Ning Yue in despair (1)

Le Xin pursed her lips and didn't say a word. She felt that Ning Yuan had become a stranger to her, so much so that she didn't dare to acknowledge him as Xuanji.

"Not good!" Ning Yuan's expression changed. He looked up at Le Xin, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. did you tell ning Yue where I was? "

Le Xin was stunned. She looked up at Ning Yuan and pondered for a while before saying, " "I've left a mark on Yue 'er. He should be coming."

Bang! Bang!

Ning Yuan's fist landed on Le Xin's chest, and her soft body was instantly sent flying several meters back before she fell into the grass with a bang.

just as le xin's eyes were filled with astonishment, ning yuan had already rushed in front of her. he raised his hand and grabbed her lapels. his face was livid and ferocious.