Chapter 391 Title Unknown

Ruanruan's little face, resting on the pillow, was pale with a rosy tint, and he tucked her hair behind her ear before kissing her cheek and cuddling with the milk-scented Ruanruan to sleep.

Today was the last day, and time had flown without noticing.

Tomorrow, it would be time to send this little one to Anqing's, and he would be reluctant to do so.

At that very moment, Anqing, who was being thought of, was also busy preparing for Ruanruan's arrival at his house tomorrow.

After coming down from the mountain, he had joined his teammates for a competition, then won a two million cash prize.

Combining that with the money he already had, he scraped together enough to buy a decent apartment.

Although he was poorer than the others, he still put in his greatest effort to give Ruanruan the most comfortable environment possible.

Before, as a single man, living in a rented apartment with teammates was enough, but now things were different—he had a daughter!