
So we wanted to come up with a good enough driver said jerrica. she looked over at tom. "Ever since nicks demise. But we haven't had anyone ready that is as reliable to do what he did".

he smiled and glanced back..

so you picked me said tom . he shrugged his shoulders and reached over toward his car. the nice shining sedan behind him he so far hated so much. why this car he had no idea but at least he could drive so ef it.

yes we picked u. according to your brother you were a pizza guy over in florida and you got your deliveries there fast on a constant. not much to what i have planned but it is something and we can train you the rest of the way". she brushed a hand through her blonde hair he saw her green eyes shine in the sunlight and he followed her gesture toward the white house behind her. he went to the front as she opened the door the scent of new was everywhere. nice front room area that looked like it as in some model house building magazine.

so what do you think?, my parents have spent a great deal of time. she spoke. he was awe inspired as he looked around at a nice grey couch in the front and an upstairs behind the couch that wrapped around. to a left wall then behind another wall to the right. a nice house indeed.

shoes then i suppose. he asked. she gestured toward the door where a pile of shoes were in a neat arrangement.

just there please she said he slipped them off quickly and followed behind down a narrow hall in the middle and to the right where a great nice brown wood counter was with a black marble top  and a nice kitchen all the way around from left on his left he saw a living room and to the right counters went all the way around with dark wood and around the back to the fridge and another door which he knew was probably the garage.

"So," she spoke she sat down at the counter on a barstool and he went forward and stood next to the counter. "i need a driver tonight as a matter of fact i have someone out in the city that has been waiting for a pick up for the past two days. this is his address," she handed him a note with a address. "I know it's not much to go on  but i am not sure i want to tell you all about the job right now until i know i can trust u".

"sounds honest enough how much pay we talking and where am i driving to"? asked Tom. he looked over at her into her eyes. she smiled and said, he will let you know. anyway she stood up. "so whats this i hear about you being some big football star".

"I played on the bay everyday. Han makes it out to be some amazing school thing it was just a little extra cash". said Tom smiling. "no commitment no big deal".

"but still," he showed me some pictures especially she pulled out her phone and showed him a picture of him catching a football on the beach. he had his shirt off and was a bit muscular. his chest had always been a bit more defined even though he was shorter. when he was really little and throughout his life he started in gymnastics and did sports in middle school and high school.

"that was a good picture of me." said Tom he smiled and looked over at jerrica who smiled.

it was she spoke, so your willing to take the job then?

So up to the pitch and you gave a amazing pitch right there. appealment to all my emotions really but one thing i got to ask is whats in it for me, I mean for real I do this job then what?

she moved toward him. "what do you want? I am offering up about 500 per job, I have quite a few jobs coming up. Oh here",

she moved toward a table in her living room. a grey couch sat on the right and in the center a nice glass table on the left the table she was going to where her tv was on top of and games in the sides. she opened up a secret latch on the side of the black small coffee table entertainment center. she grabbed out a 9mm.

"you might need this". she spoke,"whatever happens remember whos side your on. so anything else you need". asked jerrica.

"do i have room for career advancement and i wont need it."he tried handing it back she shook her head. he spoke smiling. she grabbed his shirt.

"that is yet to be seen. now leave me babe i got to go take care of some stuff". she let go of his shirt and walked to the left in front of the kitchen out the glass back door.

damn it he thought. he was blushing, he felt is face burning. he sighed looked around her kitchen,. this was a good place. I wish i had money for this. he saw the way the cabinets were the wood finished to be smooth and the nice black countertops. the stainless steel on the fridge probably a couple thousand alone.  shimmering amazing. he walked to the front door and got his shoes on.


So wait wait laughed James he looked at Josh who smiled and nodded. so your saying that they raided the bank of america in Bridgeport?

Josh sat on the other side of the bar. James quickly grabbed a bottle of jack and dual shot glasses he put onto the counter and poured them. he took a drink.

the light of the sign meta 4 was shining, people were talking behind them. James looked over at a young man who just entered the bar. he had Black skin green eyes and dreds. seemed to have an attitude he walked with confidence but seemed like a bit of a jerk by the way he presented himself up to the bar.

"yo tender get me 3 shots of Rum". said The boy. he looked over at James and James nodded. this boy didnt seem familiar.

James gave josh a look to wait a minute with the conversation. any thing else sir. asked James.

"yeah dont have such a stick up yo ass buster." said the boy. Nah im just kidding. peace. he grabbed the shots and went into the other side of the bar.

Damn man i think that was....

oh i know who that is said, James. he looked over at the boy and said, so if someone finally raided  the bank then we might have some big operators coming into the city. some big business, and bigger players.

"exactly" said Josh. "I am excited".

James looked at him and shook his head.


Han Looked out his window and heard his phone ring. He answered. Hello?

Hey its Tom said Tom. i needed to ask you why i might need a gun? I am a bit concerned to be honest.

so wait you called just to ask why you might need a automatic gun. asked Han. He moved over to his sceen door and headed out side. the sun was shining and he went to his grill on the automatic left side of his back patio. he could see the parking lot and his black truck. He turned on his gas and lit the burner.

Pretty much yeah said Tom. should i be concerned?

Not really that concerned your just picking up a friend of mine it shouldnt be that big of a problem. although he has been stuck out in bridgeport for a while hiding. said Han.

why? asked Tom.

I'm not completely sure said Han. Look i got to go il talk to you later its important.

he hung up. Tom looked at his phone and thought to himself. I probably should be concerned. he walked down the street.