Di Jintian's heart ached (2)

"Although after the princess leaves, it won't be difficult for her to recruit-few servants with her strength, what if those people have ulterior motives and seduce the Prince Consort because he's good-looking? In the past, the king had been targeted by many people with bad intentions. It's better for us to follow the princess and prevent others from snatching the princess's man. "

"all these years, in order for us to protect the princess, his highness the crown prince has helped us to improve our strength a lot. whoever dares to snatch her away from the princess, i will kill them! Cut her into minced meat and feed her to the dogs in the demon Realm!"


at that moment, di ling 'er did not know that her casual reply to fu qingchen had made the foxes behind her think about so many questions.

in the hearts of all the demonic beasts in the demon realm, the little princess was so outstanding and beautiful. they could not tolerate anyone hurting her.