Xu Jingchen

"Thank you," Lin Meixing said with a smile on her face, but when she lifted her head, her eyes widened in shock and resentment flashed by.

She hurriedly steadied herself and tried to break free of the embrace, but the man refused to let go.

The man who was hugging her was Xu Jingchen. He looked at her as if he was looking at a stranger. His expression was cold and emotionless, but unknown to everyone present, his heart was hammering in his chest, and a strange sense of familiarity and a slight fear rose in his heart.

"Please release me," Lin Meixing said through gritted teeth. She refused to look at the man who pretended not to know her, and she was not going to talk to him more than absolutely necessary.

Although she had asked to be released, Xu Jingchen did not release her. Instead, he hugged her with one arm and used the other to lift her head. He could see the resentment in her eyes, the pain, and the agony, but as to why she was looking at him like that, he had no idea.

Even so, his heart was clenching in pain, and just as he was about to open his mouth and ask, he saw a lone tear falling from the eye of the woman in front of him.

Suddenly unease gripped his heart, and his head began throbbing. Lin Meixing felt the arm that was hugging her loosen its grip, and she hurriedly retreated, before she bowed to the ones around him and hurried away from the company.

Why did she have to meet Xu Jingchen here? Why would he look at her as if she was a stranger? Why was he hugging her?

So many thoughts erupted in her mind, and she was full of negative emotions whenever she thought about it. Slapping her cheeks, she decided to leave it be, and instead, she hurried to Lin Jingli's preschool to take him home so that they could celebrate that she had gotten a job. She was not going to think about that scum male any longer.

In the company, the headache vanished as soon as Lin Meixing was gone, but Xu Jingchen could not forget the scent of the woman, the feel of having her in his arms, the feeling of familiarity.

"Find out everything you can about her," he told Assistant Lei, who quickly nodded his head.

Finding information about a person was not hard, especially not since she was here to sign up for a job. The design studio that she had applied to was a daughter company of Xu Jingchen's business group; she was just unaware of this.

Soon Assistant Lei returned with all the information about her that he had been able to gather, but his expression was quite ugly.

"What is it?" Xu Jingchen asked with a frown, and Assistant Lei shook his head as he handed the papers over.

"Name, Lin Meixing. Age, twenty-three. She has been living abroad for an unknown amount of time; she has a four-year-old son named Lin Jingli. All knowledge about her childhood and youth has been deleted by... my mother?"

Xu Jingchen fell into deep thought. Whenever he thought about the woman actually having a son, he felt uneasy in his heart. It was as if something was gnawing on it, making him feel bursts of pain.

From the name of the child, he knew that it was a child born out of wedlock as it had the mother's family name, but while it proved that she did not have a man in her life, it also meant that she had been with some other man previously.

For some weird reason, whenever he thought of that, he felt like destroying the entire world. He could not understand why. He had just met her once, but he had lost control of his emotions.

He sighed as he tried to clear his mind. Even if she did not have a man now, it was not possible for them to be together.

He was the big CEO, and his mother would never approve of him ending up with a woman who had a child already. Also, he had never been interested in women before and he was sure that this one was no different, however as time went by he realized he could not forget about her.

Also what puzzled him was that his mother had erased her past. Was there something he was not supposed to know?

Xu Jingchen had been in a traffic accident five years prior to this, where he lost his memory. All he knew about his life from before the accident was what his mother had told him, and he could not help but feel a little seed of doubt sprout in his heart. Was there something he did not know about?

Shaking his head, he knew that he should not ask his mother. If he asked her, she would, without a doubt, not tell him the truth since she had already hidden the woman's past.

"Don't tell anyone about me investigating this woman," Xu Jingchen said to Assistant Lei before he took a deep breath. "She has a child, so it is impossible for me to have anything to do with her. We'll just leave it at that."

Even just saying this was making his heart ache in a dull pain, but he dared not get closer to her. He dared not get involved with someone like her. She had too much power over him.

If it was his one true love, he would not care, but this was a woman he had just met once! He could not believe in love at first sight.