You're more ruthless than me

"Yes, Your Highness."

The guards all sympathized with Bai Zhi. Although Bai Zhi was thrown into the criminal Division for punishment, but

After she entered the punishment Department, would she still have good days?

She would never leave the Criminal Investigation Unit unless she was worn out.

At this moment, a group of people had already gathered on the street in front of the LAN family's residence.

Especially not long ago, Bai Zhi had gone around announcing that Prince Cang of the city was going to marry her as a consort. Now, she had been slapped in the face by Prince Cang on the spot. For a time, she had become a joke in the eyes of everyone!

Bai Zhi stared blankly at di Cang's back as he walked into the LAN family. The tears in her eyes gushed out and rolled onto the ground. Immediately, two guards of the Prince's Mansion came forward and picked up Bai Zhi, who was still crying silently, and walked towards the direction of the punishment Department in a daze.