A way to save her (5)

Below, the guards lowered their heads and didn't dare to make a sound, afraid that Ji Tian would beat them up in a rage.

Just as everyone was holding their breath, hurried footsteps came from outside and quickly ran to Ji Tian.

"great elder, miss gu ya claims that she has the soul fruit and is here to see you."


Overjoyed, Ji Tian hurriedly stood up and said, " "quickly invite her in."


The guard left.

A moment later, a woman in a long green dress entered the room.

Her steps were elegant, and there was a faint smile on her gentle face. Even her every move had an indescribable charm.

miss Gu, do you really have the soul fruit? "

Ji Tianxin was thinking about her granddaughter, so she didn't bother to say anything more and went straight to the point.

Gu Ya smiled. of course. If I didn't have the soul fruit, I would not have come to see the great elder. As for whether the soul fruit is real or not, the great elder can judge it.