Regardless of what happens this is the story of 'Emanation' which is the root of all. This story shall begin with Genesis.