Returning to the demon Realm (8)

"Probably Yingluo."

Bai Yan nodded lightly.

" okay, i'll try my best to get it to agree. " huang xiaoying's eyes were reluctant to move away from xiao mi, and her cute baby face showed shyness. " that yingluo, my name is huang xiaoying. don't forget me. "

Di Xiaoyun couldn't take it anymore. She patted her head and looked a little annoyed, " "Huang Xiaoying!"

"what are you doing?" Huang Xiaoying finally looked away from Xiao Mi and turned to di Xiaoyun.

if you want to become my sister-in-law's contracted beast, don't even think about it. I won't agree to it either. di Xiaoyun glared at her angrily, " now, get lost to where you came from. Don't think that just because you're my friend, you can snatch my sister-in-law away from me. It's enough as long as I'm the only female beast around her!

No, she had to complain to her Royal brother and ask him to forbid Huang Xiaoying from approaching the palace.