A cruel thing

"You should be the one apologizing to this little brother!"

"On what basis? i'm the eldest imperial grandson, so whatever i do is what i should do."

the eldest imperial grandson?

Bai Xiaochen blinked his eyes. This little tyrant was Bai RUO's son? No wonder he was so arrogant.

"Xiao Mi, scratch him!"

After knowing that this fellow was Bai RUO's son, Bai Xiaochen let go of his hand and used that tender voice to command.

"meow," she said.

xiao mi meowed once and immediately rushed towards little tyrant. its sharp claws scratched little tyrant's face, and little tyrant cried out in pain.

save me! Come and save me! Kill this d * mn cat!

Those Palace maids and eunuchs had originally wanted to capture Bai Xiaochen, but the moment they heard little tyrant's words, they immediately turned back and pounced towards that little white cat.