From now on, through life and death (2)

After the two brothers left, Bai Yan leaped down from the glass Dragon's Back and landed in front of Wang deqiu and his son.

I've already dealt with the threat for you. It's up to you whether you can grasp this opportunity or not.

Bai Yan's lips curved into a faint smile, her tone light and indifferent.

wang deyi felt touched in his heart. one of the reasons why bai yan chased away wang de yuan and his brother on his behalf was to help him regain his position in the wang family.

"Many thanks, miss Bai."

He said sincerely.

you don't have to thank me. We're in a cooperative relationship and it's mutually beneficial. Moreover, ran ran "she paused and touched little fatty Wang's head," I really like this child, little fatty.

Wang Deyi's mouth twitched. How was this little fatty likable? Why didn't he notice it before?