a father's love is like a mountain (1)

It was as if di Cang did not hear Long Yan's words. The Golden blood on his wrist flowed down and seeped into Bai Yan's wound.

As her wound gradually recovered, Bai Yan's originally pale face also gradually regained its color. Her weak breathing also stabilized.

Seeing this, di Cang's tightly clenched heart finally slowly relaxed.

his sinister and terrifying gaze swept towards ling zun, who was not far away. even the surrounding temperature dropped a lot because of this. it made the people standing beside him feel as if they were in hell and their hair stood on end.

Long Yan opened his mouth in surprise. He wanted to say something, but when he saw the man's gloomy face, he could not say anything more. He just stood behind him in silence.


Bai Xiaochen's small fist was extremely fierce. Under his brutal attack, Ling Zun's body was forced back layer by layer. Endless panic emerged in his heart, and cold sweat seeped down his forehead.