Nangong sun's intentions (1)

Jiji rolled a few times on the ground before it managed to stabilize its little body.

It shook its head and looked at di Ling 'er pitifully. It meowed twice, as if it was complaining about the white cat's cruelty.

"Jiji, you're back?" Di Ling 'er smiled brightly. let me introduce you to your new friend. His name is Xiaobei.

"Ji Ji."

little jiji snorted in dissatisfaction, not even looking at the white cat. it hadn't forgotten how the white cat had treated it just now.

Of course, bei Zhi didn't pay any attention to Jiji. He licked his claws elegantly, a demonic glint flashing in his domineering eyes.

after that, he slowly raised his head, and his gaze fell on the man behind little jiji.

this man gave it a different feeling from nangong sun.

Compared to Nangong sun, he felt that this guy was even more dangerous.

Of course, that kind of danger wasn't caused by his aura. As for why he felt this way, perhaps bei Zhi himself didn't know.