Little Space

Once all the bubbles from the bath bomb washed away, I got up carefully to unplug the tub to drain the water. I hold onto the sidebar along the wall to keep my balance in order to start the water for the shower once the tub was half empty. I start my usual shower routine in order to get the baths suds off of my body so that I was actually clean and not just sitting in my own filth. Once I finished my shower and all the water was drained I stepped out of the bath and onto the fuzzy mat next to the tub. My feet were in heaven from how soft it was. Jason thinks of everything, this place feels like a dream.

I reach over to grab the bathrobe and slip it over my body so it dries me off. I reach for the doorknob when I notice the bite on my neck in the mirror beside me. It was already starting to heal since they weren't as red and inflamed unlike before the bath. I return my attention back to the doorknob and turn it to see Jason laying on his back while on the bed. He turns his head to look at me and smiles. "How was your bath sweetheart?" He asks after he sits up and walks over to me. I look up at him and smile while wrapping my arms around him. "It was really relaxing, I loved it. Thank you!"

He hugs me back and smiles. "I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it. Now to fill that belly with some food. Let's get you dressed. I have an outfit for you on the bed. I grabbed it from your room so I hope I picked something you'd like to wear." He explained while I looked at the outfit he laid out perfectly on the bed. It was an overall skirt with a checkered shirt with high tops sitting on the floor in front of the bed. A smile crept over my face while I looked at his choice and nodded. "I love it. Thank you for grabbing them for me." I replied before taking the clothes to go to the bathroom.

He cleared his throat and reached for my arm but then pulled his arm back and allowed me to go to the bathroom to change. I wondered why he was trying to stop me but I assume he had something to tell me so I'll wait till he's ready. Once I slipped on my clothes and dried off my hair, I came out of the bathroom and twirled in front of him as he returned the gesture with a small smile and a low chuckle. "Adorable. Now get that adorable butt downstairs for some pancakes. Let's go." He said holding out his hand for me to take which I did happily as he walked us down the stairs and to the dining room.

The smell of strawberries, pancakes and syrup danced around my nose as I walked into the dining room with Jason and saw an arrangement of goodies on the table. There was no way I was going to eat all of that on my own. I looked at Jason and he simply chuckled and patted my head with his spare hand. "Don't worry little one I'll help you with the food." He reassured and led me to a seat next to him. He placed a plate in front of me and started to fill it with strawberries and chocolate pancakes for me to enjoy and placed the jar of syrup near me so I could reach it. "Now careful on the syrup kitten, I don't want you getting sticky. That's uh...not a good thing." I giggled realizing what he wanted to say but stopped himself from saying it.

I picked up my fork and started to scarf down the food before me cause I was starving. I hadn't had a good meal in a while after being in Zack's domain. It wasn't pleasant being over there so everything Jason has done to make up for it was more than enough to feel right back at home again. The pancakes were heavenly and the fruit was fresh. I coudldn't believe I was living like this, with bountiful amounts of food and a perfect boyfriend. I couldn't ask for more.

Jason looks over at me and chuckles as he snacks on some of the fruits that were in his bowl. I assumed since he was a vampire that he didn't eat actual food but I guess it doesn't stop them if they wanted to eat real food. It probably doesn't satisfy them but it's something. He nods and looks at me before he puts another grape into his mouth. "Exactly right princess." He commented, after listening in on my thoughts. "Hey stop listening. I can't think independently, it's unfair." I complained, wanting some things to remain in my head and not his.

"I'm sorry sweetheart I can't help it. I'll try my best not to listen in all the time." He assured before he took a sip of his water and stood up from the table. "What would you like to do today little one? Go get river and play in the backyard? Or check out the horses? Go swimming? My day is yours, but tonight I do have plans for us so be ready to wear something nice."

I looked up at him with my cheeks filled with fruit and pancakes before chewing some more and swallowed. "Um...can we play hide and seek? This place his huge and I wanna have fun exploring." I asked wondering we could play. He's been wanting me to age regress so I thought if I did kid things it would help. He shook his head and chuckled. "You know that's a little unfair for you right?" He commented before I realized that he could most likely hear my heart thump rapidly out of my chest a mile away.

"You're right, nevermind. Um...then can we....cuddle? " I asked again and he simply smiled and nodded. "Sure little one, we can do that." I start eating again and tried to finish quickly so that we could get started right away when he touched the back of my hand and slowed it down. "Careful kitten, don't over eat or rush yourself. You'll get a stomach ache."

I take one more bite and savor it so that I wouldn't stuff my face but the second one was enough to make me feel full. I placed my fork down and leaned back into my chair holding my stomach feeling satisfied from all the food. I was a happy camper now that my stomach was full. All I wanted to do was take a nap after I ate so much. He noticed me sleepiness and pulled my chair back so he could pick me up and take me back upstairs.

Once we made it to the room he made for me, he placed me on the bed and tucked me in under the sheets. I looked up at him and made grabby hands at him as I felt myself start to slip into my own space. I assumed this is what he was talking about when he mentioned little space. I felt small, safe, happy, and sleepy of course. He grinned happily when he saw what state I was in and leaned down to kiss me on the cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me so that he would lay down next to me. He unhooked my arms and went to the shelf to grab one of the stuffed animals and placed it next to me. I cooed and wrapped my arms around it while snuggling with it. While I was preoccupied with the stuffed animal, he slowly pulled back the covers and laid down next to me. His arms snaked around my body and pulled me into his chest.

"My little kitten." He commented under his breath so that only I could hear him.

"My strong daddy." I replied back which got him to hold me tighter than before. And not too long after I was sound asleep, cuddling with my daddy.