Lunch Time

The whole group is sitting down eating lunch.

Ray: Ren, you used my idols special move.

Renjiro: Who?

Ray: You probably have never heard of him. His name was Naruto Uzumaki.

Renjiro: Ray do you think I'm an idiot.

Ray: No! Of course not. It's just that he isn't very popular, and I'm much more enlightened about our history than you.

Renjiro: Ray, he was the seventh Hokage. One of the 10 most popular people in all of the leaf. RAY, ARE YOU AN IDIOT!?

Nanami: Let him believe he is enlightened. It's not hurting anyone.

Renjiro: It's hurting our brain cells.

Nanami: Just let this one go.

Ray: She doesn't want to see you proven wrong. She likes you too much. Let someone look after you. Renjiro: I LOOK AFTER YOU!

Kichi: Alright that's enough. Tomorrow is ready. In the next 3 weeks, we will be doing a lot of missions. Starting tomorrow at daybreak.