From Now On

After getting hungover on hot cocoa and cookies, I passed out on Jason's chest hugging each side of him as I slept soundlessly. He carefully rolled me off of him onto the bed and pulled the covers over the lower half of my body. I pulled them up to my chin instinctively and curled up into a ball. Jason let out a soft chuckle before kissing my forehead and left the room so I could sleep.

I woke up to the room only being lit by candles that were strung around the room. I sat up in the bed when the door opened to a dark hallway but Jason walked in with a bag in his hands and I relaxed my body. Shortly after he entered, two others walked in that I didn't recognize. One held towels in their hands and the other a pile of clothes. Jason kissed my forehead before sitting on the bed next to me and placed the bag in his lap before bringing out what was inside. He laid a box between us and opened it, pulling out a decorated dagger that looked like it had been perfectly crafted by the best blacksmith. The carvings on the handle were astonishing but it worried me what he was going to do with it. I slowly scooted back toward the headboard behind me but Jason placed his empty hand on my leg to calm me down.

"Hey hey, it's ok Olivia, trust me," Jason said with a voice that sounded like silk to my ears. The other two stood on either side of him before he grabbed my hand gently and held it in front of him. I tried to pull my arm away but he held it firmly in place before he brought the blade closer to my skin. I struggled against his grasp and started to try and kick myself away from him. The two dropped the fabrics from their hands to hold me down. I started screaming at the top of my lungs when one of them put a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams.

"Everything's gonna be ok," Jason said with a monotone voice that didn't sound like him anymore. I look up at him with tears streaming down my face when a red glint shown in his eyes and he plunges the knife straight into my chest. I wake up from my dream in a cold sweat.

I clenched my chest as my heart beat rapidly while I used my other hand to hold my head as it throbbed against my skull. I looked around the room to see it was just as how I saw it when I fell asleep. No candles, no darkness, just the same normal room. I let out a sigh of relief and laid my head back down on the pillow to let it calm down. It felt so real. The pain in my chest feels real. Stupid lucid nightmare.

I got out of bed and hobbled out of the room to find the kitchen again if I remembered where it was in this massive mansion. I trotted down the stairs and made a right and a few lefts and more rights till I stumbled across the kitchen. The smell also helped me find it which wasn't too difficult to follow since it smelled like pancakes and eggs. But it wasn't only that oh no, it was an entire buffet.

"Hey glad you're awake. Would you like some breakfast sweetheart?" Hannah said once she saw me enter the kitchen with a little bit of drool coming from the crook of my mouth. I looked at her and nodded like a living zombie that just rose from the bed. "What would you like so I can put it on a plate for you and have it ready at the table once you've washed up?" She said as she grabbed a few noticing my hunger written on my face. I was bummed that I had to go change in order to eat but I'm quick when it comes to getting dressed.

"Can I have two pancakes, a hard-boiled egg, and a cinnamon roll? With a side of syrup for the pancakes. Oh and a glass of milk?" I asked, still groggy from my sleep deprivation. Hannah smiled happily and nodded as she gathered the things that I wanted on the plate she got for me. I turned back the way I came and back up the stairs to change in hopes to see Jason along the way so I could say good morning to him but no such luck.

I had already taken a shower the previous night so I didn't have to shower this morning. I looked through the closet and tried to decide out of the outfits that were there, which one was the most comfortable. I pulled out a cardigan and a tank top that matched with a pair of overall shorts and hightops. It was cute but comfortable, my kind of style.

Once I was finished getting dressed a knock sounded at my door and I opened it to see Hannah with a tray of the food that I wanted. "Room service." She said with a giggle and I couldn't help but giggle with her as well. It was sweet of her to bring it up for me, I didn't mind stumbling through the house to find the dining room next.

"Master Jason has appointments in his office till 12 so once you're finished eating he wanted me to take you on a golf cart ride to show you around the property and the things that are available during your stay. He wants you to know all the things that are available to you since you'll be living with us until you make your decision." She said as she came into the room and placed the food on the table by the window.

"Just come downstairs when you're ready. I'll have the golf cart charged and gassed up before you come down." She added before leaving me to my breakfast without letting me get a word in before she left.

Uh, what?

I turned to the window and looked out at the property and saw a half of what I would be seeing later today and was I glad to have met Jason. My decision will be making itself the more I fall in love with Jason and this mansion.