Mrs. Richards

A few days passed and it was the day of the banquet and I couldn't tell if the nerves in my body were excited for it or nervous about meeting Jason's family. I'm just gonna say it's both at this point. I had been up for a while now reading my book until I got a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I asked while sitting on my bed looking at the door from behind my book.

"Who do you think it is?" Jason teased from the other side of the door. I chuckled and got up from my comfy bed and opened the door. Jason stood there in a striped flannel and ripped jeans with a playful smirk on his face. "Ready to go? I had told my mother I would meet her back at the house in an hour so you could meet her and you could get ready for the banquet." He said while looking around my room before looking back at me. I tilted my head to the side confused why so early.

"Isn't the banquet later? Why do we have to go so early?" I asked whilst looking up at him curiously. He simply looked at the bag that had my dress and shoes in it, walked past me to grab it, and turned back to me. "Because knowing my mother she will take her sweet time getting to know you once we get there. Asking you questions and rather personal things but you don't have to answer if you don't want to. It's just for reassurance." He responded before taking my hand and lead me out of my room and to his car. I let go to lock my door before taking his hand again and walked with him.

Reassurance? For what? To make sure I'm a good girlfriend or something? Does he need his mother's permission to date? I thought he would have dated so many girls before so has he done this with every single one of them? I shrugged and figured I would find out soon enough once we got to his parent's place.

Once we got to his car we hopped in and headed straight to his parent's house. It was a pretty good distance from how long the drive was. We were in a part of town I never had been to so it was new scenery for me. It must be a country house if it's so out of the way from the city. But I was completely wrong. His house was a massive mansion that looked to have at least three floors and a gorgeous aesthetic. A large front yard with glistening fountains spouting out water in four directions. And looks to have a much bigger backyard behind the house.

My jaw dropped once I laid my eyes on it. Jason looked over at me and let out a low chuckle and ruffled my hair. "I thought you'd like it." He commented after seeing my reaction. I looked at him in disbelief and didn't even notice my mouth was still gaping in awe of the place. I quickly closed my mouth and wiped the side of it for any drool that escaped past my lips.

He pulled up to the front door and got out while a butler in a tux opened up my door and offered his hand to help me out. I graciously took it and stepped out of the car. "Thank you, sir," I said shyly and gave him a glance before lowering my head nervously and quickly went around the car to stand next to Jason. The butler gave a small head bow before going to the trunk of the car to get my things.

A woman in a long red velvet dress with a slit on the side that revealed her leg that glistened purely in the sunlight was waiting on the front steps. She wore massive sunglasses that shielded her gaze as she looked down at the two of us. With one swipe of her hand, the glasses were taken off and dazzling blue eyes were revealed with a marvelous beaming smile that went with it.

"I'm so glad you both made it here safely. It's been so long since I've seen you, Jay. How is my lovely son doing?" She said as she waltzed up to him and gave him a smooch on his cheek that left a slight hint of her lipstick in its wake. She turned to me and gave me a gentle smile. "You must be Olivia. My son has told me a lot about you, my dear. Such a small thing. Beautiful locks and marvelous eyes." She said while reaching out her hand to hold my chin and tilted my head to the left and right as she observed me.

It felt weird being touched in this way by his mother as if I'm being tested to be a perfect wife for Jason. I haven't even begun to fathom being Jason's wife let alone significant other since we barely just met but I will say, I sure wish I could be.

"Come come, I have a pot of tea and fresh cookies waiting in the parlor. Your sister is in there waiting for all of us to join her." She said letting go of my chin and swiftly turned around and headed back into the house. I looked up at Jason who gave me a reassuring look to calm my nerves and quickly grabbed his hand for comfort as we walked into the majestic mansion.

Jason lead me through the foyer to the parlor where I could see another woman layin on a loveseat with her legs dangling over the edge of the armrest and looked up at both of us when we entered. Mrs. Richards entered behind us just shortly after and walked around us to start pouring the tea. The woman laying down looked way more threatening with her appearance than any woman I had seen before. Her hair was a midnight black with red highlights poking out from under the sea of darkness. It was pulled back into a tight braided bun with what looked like diamond pendants as accents. She wore a short dark blue dress that had a long lace skirt underneath to cover her legs but was sheer enough so they were still visible.

She stood up and gave a small smile but underneath it, I couldn't help but think she was hiding a judgemental glare or a stern personality. "Olivia right? Jay told me about you. Nice to finally meet you, my name is Rebecca but you can call me Becca." She spoke once she stood up and put one hand on her waist.

I nodded from her introduction and clasped Jason's hand tightly. His mother and sister looked like very independent people while I wasn't so much. It would take a lot to prove myself worthy to be Jason's girlfriend. I didn't think it would be this hard to be in a relationship.