Collapse of the ruins (2)

mother said that she would definitely return, yingluo.

she believed in her mother.

therefore, her mother would never leave her.


Ji Tian gasped. He looked at his palm in shock, only to find that it had turned red.

The petite arm in his hand was like a ball of fire, burning his hand. It was so painful that he almost let go.

Fortunately, he came back to his senses in time. He gritted his teeth and refused to let go of Ling 'er's little arm.

Big Bad guy, let me go. I want to find my mother. Wuwu, I want to find my mother, Yingluo.

Ling 'er cried loudly, her arm tugging at Ji Tian's palm.

The anger in her heart grew, and the temperature of her arm became more intense.

If he had been holding the fireball before, his palm was numb with pain now.

However, he knew that he could not let go. Even if his arm was crippled, he would never let go of this little fellow.

Otherwise, Yingying might have disappeared with the ruins.