4th- Unlucky Number

When those words fell, the door trembled.

Slowly, the door creaked open, the world on the other side was unknown.

A gush of wind caressed my face, little gold particles drifted in the air.

"Congratulation. The wish was accepted, somehow."

"Now get your a*s out of here. I'm tired of dealing with your sh*t."

The teenager waved his out, shooing me out.

"Hey Narcissus, I'm not going to leave yet!"

"I haven't said thank you yet."

Scampering up to the hunched man, I stared into endless darkness.

"Thank you for showing all of my memories."

"I will cherish them."

"Also, thank you for helping me calm down."

"What about me?" The teenage boy asked with his annoying voice.

I turned around and stuck my tongue out.

With a misty gaze, I stared determinedly into him.

I collided into his body, hugging the sh*t out of him.

And I fell right through him.

Oh right, I'm dead.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.



With an outburst, Narcissus howled in laughter, falling down from the pounding pain in his stomach.

With tears collecting in his glowing eyes, his face was full of ridicule, his shaking finger could barely point to me.

With heavy breathing interrupted by another round of laughter, words barely escaped from his mouth as he climbed back to his feet.

"Clumsy airhead..."

I got up and dusted off my pants.

"What a klutz..."

I turned around blushing.

"Your the type of character in an anime where they are the absolute definition of stupidity..."

I charge right toward him, tackling him to the ground.

Grabbing him by the collar, I shoved him on the ground.

"Your the type of character whose is an absolute jerk, the first to die in an horror film!"

"Sorry airhead, but I'm too pretty to die. Pretty boys never die first."

"Then I'll bash your face then!"

Narcissus grabs my fist before I land a blow on him.

"If you respect the dead then, don't."

Quirking his lips he kicked kicked me in the stomach.

I return the favor by punching him in the face.

"That ain't mean sh*t to me."

Wait, did he just said he's dead?

I look into his bruised face.

I did touch him unlike the hunched man.



"I'm dead just like you, but I drew another card and one way or another I became this."

I snorted.

"That doesn't change the fact how much of a brat you are."

Narcissus snorted back.

"I have existed way longer than you did."

I was intrigued.

"By how much?"

"By an eternity."

"Well, that makes a lot of sense," I remarked with sarcasm, not even bothering with him anymore, walking back to the hunched man.

The teenager smirked, wiping the bruise.

The purplish mark disappeared the moment his hand grazed over.

Approaching the hunched man, my cheeks began to feel hot again.

"Sorry about that."

The hunched man stood there, trembling.

With another shade of red, I waved goodbye.

I felt my hair being ruffled.

I cupped my head.

Wide eyed, I peeked up.

With a gesture, the hunched man directed me over to the door.

With a nod, I went up to the door, pushing it open cautiously

I turned around.

Narcissus made a face mockingly.

I scrunched my nose.

The hunched man silently stood there.

With a sudden urge, I shouted, "Bye Mister! I'm sure you can find someone that can love you!"

I turned back around, one foot in the door.

Almost through, I head a mischievous chuckle.

"Airhead, he isn't a Mister."

"It should be a Madam!"

Wait a minute...

I felt a tug as I was pulled in, my body helplessly followed.

With the metal screeching together, the doors closed firmly shut as I was dragged into the new chapter of my journey.


"Isn't she such a funny fellow?"


With a sly smile, the cocky teenager's eyes glowed even brighter.

"How do you think she will do?"


"Well, then, I'm free tonight. Do you say we have some dinner together."

Without a reply, the hooded woman walked back without a word.

"Oh c'mon! You can't say no to a face like this!"

She kept on walking.

"Puh! Geez, I've been unlucky these days."

The hooded woman kept walking until strangely she just, disappeared.

"Man, my fourth try."

With a growl, the teenager jumped up.

"What an unlucky number."