Let him taste some suffering (2)

After a while, the man released the panting girl in his arms. His lips curled up, and his eyes were full of confidence.

girl, I've said it before. You'll definitely marry me in this life.

"Then I'll go back on my word." The young girl glared at him.

"Renege?" the man chuckled. "in front of me, no one can go back on their word. i will tie you down for the rest of your life and you won't be able to get away. if anyone dares to come near you, i will break their legs!"

this is only my temporary decision. the young girl's charming face had a playful smile. if you want to marry me, you must get my father and brother to agree. If they don't agree, I will not marry.

Bei Zhi's hand gently stroked the girl's Black hair. His smile was still confident and flamboyant.

"It's just a matter of time. If you have any other requests, you can ask them all at once,"

"From now on, I'm the only one by your side. You're not allowed to look at other girls."