the eve of war (6)

A cold glint flashed across Yun Ruoxi's lowered eyes. She slowly turned around and looked at the cowering servant girl beside her. A sense of disgust rose between her brows.

This maidservant was originally following that woman, but she was forcefully snatched away by her. So now, every time he saw her, he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"Come back with me!"

Her eyes gradually turned cold as she sternly shouted.

The maidservant's neck shrank. She saw Yun Ruoxi's ruthless gaze and knew that when she returned, she would naturally not be able to avoid another beating.

For the past thousand years, she had already become a habit.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Yun Ruoxi would always be beautiful and kind. So, even if she appeared covered in wounds, no one would suspect that it was Yun Ruoxi's doing.


Sacred island.