The Mall

Jason walked with me back to my dorm and made sure I was safe and sound inside. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before waving goodbye as I closed the door and flopped on my bed. Faren looked over at me and chuckled. "Good night I suppose? You look happy." She teased and I covered my head with my pillow. "I'll take your shyness as a yes. Well, I'm glad you two had fun." She added before getting up and grabbed my PJs and threw them at me. "Hurry and get in your PJs then and go to bed. I'm sure you have important plans tomorrow am I right?"

I moved the pillow and looked at her while grabbing my clothes. "Yeah, how did you know?" I asked slightly confused. "I'm your best friend, I can read your tells now go get changed and head to bed." She insisted and I simply got up and changed as she said. This was weird, both of them were able to practically read my mind. Am I that obvious to read?

Once I got into my comfy pajamas, I laid in bed and slept like a rock. From all the walking we had done really made me tired enough to get a good night's sleep. As the sun rose up and warmed up my blankets I feel a buzz next to my arm and grumble not wanting to wake up just yet. I was too comfy to get out of bed and no one was going to make me do otherwise. That was until my phone started ringing off the hook for the millionth time.

I sat up in bed and looked at my phone to see two missed calls and 6 text messages from Jason. I was in trouble, I should have looked at it after the first ring. "Oli please wake up. I want to take you to the mall so you could pick out an outfit for the banquet. I want to be able to show you off to my family and finally get my mother off my back. Plus I look forward to seeing your hair beautifully done and your body shaped perfectly in a fitting dress of your choice." I blink a few times and read his messages one more time. Did he really say all those things? I'm not big in fashion but he sure is excited to go shopping with me which is unusual for a guy.

"I'm sorry I just woke up. I didn't have my ringer on so I missed your calls. I'll get ready and dressed. Meet me downstairs in 15 minutes." I text back quickly and rush into the bathroom to shower and get ready. I wasn't expecting to head out this early in the day but if that means more time with Jason then by all means take me away.

I freshened up and put on a pair of overall shorts and a t-shirt with my high top converse and rushed out the door. Faren was in class so I didn't see her at all that whole morning. I hope she had a more relaxing morning than I did but it was about to get so much better. Once I make it down the stairs I see Jason sitting in one of the lounge chairs in the lobby with a button-up long sleeve and dark blue jeans. Gosh, why does he have to be so good looking every day?

"There's my sweetheart. How did you sleep?" He asked as I approached him and placed his palm on the side of my face and brushed my cheek with his thumb. I smiled up at him and nodded. "I slept well. I hope you did too. So where are we going?" I asked since I was ready to spend the entire day with him so I was pumped and happy.

"Well, how does the Fashion Valley Mall sound? I heard they have plenty of clothing stores with elegant clothes that would suit the banquet." He proposed and I looked up at him with wide eyes. That mall had many clothing places sure but they were mostly for people with a hefty allowance to spend clothes with. I didn't disagree with him but I was worried about how much money he was gonna spend on just a dress for the banquet.

"And if I hear you complain that something you like is too expensive then I will make you put it on and wear it out of the store. No price tag is too big when it comes to you, my love." He insisted and I felt my blood pressure rise. I was light-headed from his statement since my heart beat a million times a second from his words. I wasn't expecting that at all, but it was so dreamy of him to offer that.

I agreed to his terms with a simple nod and with one swoop of his hand my fingers intertwined with his and out the door we went. We walked to the parking garage and hopped into his car. It was a 1959 Austin-Healey 3000. A vintage old car that was kept in good condition. It was beautiful. We drove to the mall and parked in the parking garage before we walked into Nordstroms. Jason put his hands on his waist before looking down at me and patted my head. "Go have fun." He said looking back at the store and when I didn't move he furrowed his brows and looked back down at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked while I stood there speechless and confused. "I don't know where to start. I never shopped here before. I could never afford anything in these stores." I admitted while looking at the elegantly dressed woman around us as they gave me disgusted glares at my outfit I chose this morning. I thought it was cute and stylish but apparently not appropriate to wear in a store like this which I thought was unreasonable.

He let out a short chuckle and took my hand in his. "Then I'll show you where you should look. Come with me, darling." He replied while leading me through the store. We make it to the young woman section which was packed full with girls around my age but with immensely more expensive clothing than my entire closet combined.

Jason patted my back and insisted that I took a look around but I didn't want to be pushed into the sea of sharks in front of me and held onto his hand tightly. "Please don't leave me with these monsters," I whispered to him while standing there fear-stricken. He shook his head and looked around before he spotted someone he apparently knew.

"Hannah! Can you come here please, my girlfriend needs a dress for my mother's garden banquet next week and she needs your assistance in finding one in this sea of 'sharks' as she likes to call them." He explained to the worker and I looked at her and nodded. I didn't know that other people knew of the banquet or they just knew his family so well that she would understand so quickly. Or maybe she was working for his family? So many options.

"Come with me miss, I'm sure we'll find you a dress in no time." She said as she held her hand out to direct me to the dressing rooms. "I'll find a few dresses in your size and have you try them on and see if you like them. What are your measurements?"

I tried to think back on my size and I whispered my sizes in her ear so no one else could hear but her. I didn't want Jason knowing those things, it'd be too creepy. She nodded when she heard them and proceeded to look around the store to look for dresses for me to try on. I went into the dressing room and closed the door behind me. It was massive! It had five mirrors to look at every single angle there could be to check my body and the dress from the back. This place is too expensive I feel like I'm underpriced just being in here.