Finish Them Off in One Swoop

That mouthful of saliva landed on Mu Mian's face. Just as he reached out to wipe it off, it fell to the ground again.

Mu Mian's face twitched. He took two deep breaths to suppress the strong urge to beat Song Fei up.

"You sure are arrogant." Mu Mian gave a fake smile. He took out a few pieces of paper, crushed them into a ball, and shoved them into Song Fei's mouth roughly. "You only have two days left to live. Let's see how long you can continue being arrogant for."

Song Fei's face was full of disdain. She couldn't even be bothered to look at him. Her eyes ached whenever she looked at Mu Mian.

Song Fei's frivolous manner was really asking for a beating in Mu Mian's eyes. Worried that he would not be able to resist the urge to hit her if he stayed any longer, Mu Mian turned and left.

The room was plunged into complete darkness.