the adorable little ling 'er (4)

Tian Tian ignored the guards that the Grand Elder had brought with him and staggered over to little Ling 'er. He stretched out his hand towards Ling' er as he pursed his lips, "I want to be with Ling 'er."

"this bi an!" first elder was stunned as he turned to look at di cang.

Di Cang shook his head. His meaning was to let them be. It was enough as long as they took care of the guards who slept and ate every day.

"Come with me."

Di Cang glanced at first elder and walked in the direction of the study.

He should also start preparing for the mission that Bai Yan had given him.

first elder received di cang's order and hurriedly chased after him. in the blink of an eye, he had already disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After di Cang and the great elder left, the other guards also returned to their positions and dispersed, leaving only the two little buns and those who had been ordered to take care of them in the entire courtyard.